WhoCites Definitions mb hybrid Sections GenAutomata Doc

Who Cites R permutation?
R_permutationDef R_permutation(E) == swap adjacent[True]
carrier Def |S| == 1of(S)
Thm* S:Structure. |S| Type
swap_adjacent Def swap adjacent[P(x;y)](L1,L2) == i:(||L1||-1). P(L1[i];L1[(i+1)]) & L2 = swap(L1;i;i+1) A List
Thm* A:Type, P:(AAProp). swap adjacent[P(x,y)] (A List)(A List)Prop
pi1 Def 1of(t) == t.1
Thm* A:Type, B:(AType), p:(a:AB(a)). 1of(p) A
swap Def swap(L;i;j) == (L o (i, j))
Thm* T:Type, L:T List, i,j:||L||. swap(L;i;j) T List
permute_list Def (L o f) == mklist(||L||;i.L[(f(i))])
Thm* T:Type, L:T List, f:(||L||||L||). (L o f) T List
select Def l[i] == hd(nth_tl(i;l))
Thm* A:Type, l:A List, n:. 0n n < ||l|| l[n] A
length Def ||as|| == Case of as; nil 0 ; a.as' ||as'||+1 (recursive)
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. ||l||
Thm* ||nil||
int_seg Def {i..j} == {k:| i k < j }
Thm* m,n:. {m..n} Type
flip Def (i, j)(x) == if x=ij ;x=ji else x fi
Thm* k:, i,j:k. (i, j) kk
nth_tl Def nth_tl(n;as) == if n0 as else nth_tl(n-1;tl(as)) fi (recursive)
Thm* A:Type, as:A List, i:. nth_tl(i;as) A List
hd Def hd(l) == Case of l; nil "?" ; h.t h
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. ||l||1 hd(l) A
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. hd(l) A
lelt Def i j < k == ij & j < k
mklist Def mklist(n;f) == primrec(n;nil;i,l. l @ [(f(i))])
Thm* T:Type, n:, f:(nT). mklist(n;f) T List
primrec Def primrec(n;b;c) == if n=0 b else c(n-1,primrec(n-1;b;c)) fi (recursive)
Thm* T:Type, n:, b:T, c:(nTT). primrec(n;b;c) T
eq_int Def i=j == if i=j true ; false fi
Thm* i,j:. (i=j)
tl Def tl(l) == Case of l; nil nil ; h.t t
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. tl(l) A List
le_int Def ij == j < i
Thm* i,j:. (ij)
le Def AB == B < A
Thm* i,j:. (ij) Prop
append Def as @ bs == Case of as; nil bs ; a.as' [a / (as' @ bs)] (recursive)
Thm* T:Type, as,bs:T List. (as @ bs) T List
lt_int Def i < j == if i < j true ; false fi
Thm* i,j:. (i < j)
bnot Def b == if b false else true fi
Thm* b:. b
not Def A == A False
Thm* A:Prop. (A) Prop


WhoCites Definitions mb hybrid Sections GenAutomata Doc