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The primary form of ML in this editor is "structured".

(For unstructured ML and the underlying scanner, doc for ML scanner.)

Most of the ML syntax has been represented with Nuprl operators.

Do you want to see a listing the basic ones? YES

(As usual, `(c-a)(c-?)' or `(cm-(mousemiddle))' on an operator will tell you something about it, especially if there is a command for inserting it.)

There is a utility menu for editing ML which you can raise either with the ML button in the MainMenu, or with the `mledit' command, or with the `{ededit}' command in an ML context.

There are a few special methods involved in editing structured ML.

doc for ML editing let doc for ML editing if

In-place evaluation using `{(m-z)(cm-z)}' is key; HERE for details.

Name completion on ML global ids is quite helpful.
`(c-&)' `(c-a)(c-&)' `(c-u)(c-&)' doc for name completion

`show' and `(cm-(mouseright))' search the ML objects in the library for definitions of ML global ids. HERE for detail.

ML ids are represented as terms with operator [text]. Usually, entering an identifier on a term slot will insert the [text] using that identifier as the text. But if that doesn't work, say because the identifer is a keyboard command, then you may have to insert the identifier with the `(c-t)' command.

To insert non-ML terms into ML code, you may need to insert a temporary context of an appropriate sort. doc for edit context

Please, review the commands for ML editing; most of them are simple insertion commands.

DO Review cmds for group: "ML"

If your ML editing commands don't seem to be working correctly, especially if you are getting non-ML operators, then you are probably not in an ML editing context; use the `ml' command to temporarily insert an ML context (not to be confused with the `ml(return)' command).

How to find documentation about ML: doc for ml doc
IF YOU CAN SEE THIS go to /sfa/Nuprl/Shared/Xindentation_hack_doc.html

EditorDoc Sections Nuprl Doc