Library SwapProps

Require Import Swap.
Require Import AssociationList.
Require Import Eqdep_dec.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Definition isReflSwapping {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G} (s : Swapping vc) :=
  ALDom s = ALRange s.

Lemma swapPreservesSize : {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
    (sw : Swapping vc),
     ( ( (s : GSym G) (t : Term s),
            tSize (tSwap t sw) = tSize t )

        ( (s : GSym G) (pt : Pattern s),
            pSize (pSwap pt sw) = pSize pt)
        ( (l : @MixtureParam G) (m : Mixture l),
            mSize (mSwap m sw) = mSize m)).
  GInduction; intros; allsimpl; auto.

Hint Rewrite (fun G vc sw ⇒ (tcase (@swapPreservesSize G vc sw))) : fast.
Hint Rewrite (fun G vc sw ⇒ (pcase (@swapPreservesSize G vc sw))) : fast.
Hint Rewrite (fun G vc sw ⇒ (mcase (@swapPreservesSize G vc sw))) : fast.

Lemma isReflSwapping_cons :
   {G} {vc : VarSym G} a b (s : Swapping vc),
    isReflSwapping ((a,b)::s) <=> a = b × isReflSwapping s.
  unfold isReflSwapping; introv; simpl; split; intro k; cpx.
  repnd; allrw; sp.

Lemma oneSwapVar_prop_s1 :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
         (v a : vType vc),
    oneSwapVar v (a, a) = v.
  unfold oneSwapVar.
  ddeq; auto.

Lemma swapVar_prop_s1 :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
         (s : Swapping vc) (v : vType vc),
    isReflSwapping s
    → swapVar s v = v.
  induction s as [|x s]; introv isr; allsimpl; auto.
  destruct x as [a b].
  apply isReflSwapping_cons in isr; repnd; subst.
  rewrite oneSwapVar_prop_s1; sp.

Lemma swap_prop_s1_aux :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Term gs) (s : Swapping vc),
       isReflSwapping stSwap t s = t)
    ( (gs : GSym G) (p : Pattern gs) (s : Swapping vc),
       isReflSwapping spSwap p s = p)
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture lgs) (s : Swapping vc),
       isReflSwapping smSwap m s = m).
  apply GInduction; auto; introv.

  - intro isr; simpl.
    ddeq; auto.
    subst; simpl.
    rewrite swapVar_prop_s1; auto.

  - introv mix isr; simpl.
    rw mix; auto.

  - intro isr; simpl.
    destruct (DeqVarSym vc vc0); auto.
    subst; simpl.
    rewrite swapVar_prop_s1; auto.

  - introv tm isr; simpl.
    rw tm; auto.

  - introv mix isr; simpl.
    rw mix; auto.

  - introv tm mix isr; simpl.
    rw tm; auto.
    rw mix; auto.

  - introv pat tm isr; simpl.
    rw pat; auto.
    rw tm; auto.

Hint Rewrite
  (fun G vc gs t
    ⇒ (tcase (@swap_prop_s1_aux G vc) gs t [] eq_refl)): fast.

Hint Rewrite
  (fun G vc gs t
    ⇒ (pcase (@swap_prop_s1_aux G vc) gs t [] eq_refl)): fast.

Hint Rewrite
  (fun G vc gs t
    ⇒ (mcase (@swap_prop_s1_aux G vc) gs t [] eq_refl)): fast.

Lemma swap_prop_s1 :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Term gs) (a : vType vc),
       tSwap t [(a,a)] = t)
    ( (gs : GSym G) (p : Pattern gs) (a : vType vc),
       pSwap p [(a,a)] = p)
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture lgs) (a : vType vc),
       mSwap m [(a,a)] = m).
  pose proof (@swap_prop_s1_aux G vc) as h; repnd.
  dands; introv.
  - apply h1; sp.
  - apply h0; sp.
  - apply h; sp.

Lemma swapVar_S2 : {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
(v a a' : vType vc),
swapVar [(a,a'),(a,a')] v = v.
intros. simpl.
    ddeq; subst; auto; tcsp.

Lemma swapVar_S2app : {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  (sh :vType vc × vType vc)
  (v : vType vc),
swapVar ([sh] ++ [sh]) v = v.
intros. destruct sh. simpl. simpl.
    ddeq; subst; auto; tcsp.

Lemma swap_prop_s3 :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
         (a a' : vType vc),
    (tSwap (vleaf vc a) [(a,a')] = vleaf vc a')
    (pSwap (pvleaf vc a) [(a,a')] = pvleaf vc a').
  introv; simpl; DDeqs; sp.

Lemma swapVar_app :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
         (s1 s2 : Swapping vc) (v : vType vc),
    swapVar s2 (swapVar s1 v) = swapVar (s1 ++ s2) v.
  induction s1 as [|x s1]; introv; simpl; sp.

Lemma swapVar_s2stronger :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
         (sw : Swapping vc) (v : vType vc),
    swapVar ((rev sw)++sw) v = v.
  intros G vc sw. induction sw as [|sh sw].
  - intros. simpl. trivial.
  - intros. simpl. rw <- app_assoc.
    rw (cons_as_app _ sh sw).
    rewrite <- swapVar_app.
    rewrite <- swapVar_app.
    rewrite <- swapVar_app.
    remember (swapVar (rev sw) v) as sv.
    rewrite (swapVar_app [sh] [sh]).
    rewrite swapVar_S2app.
    rewrite swapVar_app.

Lemma swapVar_s2stronger2 :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
         (sw : Swapping vc) (v : vType vc),
    swapVar (sw++(rev sw)) v = v.
  remember (rev sw) as rsw.
  rewrite <- rev_involutive with (l:=sw).
  apply swapVar_s2stronger.

Lemma LInEquivariant : {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
  @EquiVariantRel G vc _ _
   (fun x sswapVar s x)
    (fun x sswapLVar s x) (LIn).
  unfold EquiVariantRel.
  induction tb; cpx.
  dorn X;[left; subst | right]; cpx.

Lemma swapVarInj:
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
         (sw : Swapping vc) (va vb : vType vc),
    swapVar sw va = swapVar sw vb
    → va = vb.
  induction sw.
  - simpl. auto.
  - simpl. introv Heq. apply IHsw in Heq.
    destruct a.
    allsimpl. revert Heq.
    cases_ifd Hda; cases_ifd Hdb; subst; cpx;
    cases_ifd Hdc; try cases_ifd Hdd; intros; subst; cpx.

Lemma NegLInEquivariant : {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
  @EquiVariantRel G vc _ _
   (fun x sswapVar s x)
    (fun x sswapLVar s x) (fun x l!LIn x l).
  unfold EquiVariantRel.
  induction tb; cpx.
  allsimpl. introv Hc.
  apply H.
  dorn Hc;[left; subst | right]; cpx.
  - apply swapVarInj in Hc; trivial.
  - apply IHtb in Hc; cpx.

Lemma DisjointEquivariant : {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
  @EquiVariantRelSame G vc _
    (fun x sswapLVar s x) (disjoint).
  unfold EquiVariantRelSame, EquiVariantRel.
  induction ta; cpx.
  allsimpl. introv Hin Hinc.
  dorn Hin.
  - revert Hinc. subst. apply NegLInEquivariant.
    introv Hc. repeat (disjoint_reasoning).
  - repeat (disjoint_reasoning).

Lemma NoRepeatsEquivariant : {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
  @EquiVariantRelUn G vc _
    (fun x sswapLVar s x) (no_repeats).
  unfold EquiVariantRelUn.
  introv X. intros.
  induction ta; cpx.
  inverts X.
  allsimpl. constructor; cpx.
  apply NegLInEquivariant. trivial.

Lemma AllVarsEquivariant :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    ( (gs : GSym G),
    EquiVariantFn (@tSwap _ vc gs)
                  (fun x sswapLVar s x)
                  (tAllVars ))
    ( (gs : GSym G),
    EquiVariantFn (@pSwap _ vc gs)
                  (fun x sswapLVar s x)
                  (pAllVars ))
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)),
     EquiVariantFn (@mSwap _ vc lgs)
                (fun x sswapLVar s x)
                (mAllVars )).
  GInduction; auto; introns Hyp; intros; allsimpl ; auto.

  - simpl. rewrite DeqSym. symmetry. rewrite DeqSym.
    destruct_head_match; try subst; cpx.

  - simpl. rewrite DeqSym. symmetry. rewrite DeqSym.
    destruct_head_match; try subst; cpx.

  - unfold swapLVar. rw map_app.
    unfold swapLVar in Hyp0.
    unfold swapLVar in Hyp.
    f_equal; cpx.

  - unfold swapLVar. rw map_app.
    unfold swapLVar in Hyp0.
    unfold swapLVar in Hyp.
    f_equal; cpx.

Lemma bndngVarsDeepEquivariant :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    ( (gs : GSym G),
    EquiVariantFn (@tSwap _ vc gs)
                  (fun x sswapLVar s x)
                  (tBndngVarsDeep vc))
    ( (gs : GSym G),
    EquiVariantFn (@pSwap _ vc gs)
                  (fun x sswapLVar s x)
                  (pBndngVarsDeep vc ))
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)),
     EquiVariantFn (@mSwap _ vc lgs)
                (fun x sswapLVar s x)
                (mBndngVarsDeep vc )).
  GInduction; auto; introns Hyp; intros; allsimpl ; auto.

  - Case "pvleaf".
    simpl. rewrite DeqSym. symmetry. rewrite DeqSym.
    destruct_head_match; try subst; cpx.

  - Case "mtcons". unfold swapLVar. rw map_app.
    unfold swapLVar in Hyp0.
    unfold swapLVar in Hyp.
    f_equal; cpx.

  - Case "mpcons". unfold swapLVar. rw map_app.
    unfold swapLVar in Hyp0.
    unfold swapLVar in Hyp.
    f_equal; cpx.

Lemma swapLVar_app :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G} s vs1 vs2,
    @swapLVar G vc s (vs1 ++ vs2) = swapLVar s vs1 ++ swapLVar s vs2.
  unfold swapLVar.
  rw map_app; auto.

Lemma pBndngVars_swap : {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Term gs), True)
    ( (g : GSym G) (ph : Pattern g) s,
       pBndngVars vc (pSwap ph s)
       = swapLVar s (pBndngVars vc ph))
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture lgs) s,
       mBndngVars vc (mSwap m s)
       = swapLVar s (mBndngVars vc m))
Proof. intros.
  GInduction; auto; introv; allsimpl; DDeqs; auto.
  introv P M; introv.
  rewrite swapLVar_app.
  apply app_if; auto.

Lemma getBVarsNth_swap :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
    (p : MixtureParam) (m : Mixture p) x s,
    getBVarsNth vc (mSwap m s) x
    = swapLVar s (getBVarsNth vc m x).
  induction m; introv; simpl; auto;
  destruct x; simpl; auto.
  apply (snd (fst pBndngVars_swap)).

Lemma swapLVar_flat_map :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G} A s f (l : list A),
    @swapLVar G vc s (flat_map f l) = flat_map (compose (swapLVar s) f) l.
  unfold swapLVar.
  rw map_flat_map; sp.

Lemma lBoundVars_swap :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
    (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture lgs) bsl s,
    lBoundVars vc bsl (mSwap m s)
    = swapLLVar s (lBoundVars vc bsl m).
  induction bsl; simpl; auto; introv.
  rw IHbsl.
  apply eq_cons; auto.
  rewrite swapLVar_flat_map; unfold compose.
  apply eq_flat_maps; introv i.
  destruct x; simpl; auto; apply getBVarsNth_swap.

Lemma lBoundVars_equivariant :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
    (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)) bsl,
      (fun m smSwap m s)
      (fun l sswapLLVar s l)
      (@lBoundVars G vc lgs bsl).
  unfold EquiVariantFn; introv.
  rewrite lBoundVars_swap; auto.

Lemma injective_fun_swapVar :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
   s, injective_fun (@swapVar G vc s).
  unfold swapVar, injective_fun.
  induction s; simpl; auto.
  introv k.
  apply IHs in k.
  destruct a.
  unfold oneSwapVar in k.
  ddeq; subst; sp.

Hint Immediate injective_fun_swapVar.
!! rename it to subtractEquivariant
Lemma swapLVar_subtractv :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G} s l1 l2,
    @swapLVar G vc s (subtractv l1 l2) = subtractv (swapLVar s l1) (swapLVar s l2).
  unfold swapLVar, subtractv.
  apply map_diff_commute; auto.

Lemma lheadEquivariant :
    {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    @EquiVariantFn G vc _ _
                   (fun x sswapLLVar s x)
                   (fun x sswapLVar s x)
  intros. unfolds_base.
  intros. destruct ta; cpx.

Lemma tailEquivariant :
    {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    @EquiVariantFn G vc _ _
                   (fun x sswapLLVar s x)
                   (fun x sswapLLVar s x)
                   (@tail _).
  intros. unfolds_base.
  intros. destruct ta; cpx.

Lemma freevarsEquivariant :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    ( (gs : GSym G),
    EquiVariantFn (@tSwap _ vc gs)
                  (fun x sswapLVar s x)
                  (tfreevars vc))
    ( (gs : GSym G),
    EquiVariantFn (@pSwap _ vc gs)
                  (fun x sswapLVar s x)
                  (pfreevars vc ))
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)),
    EquiVariantFn2 (@mSwap _ vc lgs)
                   (fun x sswapLLVar s x)
                   (fun x sswapLVar s x)
                   (@mfreevars _ _ _)).
  GInduction; auto; introns Hyp; intros; allsimpl ; auto.

  - Case "vleaf".
    simpl. rewrite DeqSym. symmetry. rewrite DeqSym.
    destruct_head_match; try subst; cpx.

  - Case "tnode".
    unfold allBndngVars.
    rewrite <- (lBoundVars_equivariant).

  - Case "pnode".
    rewrite Hyp. simpl.

  - Case "mtcons".
    rewrite <- Hyp.
    rewrite <- lheadEquivariant.
    rewrite <- swapLVar_subtractv.
    rewrite swapLVar_app. f_equal; cpx.
    rewrite <- tailEquivariant.

  - Case "mpcons".
    rewrite <- Hyp.
    rewrite <- lheadEquivariant.
    rewrite <- swapLVar_subtractv.
    rewrite swapLVar_app. f_equal; cpx.
    rewrite <- tailEquivariant.

Lemma swap_prop_s2Stronger :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Term gs) (sw : Swapping vc),
       tSwap t (sw ++ (rev sw)) = t)
    ( (gs : GSym G) (p : Pattern gs) (sw : Swapping vc),
       pSwap p (sw ++ (rev sw)) = p)
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture lgs)
      (sw : Swapping vc),
       mSwap m (sw ++ (rev sw)) = m).
  GInduction; auto; introv; allsimpl ; cpx.

  - simpl; ddeq; auto. subst.
    simpl. f_equal.
    apply swapVar_s2stronger2.

  - introv mix; introv; simpl.
    rw mix; auto.

  - simpl; ddeq; auto. subst.
    simpl. f_equal.
    apply swapVar_s2stronger2.

  - introv tm; introv; simpl.
    rw tm; auto.

  - introv mix; introv; simpl.
    rw mix; auto.

  - introv tm mix; introv; simpl.
    rw mix; rw tm; auto.

  - introv pat tm; introv; simpl.
    rw pat; rw tm; auto.

Hint Rewrite (fun G vc
    ⇒ tcase (@swap_prop_s2Stronger G vc)) : fast.
Hint Rewrite (fun G vc
    ⇒ pcase (@swap_prop_s2Stronger G vc)) : fast.
Hint Rewrite (fun G vc
    ⇒ mcase (@swap_prop_s2Stronger G vc)) : fast.
Hint Rewrite (fun G vc
    ⇒ (@swapVar_s2stronger2 G vc)) : fast.

Lemma swapVar_e1stronger :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
         (swa swb : Swapping vc) (v : vType vc),
    swapVar (swa ++ swb) v = swapVar (swb ++ (swapSwap swb swa)) v.
  intros G vc sw. induction sw as [|sh sw].
  - intros. simpl. autorewrite with fast. trivial.
  - intros. rw cons_as_app. rw <- app_assoc.
    simpl. rw IHsw.
    rewrite <- swapVar_app.
    rw cons_as_app. rw app_assoc.
    rewrite <- swapVar_app.
    destruct sh as [sl sr].
    cases_ifd Hd; subst; auto.
    + rewrite <- swapVar_app.
      ddeq; auto.
    + ddeq; subst; auto.
      × rewrite <- swapVar_app.
        simpl. ddeq; auto.
      × rewrite <- swapVar_app.
        simpl. ddeq; auto;
        apply swapVarInj in e; subst; cpx.

Lemma swap_app :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Term gs) (s1 s2 : Swapping vc),
       tSwap (tSwap t s1) s2 = tSwap t (s1 ++ s2))
    ( (gs : GSym G) (p : Pattern gs) (s1 s2 : Swapping vc),
       pSwap (pSwap p s1) s2 = pSwap p (s1 ++ s2))
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture lgs) (s1 s2 : Swapping vc),
       mSwap (mSwap m s1) s2 = mSwap m (s1 ++ s2)).
  apply GInduction; auto; introv.

  - simpl.
    ddeq; auto.
    subst; simpl.
    rewrite swapVar_app; auto.

  - introv mix; introv; simpl.
    rw mix; auto.

  - simpl.
    ddeq; auto; subst; simpl.
    rewrite swapVar_app; auto.

  - introv tm; introv; simpl.
    rw tm; auto.

  - introv mix; introv; simpl.
    rw mix; auto.

  - introv tm mix; introv; simpl.
    rw tm; auto.
    rw mix; auto.

  - introv pat tm; introv; simpl.
    rw pat; auto.
    rw tm; auto.

Hint Rewrite (fun G vctcase (@swap_app G vc)) : SwapAppR.
Hint Rewrite (fun G vcpcase (@swap_app G vc)) : SwapAppR.
Hint Rewrite (fun G vcmcase (@swap_app G vc)) : SwapAppR.

Hint Rewrite <- (fun G vctcase (@swap_app G vc)) : SwapAppL.
Hint Rewrite <- (fun G vcpcase (@swap_app G vc)) : SwapAppL.
Hint Rewrite <- (fun G vcmcase (@swap_app G vc)) : SwapAppL.

Hint Rewrite (fun G vc ⇒ (@swapVar_app G vc)) : SwapAppR.
Hint Rewrite <- (fun G vc ⇒ (@swapVar_app G vc)) : SwapAppL.

Lemma swap_prop_e1Stronger :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Term gs) (swa swb : Swapping vc),
       tSwap t (swa ++ swb) = tSwap t (swb ++ (swapSwap swb swa)))
    ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Pattern gs) (swa swb : Swapping vc),
       pSwap t (swa ++ swb) = pSwap t (swb ++ (swapSwap swb swa)))
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture lgs)
      (swa swb : Swapping vc),
       mSwap m (swa ++ swb) = mSwap m (swb ++ (swapSwap swb swa))).
  apply GInduction; auto; introv.

  - simpl. f_equal. destruct_head_match; auto.
    subst. simpl. apply swapVar_e1stronger.

  - introv mix; introv; simpl.
    rw mix; simpl; auto.

  - simpl. f_equal. destruct_head_match; auto.
    subst. simpl. apply swapVar_e1stronger.

  - introv tm; introv; simpl.
    rw tm; simpl; auto.

  - introv mix; introv; simpl.
    rw mix; simpl; auto.

  - introv tm mix; introv; simpl.
    rw mix; rw tm; simpl; auto.

  - introv pat tm; introv; simpl.
    rw pat; rw tm; simpl; auto.

Section SwapProps.
Context {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}.
Notation vcType := (vType vc).

Lemma swapVarImplies :
   (sw : Swapping vc) v w,
         w = swapVar sw v
         → w = v [+] LIn w (ALDom sw) [+] LIn w (ALRange sw).
  simpl; induction sw as [| s sw IHvs1]; introv Heq; cpx.
  destruct s as [va vb].
  allsimpl. apply IHvs1 in Heq.
  ddeq; sp; try subst; cpx.

Lemma swapvarImplies2 :
   (vs1 vs2 : list vcType),
    length vs1 = length vs2
    → v,
         let w := swapVar (combine vs1 vs2) v in
         w = v [+] LIn w vs1 [+] LIn w vs2.
  simpl; induction vs1 as [| va vs1 IHvs1];
    introv len; introv; allsimpl; destruct vs2 as [|vb vs2]; allsimpl; cpx.
  ddeq; sp; subst.
  - pose proof (IHvs1 vs2 len vb) as h; sp.
  - pose proof (IHvs1 vs2 len va) as h; sp.
  - pose proof (IHvs1 vs2 len v) as h; sp.

Lemma swapVarNoChange2 :
   v (vsa vsb : list vcType),
    !LIn v vsa
    → !LIn v vsb
    → swapVar (combine vsa vsb) v = v.
  induction vsa; simpl; introv ni1 ni2; auto.
  allrw not_over_or; repnd.
  destruct vsb; simpl; auto.
  allsimpl; allrw not_over_or; repnd.
  ddeq; sp.

Lemma swapVarNoChange :
   v (sw : Swapping vc),
    !LIn v (ALDom sw)
    → !LIn v (ALRange sw)
    → swapVar sw v = v.
  induction sw; simpl; introv ni1 ni2; auto.
  allrw not_over_or; repnd.
  ddeq; try subst; sp.

Lemma swapVarDisjChain :
  (vsa vs vsb : list (vType vc))
  (v : vType vc),
    length vs = length vsa
    → length vs = length vsb
    → no_repeats vs
    → no_repeats vsb
    → disjoint vs (vsa ++ vsb ++ [v])
    → disjoint vsb (vsa ++ [v])
    → swapVar ((combine vsa vs) ++ (combine vs vsb)) v
       = swapVar (combine vsa vsb) v.
  induction vsa; introv lena lenb norepa norepb disja disjb;
  allsimpl; destruct vs; allsimpl; cpx;
  destruct vsb; allsimpl; cpx.

  allrw disjoint_cons_l; allrw disjoint_cons_r;
  allrw disjoint_app_r; allrw disjoint_cons_r;
  allrw disjoint_app_r; allrw disjoint_singleton_r;
  allsimpl; allrw in_app_iff; allsimpl; allrw in_app_iff;
  allrw in_single_iff; allrw not_over_or;
  allrw no_repeats_cons; repnd; GC.
  ddeq; subst;try (complete cpx);[|].

  - rewrite <- swapVar_app. simpl.
    ddeq; try subst;try (complete cpx);[| | ].

    + repeat (rw swapVarNoChange2; auto).

    + provefalse. apply n.
      rw swapVarNoChange2; auto.

    + repeat (rw swapVarNoChange2; auto).
      repeat (rw swapVarNoChange2 in n; auto).

  - rewrite <- swapVar_app. simpl.
    ddeq; try subst;try (complete cpx);[| | ].

    + symmetry in lena.
      pose proof (swapvarImplies2 vsa vs lena v) as o;
      simpl in o. sp.

    + symmetry in lena.
      pose proof (swapvarImplies2 vsa vs lena v) as o;
       simpl in o; sp.

    + pose proof (@in_deq vcType (DeqVtype vc) v vsa) as h.
      dorn h; try (complete (repeat (rw swapVarNoChange2; auto)));[].
      rewrite swapVar_app.
      apply IHvsa; auto; allrw disjoint_app_r; allrw disjoint_singleton_r; auto.

Lemma swapDisjChain :
  (vsa vs vsb : list vcType),
    length vs = length vsa
    → length vs = length vsb
    → no_repeats vs
    → no_repeats vsb
  ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Term gs),
       disjoint vs (vsa ++ vsb ++ (tAllVars t))
       → disjoint vsb (vsa ++ tAllVars t)
       → tSwap t ((combine vsa vs) ++ (combine vs vsb))
            = tSwap t (combine vsa vsb))
  ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Pattern gs),
       disjoint vs (vsa ++ vsb ++ (pAllVars t))
       → disjoint vsb (vsa ++ pAllVars t)
       → pSwap t ((combine vsa vs) ++ (combine vs vsb))
            = pSwap t (combine vsa vsb))

  ( (lgs : MixtureParam) (m : Mixture lgs) ,
       disjoint vs (vsa ++ vsb ++ (mAllVars m))
       → disjoint vsb (vsa ++ mAllVars m)
       → mSwap m ((combine vsa vs) ++ (combine vs vsb))
            = mSwap m (combine vsa vsb)).
  introv Hlena Hlenb Hnr Hnrb.
  apply GInduction; auto; introns Hdis; allsimpl.

  - Case "vleaf". simpl. f_equal. rewrite DeqSym. symmetry. rewrite DeqSym.
    destruct_head_match; cpx.
    simpl. symmetry. apply swapVarDisjChain; auto;
    repeat(disjoint_reasoning); allsimpl;
    allrewrite (@DeqTrue (VarSym G)); allsimpl;

  - Case "pnode".
    rw Hdis; simpl; auto.

  - Case "pvleaf". simpl. f_equal. rewrite DeqSym. symmetry. rewrite DeqSym.
    destruct_head_match; cpx.
    simpl. symmetry. apply swapVarDisjChain; auto;
    repeat(disjoint_reasoning); allsimpl;
    allrewrite (@DeqTrue (VarSym G)); allsimpl;

  - rw Hdis; simpl; auto.
  - rw Hdis; simpl; auto.
  - f_equal.
    + apply Hdis; repeat(disjoint_reasoning).
    + apply Hdis0; repeat(disjoint_reasoning).

  - f_equal.
    + apply Hdis; repeat(disjoint_reasoning).
    + apply Hdis0; repeat(disjoint_reasoning).

Lemma swapVarSwitch :
    (sw : Swapping vc)
    (v : vType vc),
    swapVar sw v = swapVar (ALSwitch sw) v.
  induction sw as [|(l,r) sw Hind]; auto;[].
  intros. simpl.
  ddeq; subst; cpx.
  subst r. cpx.
Lemma swapSwitch :
    ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Term gs) (sw : Swapping vc),
       tSwap t sw = tSwap t (ALSwitch sw))
    ( (gs : GSym G) (p : Pattern gs) (sw : Swapping vc),
       pSwap p sw = pSwap p(ALSwitch sw))
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture lgs)
      (sw : Swapping vc),
       mSwap m sw = mSwap m (ALSwitch sw)).
  GInduction; auto; introv; allsimpl ; cpx.

  - simpl. f_equal.
    rewrite DeqSym. symmetry. rewrite DeqSym. symmetry.
    ddeq; auto. subst.
    simpl. apply swapVarSwitch.

  - introv mix; introv; simpl.
    rw mix; auto.

  - simpl. f_equal.
    rewrite DeqSym. symmetry. rewrite DeqSym. symmetry.
    ddeq; auto. subst.
    simpl. apply swapVarSwitch.

  - introv tm; introv; simpl.
    rw tm; auto.

  - introv mix; introv; simpl.
    rw mix; auto.

  - introv tm mix; introv; simpl.
    rw mix; rw tm; auto.

  - introv pat tm; introv; simpl.
    rw pat; rw tm; auto.

Lemma swapVarRevNoRep :
    (sw : Swapping vc)
    (v : vType vc),
    no_repeats (ALDom sw)
    → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
    → disjoint (ALDom sw) (ALRange sw)
    → swapVar sw v = swapVar (rev sw) v.
  induction sw as [|(l,r) sw Hind]; auto;[].
  introv H1nr H2nr Hdis. allsimpl.
  allrw disjoint_cons_l; allrw disjoint_cons_r;
  allrw disjoint_app_r; allrw disjoint_cons_r;
  allrw disjoint_app_r; allrw disjoint_singleton_r;
  allsimpl; allrw in_app_iff; allsimpl; allrw in_app_iff;
  allrw in_single_iff; allrw not_over_or;
  allrw no_repeats_cons; repnd; GC.
  assert (!LIn l (ALDom (rev sw))) by
    (allunfold ALDom; introv Hc;
    eauto 3 with SetReasoning).
    assert (!LIn r (ALDom (rev sw))) by
      (allunfold ALDom; introv Hc;
      eauto 3 with SetReasoning).
    assert (!LIn l (ALRange (rev sw))) by
      (allunfold ALRange; introv Hc;
      eauto 3 with SetReasoning).
    assert (!LIn r (ALRange (rev sw))) by
      (allunfold ALRange; introv Hc;
      eauto 3 with SetReasoning).
  ddeq; try subst; cpx.
    rw Hind; auto.
    rewrite <- swapVar_app. simpl.
    ddeq; try (subst; cpx; fail).
    + rewrite swapVarNoChange; cpx.
    + rewrite swapVarNoChange in n; cpx.
    + rewrite swapVarNoChange in n; cpx.

    rw Hind; auto.
    rewrite <- swapVar_app. simpl.
    ddeq; try (subst; cpx; fail).
    + applysym swapVarImplies in e. cpx.
    + rewrite swapVarNoChange; cpx.
    + rewrite swapVarNoChange in n1; cpx.

    rw Hind; auto.
    rewrite <- swapVar_app. simpl.
    ddeq; try (subst; cpx; fail).
    + applysym swapVarImplies in e. cpx.
    + applysym swapVarImplies in e. cpx.

Lemma swapRevNoRep :
    ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Term gs) (sw : Swapping vc),
      no_repeats (ALDom sw)
      → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
      → disjoint (ALDom sw) (ALRange sw)
      → tSwap t sw = tSwap t (rev sw))
    ( (gs : GSym G) (p : Pattern gs) (sw : Swapping vc),
      no_repeats (ALDom sw)
      → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
      → disjoint (ALDom sw) (ALRange sw)
       → pSwap p sw = pSwap p(rev sw))
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture lgs)
      (sw : Swapping vc),
      no_repeats (ALDom sw)
      → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
      → disjoint (ALDom sw) (ALRange sw)
       → mSwap m sw = mSwap m (rev sw)).
  GInduction; auto; introv; allsimpl ; introns Hyp; allsimpl; cpx.

  - simpl. f_equal.
    rewrite DeqSym. symmetry. rewrite DeqSym. symmetry.
    ddeq; auto. subst.
    simpl. apply swapVarRevNoRep; auto.

  - rw Hyp; auto.

  - simpl. f_equal.
    rewrite DeqSym. symmetry. rewrite DeqSym. symmetry.
    ddeq; auto. subst.
    simpl. apply swapVarRevNoRep; auto.

  - rw Hyp; auto.
  - rw Hyp; auto.
  - rw Hyp; auto. rw Hyp0; auto.
  - rw Hyp; auto. rw Hyp0; auto.

Lemma swapVarIn : (sw : Swapping vc) v,
    LIn v (ALDom sw)
    → !LIn v (ALRange sw)
    → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
    → disjoint (ALDom sw) (ALRange sw)
    → LIn (swapVar sw v) (ALRange sw).
  induction sw; simpl; introv i1 ni2 norep disj; auto; try (complete sp).
  allrw disjoint_cons_l; allrw disjoint_cons_r; repnd; allsimpl.
  allrw not_over_or; repnd.
  allrw no_repeats_cons; repnd.
  ddeq; try (complete sp);[].
  rw swapVarNoChange; auto.

Lemma swapVarInOrEq : (sw : Swapping vc) v,
    !LIn v (ALRange sw)
    → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
    → disjoint (ALDom sw) (ALRange sw)
    → (LIn (swapVar sw v) (ALRange sw) [+] (swapVar sw v =v )).
  destruct (in_deq _ (DeqVtype vc) v (ALDom sw));[left | right].
  - apply swapVarIn; auto.
  - apply swapVarNoChange; cpx.

Lemma swapVarInOrEq2 : (sw : Swapping vc) v,
    !LIn v (ALRange sw)
    → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
    → disjoint (ALDom sw) (ALRange sw)
    → ((LIn (swapVar sw v) (ALRange sw) × LIn v (ALDom sw))
        [+] ((swapVar sw v =v )
              × (!LIn v (ALDom sw)))).
  destruct (in_deq _ (DeqVtype vc) v (ALDom sw));[left | right].
  - dands; auto. apply swapVarIn; auto.
  - dands; auto.
    apply swapVarNoChange; cpx.

Lemma swapLVarDisjoint: (sw : Swapping vc) lv,
  disjoint lv (ALRange sw)
  → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
  → disjoint (ALDom sw) (ALRange sw)
  → disjoint (swapLVar sw lv) (ALDom sw).
  induction lv; cpx.
  introv Hdis Hnt H2dis.
  apply disjoint_cons_l in Hdis.
  repnd. apply disjoint_cons_l.
  applydup IHlv in H2dis; cpx.
  dands; cpx.
  applydup swapVarInOrEq2 in Hdis; cpx;[].
  repeat(in_reasoning); repnd; try subst; cpx.
  - introv Hin. disjoint_lin_contra.
  - rewrite Hdis2. sp.

Lemma swapLVarDisjoint2: (swl swr lv: list (vType vc)),
  disjoint lv swr
  → length swl = length swr
  → no_repeats swr
  → disjoint swl swr
  → disjoint (swapLVar (combine swl swr) lv) swl.
  pose proof (swapLVarDisjoint (combine swl swr)) as XX.
  specialize (XX lv).
  autorewrite with fast in XX; try congruence.
  apply XX; auto.

Lemma swapLVar_subset :
   l1 l2 l,
    length l1 = length l2
    → disjoint l1 l2
    → disjoint l2 l
    → no_repeats l2
    → subset (@swapLVar G vc (combine l1 l2) l)
              (subtractv l l1 ++ l2).
  introv len disj1 disj2 norep.
  induction l; simpl; auto.
  apply subset_cons_l.
  allrw disjoint_cons_r; repnd.
  rewrite subtractv_cons; DDeqs; dands; tcsp.

  - pose proof (swapVarIn (combine l1 l2) a) as h.
     autorewrite with fast in h; try congruence;[].
     repeat (autodimp h hyp).
    apply in_app_iff; sp.

  - rw swapVarNoChange; auto;
    autorewrite with fast; try congruence.

End SwapProps.

Lemma swapCommonBinders :
{G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
( (s : GSym G) (ta : Term s) (sw: Swapping vc)
(lvA : list (vType vc)),
    subset (lvKeep lvA (tBndngVarsDeep vc ta)) (ALDom sw)
    → disjoint (ALRange sw) (lvA++ (tAllVars ta))
    → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
    → disjoint (ALDom sw) (ALRange sw)
    → disjoint (tBndngVarsDeep vc (tSwap ta sw)) lvA)
( (s : GSym G) (pt : Pattern s) (sw: Swapping vc)
(lvA : list (vType vc)),
    subset (lvKeep lvA (pBndngVarsDeep vc pt)) (ALDom sw)
    → disjoint (ALRange sw) (lvA++ (pAllVars pt))
    → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
    → disjoint (ALDom sw) (ALRange sw)
    → disjoint (pBndngVarsDeep vc (pSwap pt sw)) lvA)
( (l : MixtureParam) (ma: Mixture l) (sw: Swapping vc)
(lvA : list (vType vc)),
    subset (lvKeep lvA (mBndngVarsDeep vc ma)) (ALDom sw)
    → disjoint (ALRange sw) (lvA++ (mAllVars ma))
    → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
    → disjoint (ALDom sw) (ALRange sw)
    → disjoint (mBndngVarsDeep vc (mSwap ma sw)) lvA).
  introv. GInduction; cpx; eauto with slow;[| |].
- Case "pvleaf". introv Hsub Hdis Hsdid Hnr.
  allsimpl. rewrite DeqSym.
  rewrite DeqSym in Hdis.
  rewrite DeqSym in Hsub.
  ddeq; subst; allsimpl; cpx;[].
  duplicate Hdis.
  eapply swapVarInOrEq in Hdis;cpx.
  dorn Hdis.
  + disjoint_lin_contra.
  + duplicate X. rw Hdis in X.
    rw memberb_din in Hsub.
    revert Hsub.
    cases_ifd Hs; introv Hsub;cpx.
    unfold subset in Hsub; allsimpl; dLin_hyp; try subst.
    eapply swapVarIn in Hdis1; cpx.
- Case "mtcons".
  introns Hyp.
  allsimpl. repeat (disjoint_reasoning).
  allrw in_app_iff.
  dorn Hyp5.
  + eapply Hyp in Hyp5; eauto;
    unfold lvKeep in Hyp1.
    unfold lKeep in Hyp1.
    rw filter_app in Hyp1.
    rw subset_app in Hyp1. repnd.
  + eapply Hyp0 in Hyp5; eauto;
    unfold lvKeep in Hyp1.
    unfold lKeep in Hyp1.
    rw filter_app in Hyp1.
    rw subset_app in Hyp1. repnd. cpx.
- Case "mpcons".
  introns Hyp.
  allsimpl. repeat (disjoint_reasoning).
  allrw in_app_iff.
  dorn Hyp5.
  + eapply Hyp in Hyp5; eauto;
    unfold lvKeep in Hyp1.
    unfold lKeep in Hyp1.
    rw filter_app in Hyp1.
    rw subset_app in Hyp1. repnd.
  + eapply Hyp0 in Hyp5; eauto;
    unfold lvKeep in Hyp1.
    unfold lKeep in Hyp1.
    rw filter_app in Hyp1.
    rw subset_app in Hyp1. repnd. cpx.

Lemma tSwapBndngVarsDisjoint :
{G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
( (s : GSym G) (ta : Term s)
(la lb : list (vType vc))
(lvA : list (vType vc)),
    disjoint (tBndngVarsDeep vc ta) lvA
    → disjoint lb (lvA++ (tAllVars ta))
    → length la = length lb
    → no_repeats lb
    → disjoint la lb
    → disjoint (tBndngVarsDeep vc (tSwap ta (combine la lb))) lvA).
  introv Ha Hb Hc Hd He.
  apply (tcase swapCommonBinders); autorewrite with fast; cpx.
  unfold lvKeep.
  rewrite lKeepDisjoint; cpx.

Lemma SwapEmbedSameBinders :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
  ( (s : GSym G) (ta : Term s), True)
  ( (s : GSym G) (pt : Pattern s)
  (sw: Swapping vc),
      pBndngVars vc pt
                = pBndngVars vc (pSwapEmbed pt sw))
  ( (l : MixtureParam) (ma: Mixture l)
  (sw : Swapping vc),
      mBndngVars vc ma
                = mBndngVars vc (mSwapEmbed ma sw)).
  intros. GInduction; cpx;[].
  Case "mpcons". introns Hyp. intros.
  allsimpl. f_equal; sp.

Lemma SwapEmbedSpec :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
  ( (s : GSym G) (ta : Term s), True)
  ( (s : GSym G) (pt : Pattern s)
  (sw: Swapping vc)
  (lvA : list (vType vc)),
      disjoint lvA (pBndngVars vc pt)
      → disjoint (lvA++ (pAllButBinders vc pt)
                        ++ (ALDom sw)) (ALRange sw)
      → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
      → disjoint (pAlreadyBndBinders vc pt) lvA
      → disjoint lvA
                  (pBndngVarsDeep vc
                    (pSwapEmbed pt sw)))
  ( (l : MixtureParam) (ma: Mixture l)
  (sw : Swapping vc)
  (lvA : list (vType vc)),
  disjoint lvA (mBndngVars vc ma)
  → disjoint (lvA++ (mAllButBinders vc ma)
        ++ (ALDom sw)) (ALRange sw)
  → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
  → disjoint (mAlreadyBndBinders vc ma) lvA
  → disjoint lvA (mBndngVarsDeep vc (mSwapEmbed ma sw))
intros. GInduction; cpx;[| |].
- Case "pembed".
  introv ? ? Hpa Hta Hd.
  apply disjoint_sym.
  apply swapCommonBinders; cpx;
  unfold lvKeep.
  rewrite lKeepDisjoint; cpx.
- Case "mtcons".
  introv. intros ? ? Hind ?.
  introv H1a H2a Hd.
  repeat (disjoint_reasoning).
  repnud H2a.
  repnud H1a.
  apply Hind; cpx;repeat(disjoint_reasoning).
- Case "mpcons".
  introv. intros Hpind ? Hmind ?.
  introv H1a H2a Hd H2d.
  allsimpl. repeat(disjoint_reasoning);[|].
  + apply Hpind;
    cpx; dands;repeat(disjoint_reasoning);cpx.
  + apply_hyp;
    cpx; dands;repeat(disjoint_reasoning);cpx.

Hint Rewrite
  (fun G vc vsa vs vsb l1 l2 nr1 nr2
    tcase (@swapDisjChain G vc vsa vs vsb l1 l2 nr1 nr2)) : slow.
Hint Rewrite
  (fun G vc vsa vs vsb l1 l2 nr1 nr2
    pcase (@swapDisjChain G vc vsa vs vsb l1 l2 nr1 nr2)) : slow.
Hint Rewrite
  (fun G vc vsa vs vsb l1 l2 nr1 nr2
    mcase (@swapDisjChain G vc vsa vs vsb l1 l2 nr1 nr2)) : slow.

Hint Rewrite (fun G s ⇒ @swapVarDisjChain G s) : slow.

Lemma swapLVarApp:
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
     (sub : list (vType vc))
    (sa sb : Swapping vc),
       swapLVar sb (swapLVar sa sub)
       = swapLVar (sa ++ sb) sub.
  intros. induction sub; cpx;[].
  allsimpl. f_equal; sp; auto.
  autorewrite with SwapAppR.

Hint Rewrite (fun G vc ⇒ (@swapLVarApp G vc)) : SwapAppR.
Hint Rewrite <- (fun G vc ⇒ (@swapLVarApp G vc)) : SwapAppL.

Lemma swapLVarRevCancel :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
    (sub : list (vType vc)) (sw : Swapping vc),
       swapLVar (sw ++ (rev sw)) sub= sub.
  intros. induction sub; cpx;[].
  allsimpl. f_equal; sp; auto.
  autorewrite with fast;refl.

Hint Rewrite (fun G s ⇒ @swapLVarRevCancel G s) : fast.

Lemma swapLVarSwitch :
     {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
    (sub: list (vType vc))(sw : Swapping vc),
       swapLVar sw sub = swapLVar (ALSwitch sw) sub.
  induction sub; cpx.
  intros. simpl.
  f_equal; cpx.
  apply swapVarSwitch.

Lemma swapLVarRevNoRep :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
    (sw : Swapping vc) (sub: list (vType vc)),
    no_repeats (ALDom sw)
    → no_repeats (ALRange sw)
    → disjoint (ALDom sw) (ALRange sw)
    → swapLVar sw sub = swapLVar (rev sw) sub.
  induction sub; cpx.
  simpl. f_equal;cpx.
  apply swapVarRevNoRep; auto.

Lemma swapLVarDisjChain :
  {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  (lv : list (vType vc))
  (vsa vs vsb : list (vType vc)),
    length vs = length vsa
    → length vs = length vsb
    → no_repeats vs
    → no_repeats vsb
    → disjoint vs (vsa ++ vsb ++ lv)
    → disjoint vsb (vsa ++ lv)
    → swapLVar ((combine vsa vs) ++ (combine vs vsb)) lv
       = swapLVar (combine vsa vsb) lv.
  induction lv; cpx.
  repeat (disjoint_reasoning).
  f_equal; cpx.
  - apply swapVarDisjChain; cpx; repeat(disjoint_reasoning); cpx.
  - apply IHlv; repeat(disjoint_reasoning); cpx.

Hint Rewrite (fun G s ⇒ @swapLVarDisjChain G s) : slow.

Similar technique should work for reversing all the proofs about equivariant relations
Lemma DisjointEquivariantRev : {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  la lb (sw : Swapping vc),
  disjoint (swapLVar sw la) (swapLVar sw lb)
  → disjoint la lb.
  introv Hd.
  apply DisjointEquivariant in Hd.
  specialize (Hd (rev sw)).
  rewrite swapLVarApp in Hd.
  rewrite swapLVarApp in Hd.
  autorewrite with fast in Hd.

Definition leavesVarUnchanged {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  (sw : Swapping vc) (v: vType vc) :=
  (swapVar sw v)= v.

Definition leavesLVarUnchanged {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  (sw : Swapping vc) (lv: list (vType vc)) :=
  lforall (leavesVarUnchanged sw) lv.
there could be many other ways in which this a swapping could leave a var unchanged. e.g. cancelling effect. see the proof of alphaEqSwapNonFree from which this concept was inspired
Lemma leavesLVarUnchanged1 :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  (sw : Swapping vc) (lv: list (vType vc)),
  disjoint lv (ALDom sw ++ ALRange sw)
  → leavesLVarUnchanged sw lv.
  introv Hdis Hin.
  repeat (disjoint_reasoning).
  unfolds_base. apply swapVarNoChange; cpx.

Lemma swapLVarNoChange :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  (sw : Swapping vc) (lv: list (vType vc)),
  disjoint lv (ALDom sw ++ ALRange sw)
  → swapLVar sw lv = lv.
  induction lv; cpx.
  introns Hyp.
  allsimpl. repeat (disjoint_reasoning).
  - apply swapVarNoChange; cpx.
  - apply IHlv. repeat (disjoint_reasoning).

Lemma swapVarNonChangeRev:
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G}
  (sw : Swapping vc) (v: (vType vc)),
  swapVar sw v = v
  → swapVar (rev sw) v = v.
  introv Hin.
  rewrite <- Hin at 1.
  autorewrite with SwapAppR.
  autorewrite with fast.

Lemma swapEmbed_prop_s1_aux :
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G},
    ( (gs : GSym G) (t : Term gs) (s : Swapping vc),
    ( (gs : GSym G) (p : Pattern gs) (s : Swapping vc),
       isReflSwapping spSwapEmbed p s = p)
    ( (lgs : list (bool × GSym G)) (m : Mixture lgs) (s : Swapping vc),
       isReflSwapping smSwapEmbed m s = m).
  apply GInduction; auto; introv; intros; allsimpl;
  try (f_equal;cpx);
  try (f_equal; apply swap_prop_s1_aux; auto; fail).

Hint Rewrite
  (fun G vc gs t
    ⇒ (pcase (@swapEmbed_prop_s1_aux G vc) gs t [] eq_refl)): fast.

Hint Rewrite
  (fun G vc gs t
    ⇒ (mcase (@swapEmbed_prop_s1_aux G vc) gs t [] eq_refl)): fast.

Lemma disjointSwapLVar:
   {G : CFGV} {vc : VarSym G} (lva lvb: list (vType vc)) sw,
  disjoint (lva ++ ALRange sw ++ ALDom sw) lvb
  → disjoint (swapLVar sw lva) lvb.
  induction lva; cpx.
  introv Hdis.
  match goal with
  [ |- ?C] ⇒ remember C as concl
  subst concl.
  apply disjoint_cons_l.
  dands; cpx.
  - apply IHlva; repeat(disjoint_reasoning).
  - pose proof (swapVarImplies sw a ) as XX.
    specialize (XX _ eq_refl).
    repeat(in_reasoning); cpx.
    rw XX; cpx.