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Who Cites unboundedly infinite?
unboundedly_infiniteDef  Unbounded(A) == k:(k inj A)
Thm*  A:Type. Unbounded(A Prop
int_segDef  {i..j} == {k:i  k < j }
Thm*  m,n:. {m..n Type
injection_typeDef  A inj B == {f:(AB)| Inj(ABf) }
Thm*  A,B:Type. A inj B  Type
natDef   == {i:| 0i }
Thm*    Type
leltDef  i  j < k == ij & j<k
injectDef  Inj(ABf) == a1,a2:Af(a1) = f(a2 B  a1 = a2
Thm*  A,B:Type, f:(AB). Inj(ABf Prop
leDef  AB == B<A
Thm*  i,j:. (ij Prop
notDef  A == A  False
Thm*  A:Prop. (A Prop

Syntax:Unbounded(A) has structure: unboundedly_infinite(A)

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WhoCites Definitions DiscreteMath Sections DiscrMathExt Doc