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Terms have parts that are not themselves terms, rather they are strings, sometimes called operator-parameters since they are often conceived as parameterizing families of operators.

The "text-cursor", as opposed to the term cursor, usually must be located in the pertinent string part of the term in order to edit it. The point may be either on a term, or at a point in a string. When the mark is also in the same string, the substring that is between them is considered "selected" as the argument to certain edit-commands.

Setting the text cursor.

Moving the Point from Term to String(Text).
Assume the point is on a term:
When clicked on a string, `(m-(mouseleft))' will place the point at the end of the string, and the mark at the beginning, no matter where in the string you click. Once you have a text-cursor, you can move the point simply with `(m-(mouseleft))'.
It is often possible to move down into a string with `(c-j)' so long as the ABS or display form for the term has the attribute "easyparm"; when this works, the point is left at the right end and the mark the left end, just as it is for `(m-(mouseleft))'. In any case, you can navigate with the very simple commands `(m-j)', `(m-k)', `(m-h)', and `(m-l)', which will not affect the mark.

You can position the point to another text position by pointing at it with
`(m-(mouseleft))', which sets the point to the indicated character, and moves the mark to where the point was, thus selecting a substring if both are in the same text.

Within text, `(c-h)' and `(c-l)' move one character left or right, and `(c-a)(c-h)' and `(c-a)(c-l)' move the point to the first or last position in the string. `(c-j)' will also move to the front of the string containing the point. So, with "easyparm" operators, repeating `(c-j)' will move the point successively from the term to the last string position, to the first.

Insertion and deletion. doc for string editing2 IF YOU CAN SEE THIS go to /sfa/Nuprl/Shared/Xindentation_hack_doc.html

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