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This generalizes of The Towers of Hanoi Problem by not constraining the start and end positions of the disks, i.e. there is a sequence of moves for any possible starting and ending situations.
Thm*n:, f,g:({1...n}Peg), a:.
Thm* z:{a...}, s:({a...z}{1...n}Peg).
Thm* s is a Hanoi(n disk) seq on a..z & s(a) = f & s(z) = g
The proof is by induction on n. For the base case of 0 disks, no moves are needed and the starting situation is the ending situation and is the only situation possible, namely, no disks on any Peg. Given f, g {1...0}Peg, a, as hypothesized, choose a itself for z and (x.f) for s. Then (x.f) is a Hanoi(0 disk) seq on a..a, trivially since there are not two successive positions in {a...a}. And the rest of the base case (s(a) = f & s(z) = g) follows since there is only one zero-disk situation, i.e. only one function in {1...0}Peg -- see Void.
Now taking as our inductive hypothesis
f,g:({1...n-1}Peg), a:.
z:{a...}, s:({a...z}{1...n-1}Peg).
s is a Hanoi(n-1 disk) seq on a..z & s(a) = f & s(z) = g
and assuming f, g {1...n}Peg, a, we need to show
(*) z:{a...}, s:({a...z}{1...n}Peg).
(*) s is a Hanoi(n disk) seq on a..z & s(a) = f & s(z) = g
Is the largest disk already in place? That is, is f(n) = g(n)? If so, then instantiating the inductive hypothesis on f, g, and a gives a z such that
s is a Hanoi(n-1 disk) seq on a..z & s(a) = f {1...n-1}Peg
& s(z) = g {1...n-1}Peg
which will suffice to show our goal by the following lemma
Thm*n:, f,g:({1...n}Peg).
Thm* f(n) = g(n)
Thm* (a:, z:{a...}.
Thm* ((s:({a...z}{1...n-1}Peg).
Thm* ((s is a Hanoi(n-1 disk) seq on a..z Thm* ((& s(a) = f {1...n-1}Peg
Thm* ((& s(z) = g {1...n-1}Peg)
Thm* (
Thm* ((s:({a...z}{1...n}Peg).
Thm* ((s is a Hanoi(n disk) seq on a..z & s(a) = f & s(z) = g))
If, on the other hand, f(n) g(n), then we can (and shortly we will) show that
(A) z:{a...}, m:{a...z-1}, s1:({a...m}{1...n}Peg),
(A) s2:({m+1...z}{1...n}Peg).
(A) (s1 @(m) s2) is a Hanoi(n disk) seq on a..z & s1(a) = f & s2(z) = g
where s1 @(m) s2 is simply a joining together of Hanoi sequences s1 and s2. And from (A) our conclusion (*) follows, by using s1 @(m) s2 for s, since (s1 @(m) s2)(a) and (s1 @(m) s2)(z) reduce to s1(a) and s2(z). See Joining.