$title=' Year 1';
include_once "../../prlheader.php";
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Develop a prototype of the MathBus. This prototype
will be used to connect locally written mesh generators to geometric
modelers and finite element packages using the specifications
described above. Currently Chew and Vavasis' mesh generators have
different data structures and interfaces for input and output.
Implement a bus in which two-dimensional geometric
objects can be described and annotated. We will use the Nuprl system
to design these formal descriptions and annotations.
Two-dimensional geometric objects can take many forms: they can be
described by their boundaries (as parametric curves), as the solutions
to inequalities involving two variables, as simplicial complexes, as
convex hulls, and so on. We hope to capture as many of these
representations in Nuprl/Weyl as possible. We also intend to investigate
the geometric representations in commercial modeling packages like
AutoCad, and describe these to the Nuprl as well.
- Combine these tools using the MathBus to solve a finite
element problem. Using the meshing tools described above, we will be
able to specify the boundaries of a boundary value problem and use the
MathBus to communicate these boundaries to the SPL programming
language and transformation system. SPL will then use the meshing
information and a specification of the partial differential equations
to synthesize executable code for solving the problem using the finite
element method.
nuprl project
Tue Nov 21 08:50:14 EST 1995
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