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More than one display form may be usable for the same term.

It is possible to temporarily disqualify, or "suppress", a display form from being used, in order to fall back to another one that is preferred at that time by the user for some reason. The most common reason is to change from a form that hides parts of the term to one that reveals those parts.

There are three "scopes" of suppression available:

1. Global suppression disqualifies the display form throughout the system.
`g(c-s)' Suppress this display form globally.
`g{(c-n)(m-n)}(c-s)' Undo global suppression for this operator.
`g(c-a){(c-n)(m-n)}(c-s)' Undo all global suppression.
2. Window-local suppression is managed for each window independently. It suppresses the display form throughout the window. Because this kind of suppression is often very temporary indeed, and since complete refresh of a window can be slow, this suppression will not always be reflected except in the point until something precipitates the complete refresh, such as the user issuing a `(c-b)' command. (It would also be desirable to have an "occurrence specific" scope for suppression, but this was not built in. Perhaps later.)

`(c-s)' Suppress the current display form in this window.
`(c-a)(c-a)(c-s)' Repeatedly suppress until none are left.
`{(c-n)(m-n)}(c-s)' Undo all suppressions local to this window for this operator.
`(c-a){(c-n)(m-n)}(c-s)' Undo all suppressions local to this window.

3. Point suppression is an automatic suppression that occurs only at the edit point. It occurs when three conditions coincide:
1. The point is located on the term occurrence in question.
2. The display form has been given the attribute NotAtPoint.
3. The point-suppression enable bit is set. This bit is an attribute of the window, so you can have it enabled in one window and disabled in another.

`(c-u)(c-s)' Toggle the point suppression enable/disable bit.
`(m-s)' If point suppression is disabled, enable it.
Else, if a display form is actually being point-suppressed, suppress that display form throughout this window. (this is just so the user doesn't have to disable point suppression to get at the point-suppressed display form.)
Else just suppress this display form throughout this window.
`{(c-n)(m-n)}(m-s)' Like `{(c-n)(m-n)}(c-s)', but also disables point-suppression.
`g(m-s)' Global version of `(m-s)'
`g{(c-n)(m-n)}(m-s)' Global version of `{(c-n)(m-n)}(m-s)'.

The point-suppression enable/disable bit is also used to control a few other automatic point-modification features. So if you are having a temporary problem with some automatic point modification happening, try disabling point-suppression. IF YOU CAN SEE THIS go to /sfa/Nuprl/Shared/Xindentation_hack_doc.html

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