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The representation for command strings used by this editor is as a word or sequence of words jammed together with <words go here><words go here> with certain characters represented by special strings rather than themselves.

Also, the following characters must be preceded by \ in order to represent the
character: ( ) ' = \ %

You should avoid using (m-x) and (c-x) in command strings.
You should also try to make commands that are used heavily in conjunction with the mouse be easily entered with the other hand.

Click HERE for a utility for editing these command string representations. In it you will see various buttons for inserting string representations. Most are obvious; they represent individual characters, including combinations of control, shift, and meta keys.

Near the bottom are the extender prefixes, which are not essential, but can be handy to use since you may well want to treat them systematically, as the default settings for kbd bindings do.

You can specify the equivalence of two cmds, or parts thereof, by joining them with {<words><words>}.

The least obvious device is inserted by the button IndirectWord; it is a special obref to an object which will use the contents of that object as part of the word string. IF YOU CAN SEE THIS go to /sfa/Nuprl/Shared/Xindentation_hack_doc.html

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