| Who Cites case ts fvar? |
case_ts_fvar | Def Case ts_fvar(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == ( x1.inr(x2) = > ( x1.inr(x2) = > ( x1.inr(x2) = > ( x1.inl(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont(hd(x1),z))([x1]) |
hd | Def hd(l) == Case of l; nil "?" ; h.t h |
| | Thm* A:Type, l:A List. ||l|| 1  hd(l) A |
| | Thm* A:Type, l:A List . hd(l) A |
tl | Def tl(l) == Case of l; nil nil ; h.t t |
| | Thm* A:Type, l:A List. tl(l) A List |
case_inl | Def inl(x) = > body(x) cont(value,contvalue) == InjCase(value; x. body(x); _. cont(contvalue,contvalue)) |
case_inr | Def inr(x) = > body(x) cont(value,contvalue) == InjCase(value; _. cont(contvalue,contvalue); x. body(x)) |