Nuprl Lemma : hdf-union-ap
∀[A,B,C:Type]. ∀[X:hdataflow(A;B)]. ∀[Y:hdataflow(A;C)]. ∀[a:A].
  (X + Y(a)
     = <fst(X(a)) + fst(Y(a)), bag-map(λx.(inl x);snd(X(a))) + bag-map(λx.(inr x );snd(Y(a)))>
     ∈ (hdataflow(A;B + C) × bag(B + C))) supposing 
     (valueall-type(B) and 
Definitions occuring in Statement : 
hdf-union: X + Y
hdf-ap: X(a)
hdataflow: hdataflow(A;B)
valueall-type: valueall-type(T)
uimplies: b supposing a
uall: ∀[x:A]. B[x]
pi1: fst(t)
pi2: snd(t)
lambda: λx.A[x]
pair: <a, b>
product: x:A × B[x]
inr: inr x 
inl: inl x
union: left + right
universe: Type
equal: s = t ∈ T
bag-append: as + bs
bag-map: bag-map(f;bs)
bag: bag(T)
Definitions unfolded in proof : 
uall: ∀[x:A]. B[x]
member: t ∈ T
uimplies: b supposing a
hdf-ap: X(a)
hdf-union: X + Y
mk-hdf: mk-hdf(s,m.G[s; m];st.H[st];s0)
all: ∀x:A. B[x]
implies: P 
⇒ Q
bool: 𝔹
unit: Unit
it: ⋅
btrue: tt
uiff: uiff(P;Q)
and: P ∧ Q
band: p ∧b q
ifthenelse: if b then t else f fi 
hdf-halt: hdf-halt()
top: Top
pi1: fst(t)
pi2: snd(t)
exposed-bfalse: exposed-bfalse
callbyvalueall: callbyvalueall, 
evalall: evalall(t)
bag-map: bag-map(f;bs)
map: map(f;as)
list_ind: list_ind, 
empty-bag: {}
nil: []
bfalse: ff
exists: ∃x:A. B[x]
prop: ℙ
or: P ∨ Q
sq_type: SQType(T)
guard: {T}
bnot: ¬bb
assert: ↑b
false: False
subtype_rel: A ⊆r B
ext-eq: A ≡ B
not: ¬A
true: True
has-value: (a)↓
has-valueall: has-valueall(a)
so_lambda: λ2x.t[x]
so_apply: x[s]
so_lambda: λ2x y.t[x; y]
so_apply: x[s1;s2]
hdf-halted: hdf-halted(P)
isr: isr(x)
\mforall{}[A,B,C:Type].  \mforall{}[X:hdataflow(A;B)].  \mforall{}[Y:hdataflow(A;C)].  \mforall{}[a:A].
    (X  +  Y(a)
          =  <fst(X(a))  +  fst(Y(a))
              ,  bag-map(\mlambda{}x.(inl  x);snd(X(a)))  +  bag-map(\mlambda{}x.(inr  x  );snd(Y(a)))
              >)  supposing 
          (valueall-type(B)  and 
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Theory : halting!dataflow