EditorDoc Sections Nuprl Doc
IF YOU CAN SEE THIS go to /sfa/Nuprl/Shared/Xindentation_hack_doc.html
Tips for browsing with this editor.

It is probably best to start using this editor simply by browsing the Nuprl library.
Tips for editing may be developed later -- for now you'll just have to survey the body of documentation (see HowTo).

Keyboard Command References.

Use `(mouseleft)' on KbdCmdReferences, for how to read command names in this documentation.

X-windows and the Lisp Window.

For advice about configuring your Xwindows setup for use in Nuprl, click on XwindowSetup.

Quick Documentation and Viewing.

Here are mouse commands for telling you about operators you point at. In increasing degrees of detail: `(c-(mouseleft))' `(cm-(mouseleft))' `(cm-(mousemiddle))' `(cm-(mouseright))'

The Point.

It is important to master setting the "point", or Nuprl "cursor".
WARNING: This "point", is not the same as the Xwindow cursor that tracks the mouse; the point is simply a term in a Nuprl window indicated by highlighting; it may not even be in the same window as the Xwindow cursor.
It is recommended that you become fluent with the following commands:
`(c-(mouseleft))' `(m-(mouseleft))' `(mousemiddle)' `(c-(mousemiddle))' `(mouseright)'

See BasicMouseCmds. Scroll up and down with `{(UP)(c-u){(c-k)(cm-k)}}' and `{(DOWN)(c-u)(c-j)}'.

The "Active" Mouse Button - `(mouseleft)'.

On normal terms, `(mouseleft)' simply sets the cursor, but many terms are "buttons", and `(mouseleft)' on one performs some function, often with respect to the Nuprl "point". To facilitate use of these buttons, the mouse-command `(cm-(mouseleft))' will usually print a line of documentation about what would happen if you used `(mouseleft)'. The simplest form of button is [ob name] which views the named object. See ActiveMouse

Raising Windows with `show' or `(cm-(mouseright))'.

The Scratch button in the main menu will raise a new empty comment object.
The `show' command will normally raise a definition, proof, or documentation object determined by the point. You can can also both set the point and do a `show' with the single command `(cm-(mouseright))'.
See ProofTerms for explanation of how proofs are displayed. You can start browsing part of the standard library by clicking HERE. See ObjectViewing.

Closing a Nuprl Window with `(c-q)' and `(c-a)(c-q)'.

`(c-q)' will close windows that have not been altered since being raised, and
`(c-a)(c-q)' will force a window to close, altered or not -- take care.

To summarily quit Nuprl, ctrl-C Lisp then, if it's Lucid Lisp, (quit), if Allegro, :exit. IF YOU CAN SEE THIS go to /sfa/Nuprl/Shared/Xindentation_hack_doc.html

EditorDoc Sections Nuprl Doc