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Who Cites ts case?
ts_caseDef ts_case(x)var(a)= > v(a)var'(b)= > p(b)opr(f)= > op(f)fvar(x)= > f(x)trace(P)= > t(P)end_ts_case == Case(x) Case ts_var(a) = > v(a) Case ts_pvar(b) = > p(b) Case ts_op(f) = > op(f) Case ts_fvar(x) = > f(x) Case ts_trace(P) = > t(P) Default = >
Thm* A:Type, v,op,f,p,t:(LabelA), x:ts(). ts_case(x)var(a)= > v(a)var'(b)= > p(b)opr(f)= > op(f)fvar(y)= > f(y)trace(P)= > t(P)end_ts_case A
case_default Def Default = > body(value,value) == body
case_ts_trace Def Case ts_trace(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont(hd(x1),z))([x1])
case_ts_fvar Def Case ts_fvar(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inl(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont(hd(x1),z))([x1])
case_ts_op Def Case ts_op(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inl(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont(hd(x1),z))([x1])
case_ts_pvar Def Case ts_pvar(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inl(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont(hd(x1),z))([x1])
case_ts_var Def Case ts_var(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == InjCase(x1; x2. body(x2); _. cont(z,z))
case Def Case(value) body == body(value,value)
hd Def hd(l) == Case of l; nil "?" ; h.t h
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. ||l||1 hd(l) A
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. hd(l) A
tl Def tl(l) == Case of l; nil nil ; h.t t
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. tl(l) A List
case_inr Def inr(x) = > body(x) cont(value,contvalue) == InjCase(value; _. cont(contvalue,contvalue); x. body(x))
case_inl Def inl(x) = > body(x) cont(value,contvalue) == InjCase(value; x. body(x); _. cont(contvalue,contvalue))

Syntax:ts_case(x) var(a)= > v(a) var'(b)= > p(b) opr(f)= > op(f) fvar(x)= > f(x) trace(P)= > t(P) end_ts_case has structure: ts_case(a.v(a); b.p(b); f.op(f); x.f(x); P.t(P); x)


WhoCites Definitions mb automata 2 Sections GenAutomata Doc