Nuprl Lemma : parallel-compose2-program-eq
∀[Info,B,C:Type]. ∀[X1,X2:Id ⟶ hdataflow(Info;B ⟶ bag(C))]. ∀[X:Id ⟶ hdataflow(Info;B)].
  (X1 o X || X2 o X = X1 || X2 o X ∈ (Id ⟶ hdataflow(Info;C))) supposing 
     (valueall-type(C) and 
     valueall-type(B) and 
Definitions occuring in Statement : 
parallel-class-program: X || Y
eclass2-program: Xpr o Ypr
hdataflow: hdataflow(A;B)
Id: Id
valueall-type: valueall-type(T)
uimplies: b supposing a
uall: ∀[x:A]. B[x]
squash: ↓T
function: x:A ⟶ B[x]
universe: Type
equal: s = t ∈ T
bag: bag(T)
Definitions unfolded in proof : 
uall: ∀[x:A]. B[x]
member: t ∈ T
uimplies: b supposing a
squash: ↓T
exists: ∃x:A. B[x]
all: ∀x:A. B[x]
class-ap: X(e)
hdataflow-class: hdataflow-class(F)
pi2: snd(t)
hdf-ap: X(a)
iterate-hdataflow: P*(inputs)
list_accum: list_accum, 
map: map(f;as)
list_ind: list_ind, 
es-before: before(e)
ifthenelse: if b then t else f fi 
es-first: first(e)
bor: p ∨bq
es-eq-E: e = e'
es-eq: es-eq(es)
band: p ∧b q
eq_id: a = b
id-deq: IdDeq
atom2-deq: Atom2Deq
eq_atom: eq_atom$n(x;y)
es-loc: loc(e)
record-select: r.x
so_lambda: λ2x.t[x]
so_apply: x[s]
subtype_rel: A ⊆r B
local-class: LocalClass(X)
sq_exists: ∃x:{A| B[x]}
implies: P 
⇒ Q
prop: ℙ
guard: {T}
iff: P 
⇐⇒ Q
and: P ∧ Q
rev_implies: P 
⇐ Q
so_lambda: λ2x y.t[x; y]
so_apply: x[s1;s2]
true: True
parallel-class-program: X || Y
eclass2-program: Xpr o Ypr
bool: 𝔹
unit: Unit
it: ⋅
btrue: tt
uiff: uiff(P;Q)
bfalse: ff
or: P ∨ Q
sq_type: SQType(T)
bnot: ¬bb
assert: ↑b
false: False
\mforall{}[Info,B,C:Type].  \mforall{}[X1,X2:Id  {}\mrightarrow{}  hdataflow(Info;B  {}\mrightarrow{}  bag(C))].  \mforall{}[X:Id  {}\mrightarrow{}  hdataflow(Info;B)].
    (X1  o  X  ||  X2  o  X  =  X1  ||  X2  o  X)  supposing  (valueall-type(C)  and  valueall-type(B)  and  (\mdownarrow{}B))
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Theory : local!classes