So, we are down to proving
(A) s2:({m+1...z}{1...n}Peg).
(A) (s1 @(m) s2) is a Hanoi(n disk) seq on a..z
(A) & s1(a) = (i.p)
(A) & s2(z) = (i.q)
s1 is a Hanoi(n-1 disk) seq on a..m
s1(a) = (i.p)
s1(m) = (i.otherPeg(p; q))
Applying the inductive hypothesis further to
s2 is a Hanoi(n-1 disk) seq on m+1..z
s2(m+1) = (i.otherPeg(p; q))
s2(z) = (i.q)
The principle for showing how to combine two such Hanoi sequences to show our goal has been isolated in a lemma:
Thm* n:, a:, z:{a...}, m:{a...z-1}, f,g:({1...n}Peg).
Thm* f(n) g(n)
Thm* (s1:({a...m}{1...n-1}Peg), s2:({m+1...z}{1...n-1}Peg).
Thm* (s1 is a Hanoi(n-1 disk) seq on a..m
Thm* (& s1(a) = f {1...n-1}Peg
Thm* (& s2 is a Hanoi(n-1 disk) seq on m+1..z
Thm* (& s2(z) = g {1...n-1}Peg
Thm* (& s1(m) = s2(m+1)
Thm* (& (i:{1...n-1}. s1(m,i) f(n) & s2(m+1,i) g(n)))
Thm* (r1:({a...m}{1...n}Peg), r2:({m+1...z}{1...n}Peg).
Thm* ((r1 @(m) r2) is a Hanoi(n disk) seq on a..z & r1(a) = f & r2(z) = g)
Applying this special lemma here to show (A) from above, reduces to establishing that for
s1(m,i) p , which follows froms1(m) = (i.otherPeg(p; q)) above, and
s2(m+1,i) q , which follows froms2(m+1) = (i.otherPeg(p; q)) above.