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Guarded Types: T(given P)

Sometimes when describing the intended types of arguments to functions, we want to hedge our typing with some further condition.

For example, the conjunction operator "A & B" of Nuprl is actually what is often called a "cand" or "conditional and", in which the second conjunct is required to be sensible only when the first conjunct is true. Consider the theorem:

Thm* k:. 0<k & (2  k)<1  2<k

Even if the expression "2  k" is assigned no truth value for k = 0, it can occur in a context entailing k  0, such as in "0<k & (2  k)<1" in this case.

The well-formedness of (conditional) "and" can be expressed thus:

Thm* A:Prop, B:Prop(given A). (A & B Prop

Similarly, "A  B" and even "B(given A)" itself are of the same kind.

Thm* A:Prop, B:Prop(given A). (A  B Prop

Thm* A:Prop, B:Type(given A). B(given A Type

Thus, one can naturally express dependent propositions such as "k:. 0<k  (2  k)<1", where the truth of the antecedent would entail that the consequent makes sense.

More specifically, the membership of a type "T(given A)" has these properties: for any (closed) expression "e", if "A" is true then e  T(given A) just when e  T. If "A" is false then e  T(given A) unconditionally.

There is a special connection between guarded types and Comprehension Subtypes:

Thm* P:(AProp), B:(x:AType(given P(x))).
Thm* x:{u:AP(u) }B(x) =ext x:AB(x)(given P(x))

See also Intersection Types and Propositions.

(Feb 2001 - sfa )

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