WhoCites Definitions mb automata 3 Sections GenAutomata Doc

Who Cites rel free vars?
rel_free_varsDef rel_free_vars(r) == reduce(t,vs. term_free_vars(t) @ vs;nil;r.args)
Thm* r:rel(). rel_free_vars(r) Label List
rel_args Def t.args == 2of(t)
Thm* t:rel(). t.args Term List
term_free_vars Def term_free_vars(t) == term_iterate(f.nil; f.nil; f.nil; v.[v]; P.nil; x,y. x @ y; t)
Thm* t:Term. term_free_vars(t) Label List
append Def as @ bs == Case of as; nil bs ; a.as' [a / (as' @ bs)] (recursive)
Thm* T:Type, as,bs:T List. (as @ bs) T List
reduce Def reduce(f;k;as) == Case of as; nil k ; a.as' f(a,reduce(f;k;as')) (recursive)
Thm* A,B:Type, f:(ABB), k:B, as:A List. reduce(f;k;as) B
pi2 Def 2of(t) == t.2
Thm* A:Type, B:(AType), p:(a:AB(a)). 2of(p) B(1of(p))
term_iterate Def term_iterate(v; p; op; f; tr; a; t) == t_iterate(x.ts_case(x) var(a)= > v(a) var'(b)= > p(b) opr(c)= > op(c) fvar(d)= > f(d) trace(P)= > tr(P) end_ts_case ;a;t)
Thm* A:Type, v,op,f,p,tr:(LabelA), a:(AAA), t:Term. term_iterate(v;p;op;f;tr;a;t) A
ts_case Def ts_case(x) var(a)= > v(a) var'(b)= > p(b) opr(f)= > op(f) fvar(x)= > f(x) trace(P)= > t(P) end_ts_case == Case(x) Case ts_var(a) = > v(a) Case ts_pvar(b) = > p(b) Case ts_op(f) = > op(f) Case ts_fvar(x) = > f(x) Case ts_trace(P) = > t(P) Default = >
Thm* A:Type, v,op,f,p,t:(LabelA), x:ts(). ts_case(x)var(a)= > v(a)var'(b)= > p(b)opr(f)= > op(f)fvar(y)= > f(y)trace(P)= > t(P)end_ts_case A
t_iterate Def t_iterate(l;n;t) == Case(t) Case x;y = > n(t_iterate(l;n;x),t_iterate(l;n;y)) Case tree_leaf(x) = > l(x) Default = > True (recursive)
Thm* E,A:Type, l:(EA), n:(AAA), t:Tree(E). t_iterate(l;n;t) A
case_default Def Default = > body(value,value) == body
case_ts_trace Def Case ts_trace(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x1])
case_ts_fvar Def Case ts_fvar(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inl(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x1])
case_ts_op Def Case ts_op(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inl(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x1])
case_ts_pvar Def Case ts_pvar(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inl(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x1])
case_ts_var Def Case ts_var(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == InjCase(x1; x2. body(x2); _. cont(z,z))
case Def Case(value) body == body(value,value)
case_tree_leaf Def Case tree_leaf(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == InjCase(x1; x2. body(x2); _. cont(z,z))
case_node Def Case x;y = > body(x;y) cont(x1,z) == InjCase(x1; _. cont(z,z); x2. x2/x3,x2@0. body(x3;x2@0))
hd Def hd(l) == Case of l; nil "?" ; h.t h
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. ||l||1 hd(l) A
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. hd(l) A
tl Def tl(l) == Case of l; nil nil ; h.t t
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. tl(l) A List
case_inr Def inr(x) = > body(x) cont(value,contvalue) == InjCase(value; _. cont(contvalue,contvalue); x. body(x))
case_inl Def inl(x) = > body(x) cont(value,contvalue) == InjCase(value; x. body(x); _. cont(contvalue,contvalue))


WhoCites Definitions mb automata 3 Sections GenAutomata Doc