Nuprl Lemma : geo-between-same-side
∀e:BasicGeometry. ∀[A,B,C,D:Point]. (¬((¬B(ACD)) ∧ (¬B(ADC)))) supposing (A # B and B(ABC) and B(ABD))
Definitions occuring in Statement :
basic-geometry: BasicGeometry
geo-between: B(abc)
geo-sep: a # b
geo-point: Point
uimplies: b supposing a
uall: ∀[x:A]. B[x]
all: ∀x:A. B[x]
not: ¬A
and: P ∧ Q
Definitions unfolded in proof :
all: ∀x:A. B[x]
uall: ∀[x:A]. B[x]
member: t ∈ T
uimplies: b supposing a
not: ¬A
implies: P
⇒ Q
false: False
and: P ∧ Q
subtype_rel: A ⊆r B
guard: {T}
prop: ℙ
basic-geometry: BasicGeometry
exists: ∃x:A. B[x]
geo-eq: a ≡ b
rev_implies: P
⇐ Q
iff: P
⇐⇒ Q
euclidean-plane: EuclideanPlane
basic-geometry-: BasicGeometry-
uiff: uiff(P;Q)
squash: ↓T
true: True
subtract: n - m
cons: [a / b]
select: L[n]
satisfiable_int_formula: satisfiable_int_formula(fmla)
or: P ∨ Q
decidable: Dec(P)
lelt: i ≤ j < k
int_seg: {i..j-}
top: Top
l_all: (∀x∈L.P[x])
geo-colinear-set: geo-colinear-set(e; L)
so_apply: x[s1;s2;s3]
so_lambda: so_lambda3,
append: as @ bs
ge: i ≥ j
less_than: a < b
cand: A c∧ B
less_than': less_than'(a;b)
le: A ≤ B
nat: ℕ
l_member: (x ∈ l)
stable: Stable{P}
\mforall{}[A,B,C,D:Point]. (\mneg{}((\mneg{}B(ACD)) \mwedge{} (\mneg{}B(ADC)))) supposing (A \# B and B(ABC) and B(ABD))
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