An occasion arose for review (by
) of the proofs of the standard int_2 library, many of which were found to be needlessly long or otherwise difficult to follow. An indication of which theorems were added and which well-formedness theorems were deleted may be found in
Some proofs involving
More radical changes were made to various proofs about integer division. The main plan was to reduce results rapidly to this fundamental abstract fact about division:
Thm* k:, r1,r2:k, q1,q2:. q1k+r1 = q2k+r2 q1 = q2 & r1 = r2
The "interface" between this lemma and the Nuprl primitive operators
Thm* a:, n:. a = (a n)n+(a rem n)
Thm* a:, n:. (a rem n) n Thm* a:{...0}, n:. -(a rem n) n Thm* a:{...0}, n:{...-1}. -(a rem n) (-n) Thm* a:, n:{...-1}. (a rem n) (-n)
ElaborateDivision will instantiate the first one on occurrences of
BoundRem will instantiate the last four lemmas when obvious.
See contrasting int 2 theorems for links to the old proofs of selected theorems exemplifying differences.