Nuprl Definition : gcd-reduce-ineq-constraints
Each inequality constraint is a list [c,a1,a2,...] and represents the
constraint c + a1*v1 + a2*v2 + .... >= 0 (on variables v1, v2, ...).
If g = gcd(a1,a2,...) is greater than 1 then we
divide all the a1,a2,... by g and replace c by the "floor" of ⌜c ÷ g⌝.
This preserves the satisfiability of the inequality.⋅
gcd-reduce-ineq-constraints(sat;LL) ==
accumulate_abort(L,Ls.let h,t = L
in if t = Ax then if (h) < (0) then inr ⋅ else (inl [L / Ls])
otherwise eval g = |gcd-list(t)| in
if (1) < (g)
then eval h' = h ÷↓ g in
eval t' = eager-map(λx.(x ÷ g);t) in
inl [[h' / t'] / Ls]
else (inl [L / Ls]);inl sat;LL)
Definitions occuring in Statement :
gcd-list: gcd-list(L)
accumulate_abort: accumulate_abort(x,sofar.F[x; sofar];s;L)
eager-map: eager-map(f;as)
cons: [a / b]
div_floor: a ÷↓ n
absval: |i|
callbyvalue: callbyvalue,
it: ⋅
isaxiom: if z = Ax then a otherwise b
less: if (a) < (b) then c else d
lambda: λx.A[x]
spread: spread def,
inr: inr x
inl: inl x
divide: n ÷ m
natural_number: $n
Definitions occuring in definition :
accumulate_abort: accumulate_abort(x,sofar.F[x; sofar];s;L)
spread: spread def,
isaxiom: if z = Ax then a otherwise b
inr: inr x
it: ⋅
absval: |i|
gcd-list: gcd-list(L)
less: if (a) < (b) then c else d
natural_number: $n
div_floor: a ÷↓ n
callbyvalue: callbyvalue,
eager-map: eager-map(f;as)
lambda: λx.A[x]
divide: n ÷ m
cons: [a / b]
inl: inl x
FDL editor aliases :
gcd-reduce-ineq-constraints(sat;LL) ==
accumulate\_abort(L,Ls.let h,t = L
in if t = Ax then if (h) < (0) then inr \mcdot{} else (inl [L / Ls])
otherwise eval g = |gcd-list(t)| in
if (1) < (g)
then eval h' = h \mdiv{}\mdownarrow{} g in
eval t' = eager-map(\mlambda{}x.(x \mdiv{} g);t) in
inl [[h' / t'] / Ls]
else (inl [L / Ls]);inl sat;LL)
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