Library Term

Require Export CFGV.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Section Gram. Context {G : CFGV}.
Inductive Term: (GSym G) → Type :=
| tleaf : (T : Terminal G),
    (tSemType G T) → Term (gsymT T)
| vleaf : (vc : VarSym G),
    (vType vc) → Term (gsymTN (vSubstType G vc))
| tnode : (p: TermProd G),
    Mixture (tpRhsAugIsPat p) → (Term (gsymTN (tpLhs G p)))

with Pattern : (GSym G) → Type :=
| ptleaf : (T : Terminal G),
    (tSemType G T) → Pattern (gsymT T)
| pvleaf : (vc : VarSym G),
    (vType vc) → Pattern (gsymV vc)
| embed : (p: EmbedProd G),
    Term (gsymTN (epRhs G p))
       → Pattern (gsymPN (epLhs G p))
| pnode : (p: PatProd G),
    Mixture (map (fun x(true,x)) (ppRhsSym p))
       → (Pattern (gsymPN (ppLhs G p)))

with Mixture : (list (bool × (GSym G))) → Type :=
| mnil : Mixture []
| mtcons : {h: (GSym G)} {tl: list (bool × (GSym G))},
    Term hMixture tlMixture (((false,h))::tl)
| mpcons : {h: (GSym G)} {tl: list (bool × (GSym G))},
    Pattern hMixture tlMixture ((true,h)::tl).

Scheme term_mut := Induction for Term Sort Type
with pat_mut := Induction for Pattern Sort Type
with mix_mut := Induction for Mixture Sort Type.

a trivial proof, just to get more meaningful variable name
Definition GInduction :

(PT : g : GSym G, Term g[univ])
(PP : g : GSym G, Pattern g[univ])
(PM : l : MixtureParam, Mixture l[univ]),
  ( (T : Terminal G) (t : tSemType G T), PT (gsymT T) (tleaf T t))
  → ( (vc : VarSym G) (v : vType vc),
          PT (gsymTN (vSubstType G vc)) (vleaf vc v))
  → ( (p : TermProd G) (m : Mixture (tpRhsAugIsPat p)),
          PM (tpRhsAugIsPat p) m
          → PT (gsymTN (tpLhs G p)) (tnode p m))
  → ( (T : Terminal G) (t : tSemType G T), PP (gsymT T) (ptleaf T t))
  → ( (vc : VarSym G) (v : vType vc),
          PP (gsymV vc) (pvleaf vc v))
  → ( (p : EmbedProd G) (t : Term (gsymTN (epRhs G p))),
          PT (gsymTN (epRhs G p)) t
          → PP (gsymPN (epLhs G p)) (embed p t))
  → ( (p : PatProd G)
          (m : Mixture (map (fun x : GSym G(true, x)) (ppRhsSym p))),
          PM (map (fun x : GSym G(true, x)) (ppRhsSym p)) m
          → PP (gsymPN (ppLhs G p)) (pnode p m))
  → PM [] mnil
  → ( (h : GSym G) (tl : MixtureParam) (ph : Term h),
          PT h ph
          → ptl : Mixture tl,
             PM tl ptl
             → PM ((false, h) :: tl) (mtcons ph ptl))
  → ( (h : GSym G) (tl : MixtureParam) (ph : Pattern h),
          PP h ph
          → ptl : Mixture tl,
              PM tl ptl
              → PM ((true, h) :: tl) (mpcons ph ptl))
  → (( (g : GSym G) (p : Term g), PT g p)
      ( (g : GSym G) (p : Pattern g), PP g p)
      ( (l : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture l), PM l m)).
  intros. split; [split|];[ | | ].
  - eapply term_mut; eauto.
  - eapply pat_mut; eauto.
  - eapply mix_mut; eauto.

Definition TermInd :=
  (fun PT PP PM a b c d e f g h i j
    fst (fst (@GInduction PT PP PM a b c d e f g h i j))).

Definition PatInd :=
  (fun PT PP PM a b c d e f g h i j
    snd (fst (@GInduction PT PP PM a b c d e f g h i j))).

Fixpoint PatInMix {s :GSym G}
{l : list (bool × GSym G)}
(pt : Pattern s)
(mix : Mixture l) : [univ] :=
match mix with
| mnilFalse
| mpcons s' _ h mtl{p : s =s' $ transport p pt = h} [+] (PatInMix pt mtl)
| mtcons s' _ h mtl ⇒ (PatInMix pt mtl)

Lemma PatIndNoEmbed :

(PP : g : GSym G, Pattern g[univ]),
  (EmbedProd GFalse)
  → ( (T : Terminal G) (t : tSemType G T), PP (gsymT T) (ptleaf T t))
  → ( (vc : VarSym G) (v : vType vc),
          PP (gsymV vc) (pvleaf vc v))
  → ( (p : PatProd G)
          (m : Mixture (map (fun x : GSym G(true, x)) (ppRhsSym p))),
          ( (s : GSym G) (pt : Pattern s),
              PatInMix pt m
              → PP s pt)
          → PP (gsymPN (ppLhs G p)) (pnode p m))
  → ( (g : GSym G) (p : Pattern g), PP g p).
  introv Hnod Ht Hv Hem.
  induction p using pat_mut
  with (P:=(fun x yTrue))
        (P1:= (fun l m⇒ ( (s : GSym G) (pt : Pattern s),
                              PatInMix pt m
                              → PP s pt))); auto; try contradiction.
  - introv Hin.
    simpl in Hin. dorn Hin.
    + exrepnd.
      unfold transport in Hin0.
      generalize dependent pt. rw p0.
      simpl. intros. auto. rw Hin0.
    + apply IHp0. auto.

Fixpoint TermInMix {s :GSym G}
{l : list (bool × GSym G)}
(tt : Term s)
(mix : Mixture l) : [univ] :=
match mix with
| mnilFalse
| mtcons s' _ h mtl{p : s =s' $ transport p tt = h} [+] (TermInMix tt mtl)
| mpcons s' _ h mtl ⇒ (TermInMix tt mtl)

Definition MixInd :=
  (fun PT PP PM a b c d e f g h i j
    snd (@GInduction PT PP PM a b c d e f g h i j)).

Lemma TermIndNoPat :

(PT : g : GSym G, Term g[univ]),
  ( (T : Terminal G) (t : tSemType G T), PT (gsymT T) (tleaf T t))
  → ( (vc : VarSym G) (v : vType vc),
          PT (gsymTN (vSubstType G vc)) (vleaf vc v))
  → ( (p : TermProd G) (m : Mixture (tpRhsAugIsPat p)),
          ( (s : GSym G) (pt : Term s),
              TermInMix pt m
              → PT s pt)
          → PT (gsymTN (tpLhs G p)) (tnode p m))
  → ( (g : GSym G) (p : Term g), PT g p).
  introv Ht Hv Hem.
  induction p using term_mut
  with (P0:=(fun x yTrue))
        (P1:= (fun l m⇒ ( (s : GSym G) (tt : Term s),
                              TermInMix tt m
                              → PT s tt))); auto; try contradiction.
  - introv Hin.
    simpl in Hin. dorn Hin.
    + exrepnd.
      unfold transport in Hin0.
      generalize dependent tt. rw p0.
      simpl. intros. auto. rw Hin0.
    + apply IHp0. auto.
End Gram.

Ltac GInductionAux lemma :=
  apply lemma ; [
                        Case "tleaf"
                      | Case "vleaf"
                      | Case "tnode"
                      | Case "ptleaf"
                      | Case "pvleaf"
                      | Case "pembed"
                      | Case "pnode"
                      | Case "mnil"
                      | Case "mtcons"
                      | Case "mpcons"

Tactic Notation "GInduction" :=
  GInductionAux GInduction.

Fixpoint pBndngVars {G} (vc : VarSym G)
   {gs} (p : Pattern gs) : (list (vType vc)) :=
match p with
| ptleaf _ _[] | embed _ _[]
| pvleaf vcc varmatch (DeqVarSym vcc vc) with
                   | left eqq[transport eqq var]
                   | right _[]
| pnode _ mixmBndngVars vc mix
with mBndngVars {G} (vc: VarSym G) {lgs}
  (pts : Mixture lgs) : (list (vType vc)) :=
match pts with
| mnil[] | mtcons _ _ _ tlmBndngVars vc tl
| mpcons _ _ h tl(pBndngVars vc h) ++ mBndngVars vc tl
Fixpoint getBVarsNth {G} (vc : VarSym G) {lgs}
  (pts : Mixture lgs) (n : nat) : (list (vType vc)) :=
match (pts,n) with
| (mnil,_)[] | (mtcons _ _ ph pth, 0)[]
| (mpcons _ _ ph pth, 0) ⇒ (pBndngVars vc ph)
| (mtcons _ _ ph pth, S m) ⇒ (getBVarsNth vc pth m)
| (mpcons _ _ ph pth, S m) ⇒ (getBVarsNth vc pth m)

Definition removev {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G} v l :=
  remove (DeqVtype vc) v l.

Definition subtractv
           {G : CFGV}
           { vc : VarSym G}
           (vlhs : list (vType vc))
           (vrhs : list (vType vc)) : list (vType vc) :=
  diff (DeqVtype vc) vrhs vlhs.

Definition lBoundVars {G : CFGV} ( vc : VarSym G)
  {ls : list (bool × (GSym G))}
  (llbn : list (list nat)) (lmix : Mixture ls)
  : list( (list (vType vc))) :=
map (flat_map (getBVarsNth vc lmix)) llbn.

Definition allBndngVars {G} (vc: VarSym G) (p: TermProd G)
  (mix: Mixture (tpRhsAugIsPat p)) : list(list (vType vc)) :=
   lBoundVars vc (bndngPatIndices p) mix.

Module SimplifyForPaper.

Definition allBndngVars {G} (vc : VarSym G)
    (p: TermProd G) (mix: Mixture (tpRhsAugIsPat p))
    : list ( list (vType vc)) :=
map (flat_map (getBVarsNth vc mix)) (bndngPatIndices p).
End SimplifyForPaper.

Lemma lBoundVarsSameifNth : {G : CFGV}
  ( vc : VarSym G)
{la : list (bool × GSym G)} (ma mb: Mixture la),
  ( (nn : nat),
    getBVarsNth vc ma nn = getBVarsNth vc mb nn)
  → (lln : list (list nat)),
  lBoundVars vc lln ma = lBoundVars vc lln mb.
  intros. unfold lBoundVars.
  apply eq_maps.
  intros n Hin.
  apply eq_flat_maps.
  intros nn Hinn. cpx.

Lemma lBoundVarsLenSameifNth : {G : CFGV}
  ( vc : VarSym G)
{la : list (bool × GSym G)} (ma mb: Mixture la),
  ( (nn : nat),
  length (getBVarsNth vc ma nn) =
        length (getBVarsNth vc mb nn))
  → (lln : list (list nat)),
  map (@length _) (lBoundVars vc lln ma)
  = map (@length _) (lBoundVars vc lln mb).
  intros. unfold lBoundVars.
  rewrite map_map.
  rewrite map_map.
  unfold compose.
  apply eq_maps.
  intros n Hin.
  clear Hin.
  induction n; allsimpl; cpx.
  rewrite length_app.
  rewrite length_app.
  f_equal; cpx.

Lemma sdkfd: {G : CFGV} { vc : VarSym G}
  {ls : list (bool × (GSym G))}
(llbn : list (list nat)) (lmix : Mixture ls)
lBoundVarsOld llbn lmix = lBoundVars vc llbn lmix .
  induction llbn; intros; allsimpl; cpx.

Fixpoint MixMap
{T : Type} {G : CFGV}
  {lgs : MixtureParam}
  (ft: (gs : (GSym G)) (p : Term gs), T)
  (fp: (gs : (GSym G)) (p : Pattern gs), T)
  (pts : Mixture lgs)
   : list T :=
match pts with
| mnil[]
| mtcons sh _ th ttl(ft sh th)::(MixMap ft fp ttl)
| mpcons sh _ ph ptl(fp sh ph)::(MixMap ft fp ptl)

Lemma MixMapLength :
{T : Type} {G : CFGV}
  {lgs : MixtureParam}
  (ft: (gs : (GSym G)) (p : Term gs), T)
  (fp: (gs : (GSym G)) (p : Pattern gs), T)
  (pts : Mixture lgs),
    length (MixMap ft fp pts) = length lgs.
  induction pts; cpx.

Fixpoint liftRelPtwise
{T : Type} {G : CFGV}
  {lgs : MixtureParam}
  (ft: (gs : (GSym G)) (p : Term gs), T[univ])
  (fp: (gs : (GSym G)) (p : Pattern gs), T[univ])
  (pts : Mixture lgs)
  (l : list T)
   : [univ]:=
match (pts,l) with
| (mnil,[])True
| (mtcons sh _ th ttl, lh::ltl)(ft sh th lh)#(liftRelPtwise ft fp ttl ltl)
| (mpcons sh _ th ttl, lh::ltl)(fp sh th lh)#(liftRelPtwise ft fp ttl ltl)
| _False

Hint Rewrite (fun T ⇒ @MixMapLength T): fast.

Fixpoint tAllVars {G : CFGV} { vc : VarSym G}
  {gs : (GSym G)} (t : Term gs)
   {struct t} : (list (vType vc)) :=
match t with
| tleaf _ _[]
| vleaf vcc varmatch (DeqVarSym vcc vc) with
                   | left eqq[transport eqq var]
                   | right _[]
| tnode _ mixmAllVars mix
with pAllVars {G : CFGV} { vc : VarSym G}
  {gs : (GSym G)} (p : Pattern gs)
   {struct p} : (list (vType vc)) :=
match p with
| ptleaf _ _[]
| pvleaf vcc varmatch (DeqVarSym vcc vc) with
                   | left eqq[transport eqq var]
                   | right _[]
| pnode _ mixmAllVars mix
| embed _ ttAllVars t
with mAllVars {G : CFGV} { vc : VarSym G}
  {lgs : list (bool × GSym G)} (pts : Mixture lgs)
   {struct pts} : (list (vType vc)) :=
match pts with
| mnil[]
| mtcons _ _ ph ptl(tAllVars ph) ++ (mAllVars ptl)
| mpcons _ _ ph ptl(pAllVars ph) ++ (mAllVars ptl)

Lemma mBndngVarsAsNth {G : CFGV} { vc : VarSym G} :
  (mp: @MixtureParam G)
  (m : Mixture mp),
  mBndngVars vc m
      = flat_map (getBVarsNth vc m) (seq 0 (length mp)).
  induction m; cpx; allsimpl.
  - simpl. rw IHm. rw <- seq_shift.
    rw flat_map_map. unfold compose.
  - rw IHm. rw <- seq_shift.
    rw flat_map_map. unfold compose.

Fixpoint tSize {G : CFGV}
  {gs : (GSym G)} (t : Term gs)
   {struct t} : nat :=
match t with
| tleaf _ _ ⇒ 1
| vleaf vcc var ⇒ 1
| tnode _ mixmSize mix
with pSize {G : CFGV}
  {gs : (GSym G)} (p : Pattern gs)
   {struct p} : nat :=
match p with
| ptleaf _ _ ⇒ 1
| pvleaf vcc var ⇒ 1
| pnode _ mixmSize mix
| embed _ t ⇒ 1 + tSize t
with mSize {G : CFGV}
  {lgs : list (bool × GSym G)} (pts : Mixture lgs)
   : nat :=
match pts with
| mnil ⇒ 1
| mtcons _ _ ph ptl(tSize ph) + (mSize ptl)
| mpcons _ _ ph ptl(pSize ph) + (mSize ptl)

Lemma SizePositive : {G : CFGV},
     ( ( (s : GSym G) (t : Term s),
            tSize t > 0 )
        ( (s : GSym G) (pt : Pattern s),
            pSize pt > 0)
        ( (l : @MixtureParam G) (m : Mixture l),
            mSize m > 0)).
  GInduction; intros; allsimpl; try omega.

Definition mcase := snd.
Definition tcase {A B C : Type}
  := fun t:A×B×Cfst (fst t).
Definition pcase {A B C : Type}
  := fun t:A×B×Csnd (fst t).

This lemma is used in the beginning of the proof of decidability of alpha equality. So it needs to be transparent (for alpha equality decider to compute atleast to inl/inr form). Hence it is a bit long in order to avoid using the omega tactic.
Lemma GInductionS :
(PT : g : GSym G, Term g[univ])
(PP : g : GSym G, Pattern g[univ])
(PM : l : MixtureParam, Mixture l[univ]),
  ( (T : Terminal G) (t : tSemType G T), PT (gsymT T) (tleaf T t))
  → ( (vc : VarSym G) (v : vType vc),
          PT (gsymTN (vSubstType G vc)) (vleaf vc v))
  → ( (p : TermProd G) (m : Mixture (tpRhsAugIsPat p)),
          PM (tpRhsAugIsPat p) m
          → PT (gsymTN (tpLhs G p)) (tnode p m))
  → ( (T : Terminal G) (t : tSemType G T), PP (gsymT T) (ptleaf T t))
  → ( (vc : VarSym G) (v : vType vc),
          PP (gsymV vc) (pvleaf vc v))
  → ( (p : EmbedProd G) (t : Term (gsymTN (epRhs G p))),
          PT (gsymTN (epRhs G p)) t
          → PP (gsymPN (epLhs G p)) (embed p t))
  → ( (p : PatProd G)
          (m : Mixture (map (fun x : GSym G(true, x)) (ppRhsSym p))),
          PM (map (fun x : GSym G(true, x)) (ppRhsSym p)) m
          → PP (gsymPN (ppLhs G p)) (pnode p m))
  → PM [] mnil
  → ( (h : GSym G) (tl : MixtureParam) (ph : Term h),
         ( (phnew:Term h), tSize phnew tSize phPT h phnew)
          → ptl : Mixture tl,
             PM tl ptl
             → PM ((false, h) :: tl) (mtcons ph ptl))
  → ( (h : GSym G) (tl : MixtureParam) (ph : Pattern h),
         ( (phnew:Pattern h), pSize phnew pSize phPP h phnew)
          → ptl : Mixture tl,
              PM tl ptl
              → PM ((true, h) :: tl) (mpcons ph ptl))
  → (( (g : GSym G) (p : Term g), PT g p)
      ( (g : GSym G) (p : Pattern g), PP g p)
      ( (l : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture l), PM l m)).
  introns Hyps.
assert( n: nat,
  ( (g : GSym G) (p : Term g), (tSize p = n) → PT g p)
  × ( (g : GSym G) (p : Pattern g), (pSize p = n) → PP g p)
  × ( (l : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture l),
      (mSize m = n) → PM l m)
)) as XX;
    dands; intros;
     try(apply ((tcase (XX _)) _ _ eq_refl));
     try(apply ((pcase (XX _)) _ _ eq_refl));
     try(apply ((mcase (XX _)) _ _ eq_refl)); fail].
  induction n as [n Hind] using comp_ind_type.
  GInduction; introns HGInd; allsimpl; cpx.
  - Case "pembed". apply Hyps4. specialize (Hind (tSize t)).
    dimp Hind; [| repnd; cpx; fail].
    rw <- HGInd0; apply lt_n_Sn; fail.
  - Case "mtcons". apply Hyps7.
    + introv Hlt.
      pose proof (mcase SizePositive _ ptl).
      specialize (Hind (tSize phnew)).
      dimp Hind; [| repnd; cpx; fail].
      rw <- HGInd1;
      rewrite (plus_n_O (tSize phnew));
      apply plus_le_lt_compat; trivial; fail.
    + pose proof (tcase SizePositive _ ph).
      specialize (Hind (mSize ptl)).
      dimp Hind; [| repnd; cpx; fail].
      rw <- HGInd1.
      rewrite (plus_n_O (mSize ptl)) at 1.
      rewrite (plus_comm (tSize ph)).
      apply plus_le_lt_compat; auto.
  - Case "mpcons". apply Hyps8.
    + introv Hlt.
      pose proof (mcase SizePositive _ ptl).
      specialize (Hind (pSize phnew)).
      dimp Hind; [| repnd; cpx; fail].
      rw <- HGInd1;
      rewrite (plus_n_O (pSize phnew));
      apply plus_le_lt_compat; trivial; fail.

    + pose proof (pcase SizePositive _ ph).
      specialize (Hind (mSize ptl)).
      dimp Hind; [| repnd; cpx; fail].
      rw <- HGInd1.
      rewrite (plus_n_O (mSize ptl)) at 1.
      rewrite (plus_comm (pSize ph)).
      apply plus_le_lt_compat; auto.

Tactic Notation "GInductionS" :=
  GInductionAux GInductionS.

Lemma lBoundVarsLength : G
  {mp : MixtureParam} (vc : VarSym G)
  (m : Mixture mp) lln,
length (lBoundVars vc lln m) = length lln.
  intros. unfold lBoundVars.
  autorewrite with fast. refl.

Hint Rewrite lBoundVarsLength : fast.

Definition lvKeep {G : CFGV}
  {vc : VarSym G}
  (lvKeep : list (vType vc))
  (lv : list (vType vc)) :=
lKeep (DeqVtype vc) lvKeep lv.

Fixpoint pAllButBinders
       {G : CFGV}
       {gs : GSym G}
       (vc : VarSym G)
       (pt : Pattern gs)
        {struct pt} : (list (vType vc)) :=
  match pt with
    | ptleaf a v[]
    | pvleaf vcc var[]
    | pnode p lptmAllButBinders vc lpt
    | embed p nttAllVars nt
with mAllButBinders
       {G : CFGV}
       {lgs : list (bool × GSym G)}
       (vc : VarSym G)
       (pts : Mixture lgs)
       {struct pts}
     : (list (vType vc)) :=
  match pts with
    | mnil[]
    | mtcons _ _ ph ptl
            (tAllVars ph) ++ (mAllButBinders vc ptl)
    | mpcons _ _ ph ptl
           (pAllButBinders vc ph) ++ (mAllButBinders vc ptl)

Fixpoint tBndngVarsDeep {G : CFGV} (vc : VarSym G)
  {gs : (GSym G)} (t : Term gs)
   {struct t} : (list (vType vc)) :=
match t with
| tleaf _ _[]
| vleaf vcc var[]
| tnode _ mixmBndngVarsDeep vc mix
with pBndngVarsDeep {G : CFGV} (vc : VarSym G)
  {gs : (GSym G)} (p : Pattern gs)
   {struct p} : (list (vType vc)) :=
match p with
| ptleaf _ _[]
| pvleaf vcc varmatch (DeqVarSym vcc vc) with
                   | left eqq[transport eqq var]
                   | right _[]
| pnode _ mixmBndngVarsDeep vc mix
| embed _ ttBndngVarsDeep vc t
with mBndngVarsDeep {G : CFGV} (vc : VarSym G)
  {lgs : list (bool × GSym G)} (pts : Mixture lgs)
   {struct pts} : (list (vType vc)) :=
match pts with
| mnil[]
| mtcons _ _ ph ptl(tBndngVarsDeep vc ph) ++ (mBndngVarsDeep vc ptl)
| mpcons _ _ ph ptl(pBndngVarsDeep vc ph) ++ (mBndngVarsDeep vc ptl)

Fixpoint pAlreadyBndBinders
       {G : CFGV}
       {gs : GSym G}
       (vc : VarSym G)
       (pt : Pattern gs)
        {struct pt} : (list (vType vc)) :=
  match pt with
    | ptleaf a v[]
    | pvleaf vcc var[]
    | pnode p lptmAlreadyBndBinders vc lpt
    | embed p nttBndngVarsDeep vc nt
with mAlreadyBndBinders
       {G : CFGV}
       {lgs : list (bool × GSym G)}
       (vc : VarSym G)
       (pts : Mixture lgs)
       {struct pts}
     : (list (vType vc)) :=
  match pts with
    | mnil[]
    | mtcons _ _ ph ptl
            (tBndngVarsDeep vc ph) ++ (mAlreadyBndBinders vc ptl)
    | mpcons _ _ ph ptl
           (pAlreadyBndBinders vc ph) ++ (mAlreadyBndBinders vc ptl)

Infix "--"
  := subtractv (right associativity, at level 60) : list_scope.


Fixpoint tfreevars {G}(vc : VarSym G) {gs}
    (p : Term gs) : list (vType vc) :=
match p with
| tleaf _ _[]
| vleaf vcc varmatch (DeqVarSym vcc vc) with
                   | left eqq[transport eqq var]
                   | right _[]
| tnode p mmfreevars vc m (allBndngVars vc p m)
with pfreevars {G} (vc : VarSym G) {gs}
    (p : Pattern gs) : list (vType vc) :=
match p with
| ptleaf _ _[] | pvleaf vcc var[]
| pnode p lptmfreevars vc lpt []
| embed vcc nttfreevars vc nt
with mfreevars {G} (vc: VarSym G) {lgs} (m: Mixture lgs)
  (llB : list (list (vType vc))) : list (vType vc) :=
match m with
| mnil[]
| mtcons _ _ h tl(tfreevars vc h -- lhead llB)
                        ++ mfreevars vc tl (tail llB)
| mpcons _ _ h tl(pfreevars vc h -- lhead llB)
                        ++ mfreevars vc tl (tail llB)


Require Import Eqdep_dec.

Ltac one_ddeq :=
  match goal with
    | [ |- context[DeqVarSym ?x ?y] ] ⇒ destruct (DeqVarSym x y)
    | [ H : context[DeqVarSym ?x ?y] |- _ ] ⇒ destruct (DeqVarSym x y)
    | [ |- context[DeqVtype ?x ?y ?z] ] ⇒ destruct (DeqVtype x y z)
    | [ H : context[DeqVtype ?x ?y ?z] |- _ ] ⇒ destruct (DeqVtype x y z)
    | [ |- context[in_deq_t ?t (DeqVtype ?x) ?y ?z] ] ⇒ destruct (in_deq_t t (DeqVtype x) y z)
    | [ H : context[in_deq_t ?t (DeqVtype ?x) ?y ?z] |- _ ] ⇒ destruct (in_deq_t t (DeqVtype x) y z)
    | [ e : ?v = ?v |- _ ] ⇒
      let x := fresh "x" in
      assert (e = eq_refl) as x by (apply UIP_dec; apply DeqVarSym);
        subst e

Ltac ddeq := repeat one_ddeq.

Ltac on_eq :=
  match goal with
    | [ H : ?x = ?y |- _ ] ⇒ first [ subst x | subst y ]
    | [ H : ?x ?x |- _ ] ⇒ provefalse; apply H; complete auto
Ltac on_eqs := repeat on_eq.

Ltac DDeq := repeat (one_ddeq; on_eqs; GC; auto).

Ltac DDeqs := repeat (one_ddeq; on_eqs; GC; allsimpl; auto).

Lemma bindersDeep_in_allvars :
  {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Term gs),
       subset (tBndngVarsDeep vc t) (tAllVars t))
    ( (gs : GSym G) (p : Pattern gs),
       subset (pBndngVarsDeep vc p) (pAllVars p))
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture lgs),
       subset (mBndngVarsDeep vc m) (mAllVars m))
  intros. GInduction; auto; introv;
  try (complete (allsimpl; cpx));
  try (complete (allsimpl; introv f e; DDeqs; cpx)).

  - Case "mtcons".
    introv T M; introv i.
    allrw in_app_iff; sp.

  - Case "mpcons".
    introv P M; introv i.
    allrw in_app_iff; sp.

Lemma subtractv_app_r : {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  (l1 l2 l : list (vType vc)),
    subtractv l (l1 ++ l2) = subtractv (subtractv l l2) l1.
  unfold subtractv; introv.
  rw diff_app_l; sp.

Lemma subtractv_disjoint_subset :
{G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  (vs l1 l2 : list (vType vc)),
    subset l1 l2
    → disjoint l1 (subtractv vs l2).
  unfold subtractv.
  introv ss i j.
  allrw in_diff; sp.

Lemma subtractv_disjoint :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  vs l, disjoint l (@subtractv G vc vs l).
  unfold subtractv; introv i j.
  allrw in_diff; sp.
Hint Immediate subtractv_disjoint.

Lemma subtractv_cons :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  a l1 l2,
    @subtractv G vc (a :: l1) l2
    = if in_deq_t (vType vc) (DeqVtype vc) a l2
      then subtractv l1 l2
      else a :: (subtractv l1 l2).
  unfold subtractv, removev; simpl; introv.
  rw diff_cons_r.
  remember (memberb (DeqVtype vc) a l2); destruct b; symmetry in Heqb;
  [rw fold_assert in Heqb | rw not_of_assert in Heqb];
  rw (@assert_memberb (vType vc)) in Heqb;
  destruct (in_deq_t (vType vc) (DeqVtype vc) a l2); sp.

Theorem AllButBindersSubset:
  {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
( (s : GSym G) (nt : Term s),
( (s : GSym G) (pt : Pattern s),
    subset (pAllButBinders vc pt )
           (pAllVars pt)
( (l : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture l),
    subset (mAllButBinders vc m)
           (mAllVars m)
Proof. intros.
  GInduction; intros; cpx; allsimpl;
  eauto using subset_app_l, subset_app_r;
  apply app_subset;
  dands; eauto using subset_app_l, subset_app_r.

Lemma getBVarsNthRange :
{G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G} (mp : MixtureParam)
  (m : Mixture mp) (nn: nat),
    nn length mp
    → (getBVarsNth vc m nn) = [].
  induction m; introv Hgt; cpx;
  [Case "mtcons"|Case "mpcons"]; allsimpl.
  - simpl. allunfold ge.
    destruct nn; cpx.
    apply IHm.
  - simpl. allunfold ge.
    destruct nn; cpx; try omega;[].
    apply IHm.

Lemma getBVarsNthRangeContra :
{G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G} (mp : MixtureParam)
  (m : Mixture mp) (nn: nat)
  (x : vType vc),
  LIn x (getBVarsNth vc m nn)
  → nn < length mp.
  introv Hin.
  destruct (le_lt_dec (length mp) nn); cpx.
  rewrite getBVarsNthRange in Hin; cpx.

Lemma lBoundVarsmBndngVars :
{G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G} (mp : MixtureParam)
  (m : Mixture mp)
  (lll : list (list nat)),
  subset (flatten (lBoundVars vc lll m))
         (mBndngVars vc m ).
  introv Hin.
  rw lin_flat_map in Hin.
  exrepnd. rw in_map_iff in Hin1.
  exrepnd. rewrite mBndngVarsAsNth.
  subst. apply lin_flat_map in Hin0.
  exrepnd. rename x0 into nn.
  apply lin_flat_map.
   nn. dands;spc.
  apply getBVarsNthRangeContra in Hin2.
  apply LInSeqIff; dands; omega.

Lemma bindersSubsetDeep: {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
( (s : GSym G) (nt : Term s), True)
( (s : GSym G) (pt : Pattern s),
    subset (pBndngVars vc pt )
           (pBndngVarsDeep vc pt)
( (l : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture l),
    subset (mBndngVars vc m)
           (mBndngVarsDeep vc m)
  intros. GInduction; intros; cpx; allsimpl;
  eauto using subset_app_l, subset_app_r;
  [Case "mpcons"].
  apply app_subset.
  dands; eauto using subset_app_l, subset_app_r.

Theorem bindersAllvarsSubset: {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
( (s : GSym G) (nt : Term s),
( (s : GSym G) (pt : Pattern s),
    subset (pBndngVars vc pt )
           (pAllVars pt)
( (l : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture l),
    subset (mBndngVars vc m)
           (mAllVars m)
  intros. GInduction; intros; cpx; allsimpl;
  eauto using subset_app_l, subset_app_r;
  [Case "mpcons"].
  apply app_subset.
  dands; eauto using subset_app_l, subset_app_r.

Hint Resolve
  (fun G vcmcase (@ AllButBindersSubset G vc))
  (fun G vcpcase (@ AllButBindersSubset G vc))
  (fun G vcmcase (@ bindersAllvarsSubset G vc))
  (fun G vcpcase (@ bindersAllvarsSubset G vc))
  (fun G vcmcase (@ bindersSubsetDeep G vc))
  (fun G vcpcase (@ bindersDeep_in_allvars G vc))
  (fun G vcmcase (@ bindersDeep_in_allvars G vc))
  (fun G vctcase (@ bindersDeep_in_allvars G vc))
  : SetReasoning.

Lemma mBndngVarsSameIfNth : {G : CFGV}
  ( vc : VarSym G)
{la : list (bool × GSym G)} (ma mb: Mixture la),
  ( (nn : nat),
    getBVarsNth vc ma nn = getBVarsNth vc mb nn)
  → mBndngVars vc ma = mBndngVars vc mb.
  intros. rewrite mBndngVarsAsNth.
  rewrite mBndngVarsAsNth.
  apply eq_flat_maps.
  intros nn Hinn. cpx.

Lemma eqSetDeepShallowPlusAlready:
{G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
( (s : GSym G) (nt : Term s), True)
( (s : GSym G) (pt : Pattern s),
    eqset (pBndngVarsDeep vc pt )
          (pBndngVars vc pt ++ pAlreadyBndBinders vc pt)
( (l : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture l),
    eqset (mBndngVarsDeep vc m)
          (mBndngVars vc m ++ mAlreadyBndBinders vc m)
  intros. GInduction; intros; cpx.
- Case "pvleaf".
  simpl; ddeq; cpx.
- Case "mtcons".
  allsimpl. eapply eqset_trans;[|apply eqsetCommute].
  rw <- app_assoc.
  apply eqset_app_if; cpx.
  eapply eqset_trans;[|apply eqsetCommute]; cpx.

- Case "mpcons".
  eapply eqset_trans;[|apply eqsetCommute3].
  rw <- app_assoc.
  rw app_assoc.
  apply eqset_app_if; cpx.
  eapply eqset_trans;[|apply eqsetCommute]. cpx.

Lemma disjointDeepShallowPlusAlready:
{G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  (l : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture l) lva,
  disjoint (mBndngVars vc m ++ mAlreadyBndBinders vc m) lva
  → disjoint (mBndngVarsDeep vc m) lva.
  introv Hdis.
  apply eqsetSubset.
  apply eqset_sym.
  apply eqSetDeepShallowPlusAlready.