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Point, Focus, Zoom

For a full review of relevant commands, use `(mouseleft)'
on: FullReview

To review a serviceable subset: ShortReview

Each open object has a local "point" cursor, and you can focus on one object at a time. Most edit commands operate on the point of the current object. The point will either be a term occurrence or a position within a text part of a term; there is also something called a screen position, but this editing setup doesn't fully support it.

The point will only be shown in the "current" open window. If the point is on a term, the term will be highlighted; if it is in a text position, a thin vertical rule appears at the point where text would be inserted by normal commands.

To simply shift the FOCUS to the point of another open window you can use `(mousemiddle)' anywhere on the target window.

You can also ZOOM on a subterm and unzoom. This is especially important when you need to examine terms elided because of insufficient space. For example, here the term ... is elided, and you can zoom on it by clicking on it with `(mouseright)'. You can also zoom on other terms in case you want to focus your attention better or you want to speed up the layout of the display.

It is also sometimes necessary to SCROLL up or down when the window is too short for the term in the object.
(`{(DOWN)(c-u)(c-j)}' and `{(UP)(c-u){(c-k)(cm-k)}}')

doc for string editing tells how to move the text-cursor. IF YOU CAN SEE THIS go to /sfa/Nuprl/Shared/Xindentation_hack_doc.html

EditorDoc Sections Nuprl Doc