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Switchable Properties

Having proved that out switch preserves all switchable properties, we should show that some interesting properties are switchable. The ``smallest'' switchable property is Causal $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$ No-dup-deliver $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$

\>\mforall{}E:EventStruct. (switchable$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ (...
...x{\small {E}}}$\ \mwedge{} No-dup-deliver$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$))
This follows from the fact that both of the properties satisfy all six of the metaproperties in
\> \\
\> switchable0(E) P ==\\
\> safetyR$_{\mbox{\small {E}}...
...s P\\
\> \mwedge{} delayableR$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ preserves P
Any property P that satisfies these six meta-proerties can be conjoined with Causal $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$ No-dup-deliver $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$ to get a switchable property.
\> \\
\> \mforall{}E:EventStruct. \mforall{}P:TraceProperty$_{...
...ll {E}}}$\\
\> \mwedge{} No-dup-deliver$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$)))
The following recursively defined relation on lists holds when the two lists agree on the order of the elements they have in common.
\> \\
\> agree\_on\_common(T;as;bs) ==\\
\> case as of \\
...) \mwedge{} agree\_on\_common(T;as';bs')) \\
\> esac \\
\> esac
The total-order property is defined by
\> \\
\> totalorder(E) tr ==\\
\> \mforall{}p,q:Label. agree\...
...delivered at p);map(msg$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$;tr delivered at q))
This says that the lists of messages delivered to any two locations agree on the order of messages that they have in common. This property is a ``local-deliver-property''. It only depends on some relation on the lists tr delivered at p.
\> \\
\> local\_deliver\_property(E;P) tr == P (\mlambda{} delivered at p)

We can show that any such property is switchable, provided the relation on the local delivery lists satisfies some closure conditions.
\> \\
\> \mforall{}E:EventStruct. \mforall{}P:Label {}\mrighta...
...ghtarrow{} (switchable0(E) \\
\> local\_deliver\_property(E;P)))
Using this theorem, we check the closure conditions for the relation that defines total order, and all the conditions are met. So we have:
\> \\
\> \mforall{}E:EventStruct\\
\> (switchable$_{\mbox{\sm...
...all {E}}}$\\
\> \mwedge{} No-dup-deliver$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$))

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Richard Eaton 2002-02-20