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There are two main uses for what we may call the active mouse, `(mouseleft)'. It simply sets the point cursor on ordinary terms such as mathematical or programming expressions.

But on a class of terms we consider "buttons" some action is taken, such as viewing an object, inserting a term or operator, or executing an ML expression. See Buttons.

You can usually get advice on what `(mouseleft)' will do by using `(cm-(mouseleft))' instead, which may be thought of as a hypothetical `(mouseleft)' command.

To see a list of documents pertaining to `(mouseleft)', click HERE.

`(mouseleft)' on QUIT or ForceQUIT <*>

will quit the object without posting or checking for change.

Safe alternatives to `(mouseleft)' for cursor motion are

`(c-(mouseleft))' which puts the point on a term, and
`(m-(mouseleft))' which puts the point in text if possible.
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