of Lemma
1. [T] : Type
2. [S] : Type
3. [U] : Type
4. r : ℕ ⟶ U@i
5. U ⊆r ℕ
6. ∀x:U. ((r x) = x ∈ U)
7. g : S ⟶ U@i
8. Bij(S;U;g)
9. F : (ℕ ⟶ T) ⟶ S@i
10. M : n:ℕ ⟶ (ℕn ⟶ T) ⟶ (ℕ?)@i
11. ∀f:ℕ ⟶ T
((∃n:ℕ. ((M n f) = (inl (g (F f))) ∈ (ℕ?))) ∧ (∀n:ℕ. (M n f) = (inl (g (F f))) ∈ (ℕ?) supposing ↑isl(M n f)))
12. h : U ⟶ S
13. (∀b:U. ((g (h b)) = b ∈ U)) ∧ (∀a:S. ((h (g a)) = a ∈ S))
⊢ ∃M:n:ℕ ⟶ (ℕn ⟶ T) ⟶ (S?)
∀f:ℕ ⟶ T. ((∃n:ℕ. ((M n f) = (inl (F f)) ∈ (S?))) ∧ (∀n:ℕ. (M n f) = (inl (F f)) ∈ (S?) supposing ↑isl(M n f)))
{ ((D 0 With ⌜λn,f. case M n f of inl(m) => inl (h (r m)) | inr(x) => inr x ⌝ THENW Auto)
THEN Reduce 0
THEN ParallelOp -3) }
1. [T] : Type
2. [S] : Type
3. [U] : Type
4. r : ℕ ⟶ U@i
5. U ⊆r ℕ
6. ∀x:U. ((r x) = x ∈ U)
7. g : S ⟶ U@i
8. Bij(S;U;g)
9. F : (ℕ ⟶ T) ⟶ S@i
10. M : n:ℕ ⟶ (ℕn ⟶ T) ⟶ (ℕ?)@i
11. ∀f:ℕ ⟶ T
((∃n:ℕ. ((M n f) = (inl (g (F f))) ∈ (ℕ?))) ∧ (∀n:ℕ. (M n f) = (inl (g (F f))) ∈ (ℕ?) supposing ↑isl(M n f)))
12. h : U ⟶ S
13. (∀b:U. ((g (h b)) = b ∈ U)) ∧ (∀a:S. ((h (g a)) = a ∈ S))
14. f : ℕ ⟶ T
15. (∃n:ℕ. ((M n f) = (inl (g (F f))) ∈ (ℕ?))) ∧ (∀n:ℕ. (M n f) = (inl (g (F f))) ∈ (ℕ?) supposing ↑isl(M n f))
⊢ (∃n:ℕ. (case M n f of inl(m) => inl (h (r m)) | inr(x) => inr x = (inl (F f)) ∈ (S?)))
∧ (∀n:ℕ
case M n f of inl(m) => inl (h (r m)) | inr(x) => inr x = (inl (F f)) ∈ (S?)
supposing ↑isl(case M n f of inl(m) => inl (h (r m)) | inr(x) => inr x ))
1. [T] : Type
2. [S] : Type
3. [U] : Type
4. r : \mBbbN{} {}\mrightarrow{} U@i
5. U \msubseteq{}r \mBbbN{}
6. \mforall{}x:U. ((r x) = x)
7. g : S {}\mrightarrow{} U@i
8. Bij(S;U;g)
9. F : (\mBbbN{} {}\mrightarrow{} T) {}\mrightarrow{} S@i
10. M : n:\mBbbN{} {}\mrightarrow{} (\mBbbN{}n {}\mrightarrow{} T) {}\mrightarrow{} (\mBbbN{}?)@i
11. \mforall{}f:\mBbbN{} {}\mrightarrow{} T
((\mexists{}n:\mBbbN{}. ((M n f) = (inl (g (F f)))))
\mwedge{} (\mforall{}n:\mBbbN{}. (M n f) = (inl (g (F f))) supposing \muparrow{}isl(M n f)))
12. h : U {}\mrightarrow{} S
13. (\mforall{}b:U. ((g (h b)) = b)) \mwedge{} (\mforall{}a:S. ((h (g a)) = a))
\mvdash{} \mexists{}M:n:\mBbbN{} {}\mrightarrow{} (\mBbbN{}n {}\mrightarrow{} T) {}\mrightarrow{} (S?)
\mforall{}f:\mBbbN{} {}\mrightarrow{} T
((\mexists{}n:\mBbbN{}. ((M n f) = (inl (F f)))) \mwedge{} (\mforall{}n:\mBbbN{}. (M n f) = (inl (F f)) supposing \muparrow{}isl(M n f)))
((D 0 With \mkleeneopen{}\mlambda{}n,f. case M n f of inl(m) => inl (h (r m)) | inr(x) => inr x \mkleeneclose{} THENW Auto)
THEN Reduce 0
THEN ParallelOp -3)