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(R(x;y) is a 1-1 relation in x in A and y in B)

Who Cites rel 1 1 b?
rel_1_1_bDef  1-1 xA,yBR(x;y)
Def  == x,x':Ay,y':BR(x;y) & R(x';y' (x = x'  y = y')
Thm*  A,B:Type, R:(ABType). (1-1 xA,yBR(x;y))  Type
iffDef  P  Q == (P  Q) & (P  Q)
Thm*  A,B:Prop. (A  B Prop
rev_impliesDef  P  Q == Q  P
Thm*  A,B:Prop. (A  B Prop

Syntax:1-1 xA,yBR(x;y) has structure: rel_1_1_b(ABx,y.R(x;y))

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WhoCites Definitions DiscreteMath Sections DiscrMathExt Doc