Bertrand Russell's "ramified" theory of types is the principal ancestor to intuitionistic type theory. Russell conceives of a type as a "range of significance" for a propositional function. In an impredicative logic, such as Frege's, the notion of type is "extensional" in that the type of a functional expression is determined wholly by its input and output types. For example, in Frege's logic, the types are basically these: individuals; one-place functions of individuals; one-place functions of one-place functions of individuals; two-place functions on individuals; two-place functions taking one individual and one one-place function of individuals; and so forth.
In contrast, in addition to this simple extensional type structure, there is an "intensional" aspect to Russell's types, hence the nomenclature "ramified" (meaning "branching"). Russell assigns "orders": individuals are the lowest order entities; then come propositions that don't involve quantification over propositions; then propositions that involve quantification over propositions of the previous sort; and so forth with various mixtures.
Here is Nuprl's approximation of order in ramified type theory.
In Nuprl's type theory the members of
Observe that we have included lower-order types among higher-order types, and lower-order propositions among higher-order propositions. This has a certain convenience, but is actually critical in intuitionistic computational type theory since one cannot effectively recognize when a second-order type or proposition, say, is actually first-order. For example,
Thm* f:(). (n:. if f(n)=0 False else C:Prop{1}. C fi) Prop{2}
But whether
Thm* f:().
Thm* (n:. f(n) = 0)
Thm* (n:. if f(n)=0 False else C:Prop{1}. C fi) Prop{1}