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Who Cites mapfilter?
mapfilterDef mapfilter(f;P;L) == map(f;filter(P;L))
Thm* T:Type, P:(T), T':Type, f:({x:T| P(x) }T'), L:T List. mapfilter(f;P;L) T' List
filter Def filter(P;l) == reduce(a,v. if P(a) [a / v] else v fi;nil;l)
Thm* T:Type, P:(T), l:T List. filter(P;l) T List
map Def map(f;as) == Case of as; nil nil ; a.as' [(f(a)) / map(f;as')] (recursive)
Thm* A,B:Type, f:(AB), l:A List. map(f;l) B List
Thm* A,B:Type, f:(AB), l:A List. map(f;l) B List
reduce Def reduce(f;k;as) == Case of as; nil k ; a.as' f(a,reduce(f;k;as')) (recursive)
Thm* A,B:Type, f:(ABB), k:B, as:A List. reduce(f;k;as) B

Syntax:mapfilter(f;P;L) has structure: mapfilter(f; P; L)


WhoCites Definitions MarkB generic Sections NuprlLIB Doc