Library CFGV

Require Export GVariables.
Set Implicit Arguments.

used in bindingInfoCorrect below. Also, see ValidIndicesDecidable below
Definition ValidIndices {A B : Type}
  (bindingInfo : list (nat × nat))
  (rhsSyms : list (A + B)) : [univ]
:= (
       n m,
      LIn (n,m) bindingInfo
      → (m < length rhsSyms) × (n < length rhsSyms)
          × (true = liftNth isInl rhsSyms n)
        (true = liftNth isInl rhsSyms n)
        → LIn n (map (@fst _ _) bindingInfo)
    ×no_repeats bindingInfo.

For concretely specified grammars, one can just compute the following lemma to get the proof of ValidIndices. See the tactic (Ltac) proveBindingInfoCorrect below.
Lemma ValidIndicesDecidable:
   {A B : Type}
  (bindingInfo : list (nat × nat))
  (rhsSyms : list (A + B)),
  decidable (ValidIndices bindingInfo rhsSyms).
  unfold ValidIndices.
  apply decidable_prod;[|apply decidable_prod].
  - induction bindingInfo as [| (n,m) bindingInfo Hind];
      [left; dands |]; cpx.
    dorn Hind;[| right]; cpx.
    remember (liftNth isInl rhsSyms n) as bl.
    destruct (lt_dec m (length rhsSyms));
    destruct (lt_dec n (length rhsSyms));
    destruct bl; try rewrite <- Heqbl;
    try(left; introv Hin; repeat(in_reasoning); cpx; fail);
    [| | | | | | ];
    right; introv Hin;
    specialize (Hin _ _ (inl eq_refl));
    try rewrite <- Heqbl in Hin;
    dands; cpx.

  - remember ((map (fst (B:=nat)) bindingInfo)) as bif.
    clear dependent bindingInfo.
    revert bif. unfold liftNth;
    induction rhsSyms as [| rs rhsSyms Hind];
      [left; intro n; destruct n;
         simpl; cpx |].
    intro bifCons.
    remember (flat_map
      (fun nmatch n with
               |0 ⇒ []
               | S m[m] end) bifCons)
      as bif.
    specialize (Hind bif).
    dorn Hind; [| right]; cpx.
    + destruct rs as [sa| sb];[|left; destruct n;
            allsimpl; cpx].
      × destruct (in_deq _ deq_nat 0 bifCons); cpx;
        [left; destruct n | right]; simpl;
        subst bif; cpx;[].

        introv Heq.
        apply Hind in Heq.
        apply lin_flat_map in Heq.
        destruct x; cpx.
        inverts Heq0; cpx; fail.

      × introv Heq. subst bif.
        specialize (Hind ( n)).
        apply Hind in Heq. clear Hind.
        apply lin_flat_map in Heq.
        exrepnd. destruct x; cpx.
        inverts Heq0; cpx.
    + introv Hc. apply Hind. clear Hind. introv Heq.
      subst bif. apply lin_flat_map.
      specialize (Hc (S n)). simpl in Hc.
      apply Hc in Heq.
       (S n). dands; cpx.

  - apply no_repeat_dec. apply deq_prod; exact deq_nat.

Record CFGV := {
  Terminal : Type; VarSym : Type;
  TNonTerminal : Type; PNonTerminal : Type;

  PatProd : Type; EmbedProd : Type; TermProd : Type;

  varSem : VarSymVarType;
  vSubstType : VarSymTNonTerminal;
  tSemType : TerminalType;

  ppLhsRhs: PatProd
    (PNonTerminal × list (PNonTerminal
                           + (Terminal + VarSym)));

  epLhsRhs : EmbedProd → (PNonTerminal × TNonTerminal);
  tpLhsRhs: TermProd
    (TNonTerminal × list ((PNonTerminal + VarSym)
  bindingInfo : TermProdlist (nat × nat);
  bindingInfoCorrect: (p: TermProd),
      ValidIndices (bindingInfo p) (snd (tpLhsRhs p));
}. CatchFileBetweenTagsCFGVEnd

  DeqVarSym : Deq VarSym;
  deqT : Deq Terminal;
  deqNT : Deq TNonTerminal;
  deqPT : Deq PNonTerminal;
  deqPr : Deq TermProd;
  deqEm : Deq EmbedProd;
  deqPPr : Deq PatProd;
  deqTSem : (t: Terminal), Deq (tSemType t)


Definition vType {G: CFGV} (vc : VarSym G) : Type :=
  (typ (varSem G vc)).

A more intuitive way to denote symbols of a CFGV : instead of inl inr....
Inductive GSym (G: CFGV) : Type :=
| gsymT : Terminal GGSym G
| gsymV : VarSym GGSym G
| gsymTN : TNonTerminal GGSym G
| gsymPN : PNonTerminal GGSym G.
Make the CFGV argument implicit
Arguments gsymT {G} _.
Arguments gsymV {G} _.
Arguments gsymTN {G} _.
Arguments gsymPN {G} _.

Arguments bindingInfo {c} _.

Lemma deqGSym : (G: CFGV),
  Deq (GSym G).
intros sa sb.
destruct sa as [sa|sa|sa|sa]; destruct sb as [sb|sb|sb|sb];
try (right; introv Hc; inverts Hc; cpx; fail).
- destruct (deqT G sa sb);[left; subst|right; introv HC; inverts HC]; cpx.
- destruct (DeqVarSym G sa sb);[left; subst|right; introv HC; inverts HC]; cpx.
- destruct (deqNT G sa sb);[left; subst|right; introv HC; inverts HC]; cpx.
- destruct (deqPT G sa sb);[left; subst|right; introv HC; inverts HC]; cpx.

Hint Resolve deqT deqTSem DeqVarSym deqNT deqPT deqGSym deqPr deqEm deqPPr: Deq.

Definition prhs_aux {G : CFGV}
  (symSum :((PNonTerminal G + VarSym G)
              +(Terminal G + TNonTerminal G))) : (GSym G) :=
match symSum with
| inl (inl p) ⇒ gsymPN p
| inl (inr vc) ⇒ gsymV vc
| inr (inl t) ⇒ gsymT t
| inr (inr nt) ⇒ gsymTN nt

Definition tpRhsSym {G: CFGV} (p:TermProd G) : list (GSym G)
:=map (prhs_aux) (snd (tpLhsRhs G p)).

Definition ptrhs_aux {G : CFGV}
  (symSum :((PNonTerminal G)+ (Terminal G + VarSym G)))
      : (GSym G) :=
match symSum with
| (inl p) ⇒ gsymPN p
| inr (inl t) ⇒ gsymT t
| inr (inr v) ⇒ gsymV v

Definition gsymNotNT {G : CFGV} (s : GSym G) :=
match s with
| gsymT _True
| gsymV _True
| gsymTN _False
| gsymPN _True

Lemma ptrhs_aux_nonNT : {G: CFGV}
    (symSum :((PNonTerminal G)+ (Terminal G + VarSym G))) ,
  gsymNotNT (ptrhs_aux symSum).
  dorn symSum;[|dorn symSum]; simpl; auto.

Definition ppRhsSym {G: CFGV} (p:PatProd G) : list (GSym G)
:=map (ptrhs_aux) (snd (ppLhsRhs G p)).

Definition tpLhs (G: CFGV) (p:TermProd G) : TNonTerminal G
:= (fst (tpLhsRhs G p)).

Definition epLhs (G: CFGV) (p:EmbedProd G) : PNonTerminal G
:= (fst (epLhsRhs G p)).

Definition epRhs (G: CFGV) (p:EmbedProd G) : TNonTerminal G
:= (snd (epLhsRhs G p)).

Definition ppLhs (G: CFGV) (p:PatProd G) : PNonTerminal G
:= (fst (ppLhsRhs G p)).

Definition gsymNotP {G : CFGV} (s : GSym G) :=
match s with
| gsymT _True
| gsymV _True
| gsymTN _True
| gsymPN _False

Arguments DeqVarSym {c} _ _.

Definition flatten {A : Type} (l : list (list A)) : list A:=
  flat_map (fun xx) l.

Definition bindCount {G : CFGV} (p: TermProd G) (n : nat) :=
  let lnat := (map (@fst _ _) (bindingInfo p))
    in count_occ deq_nat lnat n.

Definition prhsIsBound {G : CFGV} (p: TermProd G) : list bool :=
 (map isInl (snd (tpLhsRhs G p))).

Definition MixtureParam {G : CFGV} :=
  list (bool × (GSym G)).

Definition MParamCorrectb {G : CFGV} (pp: @MixtureParam G)
   : bool :=
forallb (fun pmatch p with
                   | (false, gsymPN _)false
                   | _true

Definition tpRhsAugIsPat {G : CFGV} (p: TermProd G)
    : MixtureParam :=
 combine (prhsIsBound p) (tpRhsSym p).

Definition bindingSourcesNth {G:CFGV}
  (p: TermProd G) (k:nat) : list nat :=
     (fun pp : (nat × nat)
                ⇒ let (n,m) := pp in
                    if (beq_nat k m) then [n] else [])
     (bindingInfo p).

Definition ValidNthSrc (len : nat) (ln: list nat):=
  no_repeats ln
  × lForall (fun nn < len) ln.

Lemma bsNthValid : {G:CFGV}
(p: TermProd G) (k:nat),
ValidNthSrc (length (tpRhsSym p)) (bindingSourcesNth p k).
  intros. unfold ValidNthSrc.
  unfold bindingSourcesNth, bindingInfo, tpRhsSym.
  autorewrite with fast.
  pose proof (bindingInfoCorrect G p) as XX.
  destruct (tpLhsRhs G p) as [lhs ls].
  destruct G; allsimpl; cpx.

  allsimpl. remember ((bindingInfo0 p)) as bi. clear Heqbi.
  allsimpl. clear bindingInfoCorrect0.
  repnud XX. clear XX1.
  induction bi; dands; allsimpl; cpx;
  allrw no_repeats_cons;

  apply IHbi in XX1; exrepnd; cpx;
  remember (beq_nat k a) as bn; destruct bn; cpx;
  allrw no_repeats_cons; allsimpl; dands; cpx.
  - introv Hin. rw lin_flat_map in Hin.
    remember (beq_nat k x) as bkx; destruct bkx; allsimpl; cpx.
    dorn Hin0; subst; cpx.
    allapply beq_nat_eq.
    subst. subst. cpx.
  - pose proof (XX0 _ _ (inl eq_refl)).
    repnd; cpx.

Definition bndngPatIndices {G:CFGV}
  (p: TermProd G) : list (list nat) :=
map (bindingSourcesNth p) (seq 0 (length (tpRhsSym p))).

Definition validBsl (len:nat) (lln: list (list nat)) :=
lforall (ValidNthSrc len) lln.

Lemma bndngPatIndicesValid :
{G:CFGV} (p: TermProd G),
validBsl (length (tpRhsSym p)) (bndngPatIndices p).
  unfold bndngPatIndices.
  introv Hin.
  apply in_map_iff in Hin.
  apply bsNthValid.

Lemma bndngPatIndicesValid2 :
{G:CFGV} (p: TermProd G),
validBsl (length (snd (tpLhsRhs G p))) (bndngPatIndices p).
  pose proof (bndngPatIndicesValid p) as X.
  unfold tpRhsSym in X.
  autorewrite with fast in X.

Lemma DeqVtype : {G:CFGV} (vc : VarSym G),
     Deq (vType vc).
  intros. unfold vType.
  match goal with
  [ |- Deq (typ ?xx)] ⇒ destruct xx as [? vd]
  repnud vd. auto.

Hint Resolve DeqVtype : Deq.

Definition vFreshVar
  {G : CFGV}
  {vc : VarSym G}
  (lvAvoid: list (vType vc))
  (v: (vType vc)) : vType vc :=
  ((fresh (varSem G vc)) lvAvoid [v]).

Definition GFreshVars
  {G : CFGV}
  {vc : VarSym G}
  (lvAvoid: list (vType vc))
  (lv: list (vType vc)) : list (vType vc) :=
  (FreshDistinctVars (varSem G vc) lv lvAvoid).

Lemma FreshDistVarsSpec:
  {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  (lvAvoid: list (vType vc))
  (lv: list (vType vc)),
  let lvn := (GFreshVars lvAvoid lv) in
  no_repeats lvn × disjoint lvn lvAvoid × length lvn= length lv.
  subst lvn.
  unfold GFreshVars.
  pose proof(
    FreshDistVarsSpec lv lvAvoid).
  exrepnd; dands; cpx.

Lemma vFreshVarSpec :
  {G : CFGV}
  {vc : VarSym G}
  (lvAvoid: list (vType vc))
  (v: (vType vc)),
  ! LIn (vFreshVar lvAvoid v) lvAvoid.
  unfold vFreshVar.
  revert v. revert lvAvoid.
  unfold vType.
  destruct (varSem G vc) as [T vd Vf Vfc].
  exrepnd. allsimpl.

also guaranteed to be different from the input
Definition vFreshDiff
  {G : CFGV}
  {vc : VarSym G}
  (lvAvoid: list (vType vc))
  (v: (vType vc)) :=
  (fresh (varSem G vc)) (v::lvAvoid) [v].

Lemma vFreshDiffSpec :
  {G : CFGV}
  {vc : VarSym G}
  (lvAvoid: list (vType vc))
  (v: (vType vc)),
  ! LIn (vFreshDiff (lvAvoid) v) (v::lvAvoid).
  apply vFreshVarSpec.

Lemma length_pRhsAugIsPat : {G : CFGV} (p : TermProd G),
  length (tpRhsAugIsPat p) = length ((snd (tpLhsRhs G p))).
  intros. simpl.
  unfold tpRhsAugIsPat, prhsIsBound , tpRhsSym.
  rewrite combine_length.
  autorewrite with fast.
  rewrite min_eq; refl.

Lemma GFreshDistRenWSpec:
   {G:CFGV} (vc : VarSym G)
  (lv :list (vType vc))
  (lvAvoid :list (vType vc)),
  {lvn : list (vType vc) $
  no_repeats lvn × disjoint lvn lvAvoid
  × length lvn= length lv}.
  intros. eapply FreshDistRenWSpec; eauto.

Lemma deqMixP : {G}, Deq (@MixtureParam G).
  unfold MixtureParam.
  eauto with Deq.

Lemma deqSigVType :
   {G}, (Deq (sigT (@vType G))).
  apply sigTDeq;
  eauto with Deq.

Lemma deqSigTSemType :
   {G}, (Deq (sigT (tSemType G))).
  apply sigTDeq;
  eauto with Deq.

Definition decDisjointV {G} (vc : VarSym G)
   (la lb : list (vType vc)) :
    (disjoint la lb[+]!disjoint la lb)
  := dec_disjoint (DeqVtype vc) la lb.

Ltac proveBindingInfoCorrect :=
  let p:= fresh "tprod" in
  let d:= fresh "decVal" in
  let Heqd:= fresh "Heq" d in
  intro p;
  match goal with
  [ |- ValidIndices ?binf ?rhsSyms ] ⇒
    remember (ValidIndicesDecidable binf rhsSyms) as d eqn:Heqd;
      destruct p; unfold ValidIndicesDecidable in Heqd; allsimpl;
      destruct d; auto; inverts Heqd

Ltac proveDeqInductiveNonrec :=
  let x:= fresh "xdl" in
  let y:= fresh "axr" in
  let Hc:= fresh "Hcontra" in
  intros x y ; destruct x; destruct y;
    try (left; cpx; fail); (try right; introv Hc; inverts Hc ; cpx).