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We classify trace properties using meta-properties. The meta-properties we need are all instances of the following schemas.
\> \\
\> R preserves P ==\\
\> \mforall{}x,y:Trace$_{\mbox{\s...
...P x)\\
\> {}\mRightarrow{} (x R y)\\
\> {}\mRightarrow{} (P y))

\> \\
\> (ternary) R preserves P ==\\
\> \mforall{}x,y,z:Trac...
\> {}\mRightarrow{} (R x y z)\\
\> {}\mRightarrow{} (P z))

\> \\
\> P $\rhd$\ Q ==\\
\> \mforall{}tr:\vert E\vert List\\
\> ((P tr) {}\mRightarrow{} (Q tr))
A trace property is a safety property if it is preserved by
\> \\
\> tr$_{1}$\ safetyR$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ tr$_{2}$\ == tr$_{2}$\ \mleq{} tr$_{1}$\end{program*}
A property is memoryless if it is preserved by the operation of removing all events with a given message. So memoryless properties are the ones that are preserved by
\> \\
\> L$_{1}$\ memorylessR$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ L$_{2}$\ ...
... \vert \mneg{}\msubb{}(b \\
\> =msg=$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ a)>)
A property is send-enabled if it is preserved when a send event is appended to the trace. Send-enabled properties are the ones preserved by
\> \\
\> L$_{1}$\ send-enabledR$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ L$_{2}$...
...l {E}}}$\ x))\\
\> \mwedge{} (L$_{2}$\\
\> = (L$_{1}$\ @ [x])))
A property is asynchronous if it is preserved when adjacent deliver events or adjacent send events that have different locations are swapped. Asynchronous properties are the ones preserved by
\> \\
\> asyncR$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ ==\\
\> swap-adjacent$...
...> \mwedge{} (\muparrow{}(is-send$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ y)))))}}}$\end{program*}
A property is delayable if it is preserved when adjacent events, one of which is a send and the other a deliver, and which have different message content, are swapped.
\> \\
\> x R\_del$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ y ==\\
\> (\mneg{}\m...
...{E}}}$\ x))\\
\> \mwedge{} is-deliver$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$(y)))

\> \\
\> delayableR$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ == swap-adjacent$_{\mbox{\small {x R\_del$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ y}}}$\end{program*}
A property is composable if it is preserved when two traces, L$_{1}$ and L$_{2}$, that have no messages in common, are appended. Composable properties are the ones preserved by the ternary realtion
\> \\
\> composableR$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ L$_{1}$\ L$_{2}$\ ...
...ox{\small {E}}}$\ y)))\\
\> \mwedge{} (L = (L$_{1}$\ @ L$_{2}$))

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Richard Eaton 2002-02-20