Nuprl Lemma : runop_wf

[op:ℤ]. ∀[p:ℝ].
  (runop(op;p) ∈ ℝsupposing 
     (((op 5 ∈ ℤ (r0 < p)) and 
     ((op 6 ∈ ℤ (p ∈ (r(-1), r1))) and 
     ((op 9 ∈ ℤ (r1 ≤ p)) and 
     ((op 11 ∈ ℤ p ≠ r0) and 
     ((op 12 ∈ ℤ ((-(π/2) < p) ∧ (p < π/2))))


Definitions occuring in Statement :  runop: runop(op;p) halfpi: π/2 rooint: (l, u) i-member: r ∈ I rneq: x ≠ y rleq: x ≤ y rless: x < y rminus: -(x) int-to-real: r(n) real: uimplies: supposing a uall: [x:A]. B[x] implies:  Q and: P ∧ Q member: t ∈ T minus: -n natural_number: $n int: equal: t ∈ T
Definitions unfolded in proof :  prop: and: P ∧ Q top: Top all: x:A. B[x] subtype_rel: A ⊆B not: ¬A implies:  Q false: False runop: runop(op;p) uimplies: supposing a member: t ∈ T uall: [x:A]. B[x]
Lemmas referenced :  real_wf rneq_wf rleq_wf rooint_wf i-member_wf int-to-real_wf int_subtype_base equal-wf-base arctan_wf halfpi_wf rless_wf member_rooint_lemma rtan_wf rinv_wf2 inv-sinh_wf inv-cosh_wf sinh_wf cosh_wf arcsin_wf ln_wf expr_wf rabs_wf rcos_wf rsin_wf rminus_wf
Rules used in proof :  minusEquality baseClosed intEquality functionEquality equalitySymmetry equalityTransitivity axiomEquality productEquality productElimination independent_pairFormation voidEquality voidElimination isect_memberEquality independent_functionElimination dependent_set_memberEquality dependent_functionElimination applyEquality because_Cache hypothesis thin isectElimination sqequalHypSubstitution extract_by_obid natural_numberEquality hypothesisEquality int_eqEquality sqequalRule cut introduction isect_memberFormation sqequalReflexivity computationStep sqequalTransitivity sqequalSubstitution

\mforall{}[op:\mBbbZ{}].  \mforall{}[p:\mBbbR{}].
    (runop(op;p)  \mmember{}  \mBbbR{})  supposing 
          (((op  =  5)  {}\mRightarrow{}  (r0  <  p))  and 
          ((op  =  6)  {}\mRightarrow{}  (p  \mmember{}  (r(-1),  r1)))  and 
          ((op  =  9)  {}\mRightarrow{}  (r1  \mleq{}  p))  and 
          ((op  =  11)  {}\mRightarrow{}  p  \mneq{}  r0)  and 
          ((op  =  12)  {}\mRightarrow{}  ((-(\mpi{}/2)  <  p)  \mwedge{}  (p  <  \mpi{}/2))))

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Theory : reals_2

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