mb hybrid GenAutomata Doc

Sections needed for mb_hybrid

mb hybrid
mb automata 1
mb treeBinary Trees.
mb collectionCollections as properties of objects.
mb events
mb recordDefinitions of records and the dual sigma types and their properties.
mb declarationDeclarations are assignments of types to labels.
mb structures
mb list 2More list stuff.
mb labelLabels are patterns without variables in them, ie ground patterns.
mb list 1Filter, initial-segment, list-member, interleaving, etc. Lemmas related to map, append, cons, select.
num thy 1Elementary divisibility theory over the integers. Gcd function and relation introduced. Chinese remainder theorem proven.
unionNon canonical functions (isl, outl, outr) for union type.
mb nat
mb basicGenerally useful devices.
prog 1
list 1
int 2
sqequal 1
rel 1Common properties of binary relations.
bool 1
int 1
well fnd
fun 1
coreSome basic concepts defined type-theoretically.

mb hybrid GenAutomata Doc