This follows from the fact that both of the properties satisfy all six of the
metaproperties in
Any property P that satisfies these six meta-proerties can be conjoined
with Causal
to get a switchable property.
The following recursively defined relation on lists holds when the two lists
agree on the order of the elements they have in common.
The total-order property is defined by
This says that the lists of messages delivered to any two locations
agree on the order of messages that they have in common.
This property is a ``local-deliver-property''. It only depends on some relation
on the lists tr delivered at p.
We can show that any such property is switchable,
provided the relation on the local delivery lists satisfies some closure conditions.
Using this theorem, we check the closure conditions for the relation that
defines total order, and all the conditions are met.
So we have: