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Comments may be inserted in most terms, and they will be ignored when the system uses a term for special purposes.

A comment is a "cover" and so can be removed from the term it adorns with the usual delete command `(c-d)'.

The command `com' inserts a comment cover on the point. If the direction mode is left-to-right (normal) then

{[word] } <term>

is inserted. If the mode is right-to-left, then

<term> {[word] }

is inserted.
The command `(backspace)' will toggle between these forms.

EXCEPTIONS: In this version of Nuprl, comments may not be used in the right-hand-side (definiens) of an ABS object, nor in the model of a display form spec in a DISP object.
IF YOU CAN SEE THIS go to /sfa/Nuprl/Shared/Xindentation_hack_doc.html

EditorDoc Sections Nuprl Doc