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The object tracking window, ObTracker, lists and categorizes objects that are open, recently opened, recently closed or marked as being of persistent interest. The window is refreshed by locating the point on the whole term, say with `(mouseleft)' in the white space outside the displayed text, or by using `(c-z)' from anywhere inside the window. There should be a pointer to ObTracker in the MainMenu.

Here's what the character prefixes mean in ObTracker.

indicates a currently open object.

* indicates an object Notice by the user,
as of persistent interest. (Forget will undo this.)

? indicates an object name that no longer names any object.

indicates a recently opened object.
They are tracked for a bit after closing.
You can change how many count as recent.

Number of recently opened obs to show: 3  Action: Increase, Decrease

Other objects will also be tracked for a bit after closing.

Number of recently closed obs to show: 6  Action: Increase, Decrease

The PRIORITY group lists all the Notice (*) and recently opened objects.
More recently Notice gets first listing, and after that more recently opened.
Twice as many recently opened objects are listed in this group as are
labelled .

Utility buttons.

Recent opens a listing of recently opened objects, more than are normally shown in the PRIORITY group.
Viewer raises the object that is considered to have opened the current object.
Notice marks an object as being of persistent interest to the tracker.
Forget unmarks the Notice mark.
Cycle-Q cycles through open objects attempting safe quits. doc for how to quit objects
ClearHistory Cuts down history of viewed objects to those that are currently open.
LibSearch raises a worksheet for searching the library. Some ML editing is required. doc for ML editing

The utility buttons in the ObTracker come from ob_tracking_aux2 and ob_tracking_aux3. IF YOU CAN SEE THIS go to /sfa/Nuprl/Shared/Xindentation_hack_doc.html

EditorDoc Sections Nuprl Doc