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If moving some disk converts f to g then the conversion if effected by moving whatever disk they disagree on.
hanoi step at change n:, f,g:({1...n}Peg), j:{1...n}.
(k:{1...n}. Moving disk k of n takes f to g)
f(j) g(j) Moving disk j of n takes f to g
Thm*n:, f,g:({1...n}Peg), i,k:{1...n}.
Thm* Moving disk k of n takes f to gf(i) g(i) i = k
1. n : 2. f : {1...n}Peg
3. g : {1...n}Peg
4. j : {1...n}
5. k:{1...n}. Moving disk k of n takes f to gf(j) g(j) j = k 6. k:{1...n}. Moving disk k of n takes f to g 7. f(j) g(j)
Moving disk j of n takes f to g
3 steps
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