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Finding Explanations of Mathematical Expression in Nuprl

There is a collection of documents explaining the basic concepts and methods used for mathematical expression in Nuprl. These were designed mainly to be read on the web, but are also accessible within this editor.

There is an index, Nuprl Basics.

Further, the `show' and `(cm-(mouseright))' commands will raise relevant documentation when applied to instances of basic operators, for example on "lhs == rhs", "x:AP(x)", "f(x)", "x+8" or "".

The behavior of these commands is parameterized with respect to the document in which they are executed, and when there are several layers of explanation, ultimately down to the primitive declaration of operators, one can chase them down by successive applications.

IF YOU CAN SEE THIS go to /sfa/Nuprl/Shared/Xindentation_hack_doc.html

EditorDoc Sections Nuprl Doc