Library LetrecEx

Require Export AlphaDecider.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Notation inrr := (fun xinr (inr x)).
Notation inlr := (fun xinl (inr x)).
Notation inll := (fun xinl (inl x)).


Inductive PNonTerminal : Set := lasgn | asgn | asgnRhs.
Inductive VarSym : Set := vsym.
Inductive TNonTerminal : Set := term.
Inductive Terminal :Set := .
Definition vSubstType (_ : VarSym) : TNonTerminal := term.

Inductive PatProd : Set := aNil | aCons | asgnP.
Inductive TermProd : Set := app | lam | letr.
Inductive EmbedProd : Set := asgnRhsE.
Definition epLhsRhs (_: EmbedProd):
   (PNonTerminal × TNonTerminal) := (asgnRhs, term).

Definition ppLhsRhs (p:PatProd) :
 (PNonTerminal × list (PNonTerminal+ (Terminal + VarSym))):=
match p with
 | aNil(lasgn,[])
 | aCons(lasgn, [inl lasgn, inl asgn])
 | asgnP(asgn, [inrr vsym, inl asgnRhs])
Definition tpLhsRhs (p:TermProd) :
 (TNonTerminal × list ((PNonTerminal + VarSym)
                         + (Terminal + TNonTerminal))):=
match p with
 | app(term,[inrr term, inrr term])
 | lam(term, [inlr vsym, inrr term])
 | letr(term, [inll lasgn, inrr term])

Definition bindingInfo (p:TermProd) : list (nat × nat) :=
match p with
 | app[] | lam[(0,1)] | letr[(0,0),(0,1)]

Definition letrecCFGV : CFGV.
eapply Build_CFGV
      with (VarSym := VarSym)
             (Terminal := Terminal)
             (PNonTerminal := PNonTerminal)
             (TNonTerminal := TNonTerminal)
             (PatProd := PatProd)
             (TermProd := TermProd)
             (tpLhsRhs := tpLhsRhs)
             (bindingInfo := bindingInfo)
             (EmbedProd := EmbedProd).
  - intro. exact nvarVarType.
  - exact vSubstType.
  - exact ppLhsRhs.
  - exact epLhsRhs.
  - proveBindingInfoCorrect.
  - proveDeqInductiveNonrec.
  - intro H. contradiction.
  - proveDeqInductiveNonrec.
  - proveDeqInductiveNonrec.
  - proveDeqInductiveNonrec.
  - proveDeqInductiveNonrec.
  - proveDeqInductiveNonrec.
  - proveDeqInductiveNonrec.
Grab Existential Variables.
intro t. inverts t.

Require Export Term.

Notation SYMTN := (@gsymTN letrecCFGV).
Notation SYMPN := (@gsymPN letrecCFGV).
Definition TERM := (Term (SYMTN term)).
Definition PAT p := (Pattern (SYMPN p)).
Notation VAR := (@vType letrecCFGV (vsym)).

Definition mkAsgn : VARTERMPAT asgn.
  intros v t.
  apply (@pnode letrecCFGV asgnP).
  apply mpcons.
  × apply pvleaf. simpl. exact v.
  × apply (mpcons);[| apply mnil].
    apply (@embed letrecCFGV asgnRhsE). simpl.
    exact t.

Definition mkLAsgn : list (PAT asgn) → PAT lasgn.
  intro l. induction l as [| h tl].
  - apply (@pnode letrecCFGV aNil). simpl. apply mnil.
  - apply (@pnode letrecCFGV aCons); simpl.
    apply (mpcons).
    + exact IHtl.
    + apply (mpcons); [| apply mnil].
      exact h.

Definition mkLetr : list (PAT asgn) → TERMTERM.
  intros lp t.
  apply (@tnode letrecCFGV letr). unfold tpRhsAugIsPat. simpl.
  apply mpcons.
  - apply mkLAsgn. exact lp.
  - apply (mtcons);[| apply mnil]. exact t.

Definition mkVTerm : VARTERM.
  intro v.
  apply (@vleaf letrecCFGV vsym).
  exact v.

a representation of the term letrec x:=y in z