EditorDoc Sections Nuprl Doc
IF YOU CAN SEE THIS go to /sfa/Nuprl/Shared/Xindentation_hack_doc.html
`(c-#)' kbd_goto_next_search_mark

Searches the window in preorder for the next FOUND <term> and leaves the point there. This is how terms are marked by the search utilities via the ML function edit_search_term.
NOTE: It also stops on #COVER # <term> # <term>
edit find menu
Also stops if the top is hit.
BUG: It's rather slow to search a large term because no search primitives have been implemented for the editor.
IF YOU CAN SEE THIS go to /sfa/Nuprl/Shared/Xindentation_hack_doc.html

EditorDoc Sections Nuprl Doc