For example, because "x:. xx = 4" expands by definition to "x:xx = 4" from a proof of it one can extract an expression containing a witness (see Propositions as Types). Here's what we get from this particular proof, named sfadocsimpleexistential1 incidentally:
ext{sfa_doc_simple_existential_1} * <-2,*>
The first component -2 is the witness, and the second component "*" is the trivial member of any Equality Type when the equality actually holds. The equality type is empty when it doesn't hold, so one could not extract from any proof of x:. xx = 4 (i.e. x:xx = 4) a pair where the square of the first component was
Consider a more complex example. The expression "x,y:. x<y & (z:. z<xy<z)" expands by definition to the type expression "x:y:(x<y)(z:(z<x)+(y<z))". Here is an extract from a proof sfadocsimpleexistential2 of this proposition:
Like equality types, a Less-than Type is defined as a primitive type that has a (trivial) member just if the relation holds between the specified integers. Observe that the last component of the tuple, inl(*) (-1<4)+(6<-1) informs us that the left disjunct that is inhabited by *.
Now we move to a more interesting case. Consider Thm*x:. y:. yyx & x<(y+1)(y+1), which claims we can find a certain integer approximation of the square root of any natural number. This expression expands to "x:y:((x<yy)Void)(x<(y+1)(y+1))", expressing the part of constructive content to the effect that there is a function for producing the witness y for each instance x of the universal. Thus, the extract of this theorem, ext{sfa_doc_nat_sqrt}, must be a function producing for each input a pair with a witness as the first component.
Pretty ugly, but automatically extracted, and applicable: ext{sfa_doc_nat_sqrt}(5) * <2,(.*),*>.
So, 2 approximates the square root of 5. Let's evaluate this function for several values, mapping over a list, and pairing each input with the witness gotten by projecting off the result of applying ext{sfa_doc_nat_sqrt}. Def map(f;as) == Case of as; nil nil ;'f(a).map(f;as') (recursive)