Nuprl Definition : correct_proof

correct_proof(Sequent;effect;s;pf) ==
  fix((λcorrect_proof,s,pf. let sr,f pf 
                            in ((fst(sr)) s ∈ Sequent)
                               ∧ case effect sr
                                  of inl(subgoals) =>
                                  ∀i:ℕ||subgoals||. (correct_proof subgoals[i] (f i))
                                  inr(x) =>

Definitions occuring in Statement :  select: L[n] length: ||as|| int_seg: {i..j-} pi1: fst(t) all: x:A. B[x] and: P ∧ Q false: False apply: a fix: fix(F) lambda: λx.A[x] spread: spread def decide: case of inl(x) => s[x] inr(y) => t[y] natural_number: $n equal: t ∈ T
Definitions occuring in definition :  fix: fix(F) lambda: λx.A[x] spread: spread def and: P ∧ Q equal: t ∈ T pi1: fst(t) decide: case of inl(x) => s[x] inr(y) => t[y] all: x:A. B[x] int_seg: {i..j-} natural_number: $n length: ||as|| select: L[n] apply: a false: False
FDL editor aliases :  correct_proof

correct\_proof(Sequent;effect;s;pf)  ==
    fix((\mlambda{}correct$_{proof}$,s,pf.  let  sr,f  =  pf 
                                                      in  ((fst(sr))  =  s)
                                                            \mwedge{}  case  effect  sr
                                                                  of  inl(subgoals)  =>
                                                                  \mforall{}i:\mBbbN{}||subgoals||.  (correct$_{proof}$  subgoals[i\000C]  (f  i))
                                                                  |  inr(x)  =>

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