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Key commands: `{obrobref}' `(csm-(mouseright))' `ibut' `(backspace)' `(c-a)(c-(backspace))'

Buttons are just terms you `(mouseleft)' on to have some effect, usually related to where the point is. They are expected to work whether or not the point is in the same window as the button when you use it. So if you extend your editor to do this on a new class of terms, you've got yourself a new kind of button.

Buttons are displayed either show their function and content as explained below, or else are abbreviated to a mnemonic text such as THIS. Here's a button to start a utility for changing generally how these buttons look: CHANGE. To make one of these abbreviated textual buttons from a complex-looking one, just use `(c-s)' on the button then fill in the text slot that opens. To go back, just go into the text with `(c-j)' and replace it with empty text, using `(c-d)' twice.

Buttons can be embedded in any term. You can make your own menus or "palettes" (which connotes more flexibility) by simply collecting and creating various buttons into a term and arranging them however you like, typically with the word-processing constructs.
doc for WORDS editing doc for cut n paste

In addition to the various special purpose buttons you will find among the menus, the most common buttons and the kind you are most likely to create, perform one of three kinds of action: view, insert, and call ML.
The three most common button forms are variants of: [ob name], <term to insert>, and FN<ml>

Each of these has variants in which a user-supplied mnemonic string is displayed instead of the button content; there are also operational variants.

Here are some references to documents about these basic button forms:

[ob name] doc for ob refs
<term to insert> doc for insert buttons
FN<ml> doc for ml buttons
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