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Implementing Mathematics with The Nuprl Proof Development System

Building Theories

This chapter is addressed primarily to those who plan to use Nuprl to build a nontrivial collection of theorems. In it we discuss working with proofs, structuring knowledge in a theory, representing common concepts in the Nuprl logic, and dealing with certain recurring problems.


Proofs in informal mathematics generally have a linear form; one proceeds by deducing new facts from established ones until the desired result has been reached. Proofs in Nuprl, however, have a structure geared toward top-down development. This means, for example, that facts established earlier in the course of a proof are not immediately available. In this section we discuss this problem and others which arise from the structure of Nuprl proofs.

If in the middle of a proof one discovers that the current subgoal is similar to one proved previously, the pair of tactics mark and copy can be used. As mentioned in the preceding chapter, they are used by running mark as a transformation tactic on the subgoal which is thought to be similar and then running copy as a transformation tactic on the subgoal to be proved. The tactic copy will attempt to reproduce the proof of the marked subgoal, making simple modifications if the subgoals are not identical. Using mark and copy is not, however, a complete solution to the problem; it is often difficult to locate the required subgoal, and it can be time consuming to use the proof editor to get to it even when one has a very good idea of where it is.

Fortunately, this problem can to a large extent be avoided with a bit of planning. First, the linear style of informal mathematics can be approximated using the library by proving separately, as lemmas, those things of which it is anticipated that several uses will be made. Well-formedness goals, i.e., those of the form » $T$ in U$i$, are by far the most common type of duplicated subgoal.10.1 The tactic immediate can handle a good number of these, but many are quite nontrivial.10.2Therefore, it is often wise at the outset to prove the appropriate well-formedness theorems for the basic objects of a theory. For example, if the constructive reals, R, and addition of real numbers have been defined then the theorems

     >> R in U1
     >> All x,y:R.(x+y in R)

should be proved. If one is building a reasonably large theory then a much better solution is to define the basic objects of the theory to be extractions from theorems, for then such well-formedness subgoals can be handled automatically. This is discussed in more detail in the next section.

There is no ``thinning'' rule in Nuprl, i.e., a rule which would allow one to remove hypotheses from a goal. This means that it can be difficult for a tactic to assemble a proof in a bottom-up fashion; an already constructed proof cannot be used to prove a goal with the same conclusion unless the hypothesis lists are identical. A solution to this is to arrange things so that what are constructed bottom-up are tactics, not proofs. This was the approach taken in the writing of the term-rewriting package described in chapter 9. A function which rewrites a term $t$ produces not a proof of $t$=$u$ in $T$, for some $u$, $T$, but $u$ and a tactic which can be applied to goals of the form » $t$=$u$ in $T$. This approach also provides some flexibility with respect to the containing type $T$.

We conclude this section by making a few points of a more minor nature. First, if in the middle of a proof one realizes that a particular unproven fact will be required several times in the subproof, the sequence rule, seq, can be used to get it into the hypothesis list. If one is reasonably careful in choosing what lemmas to prove, however, the need for this use of the sequence rule does not appear to arise too often. Second, it is a good idea to be attentive to the timing of elim's. Often a considerable amount of work can be saved by doing them before other branching of the proof occurs. Also, an elim involves a substitution in the conclusion; since this substitution is not done in the hypotheses following the eliminated hypothesis, it may be desirable to do eliminations before the left part of a function type is moved into the hypothesis list via an introduction. Third, one should try to arrange things so that the hypothesis list does not become unnecessarily large, especially when writing tactics. For example, if one wants to use an instantiation of a universally quantified theorem, using the lemma rule and then doing the appropriate number of eliminations will give as many extra hypotheses as there are universal quantifiers to remove; this can badly clutter up a proof. This can be avoided by first sequencing in the instantiated form of the lemma. The first goal will be to prove the instantiated version, which is done with the lemma rule, and the second subgoal will have just the desired version of the lemma added to the hypothesis list. Finally, when proving a conjunct $A$ & $B$ both $A$ and $B$ need to be proven, but it might be easier, or necessary, to have $A$ as a hypothesis in the proof of $B$. If the first step in the proof of $A$ & $B$ is seq $A$ $B$, then the nontrivial subgoals will be » $A$ and $A$ » $B$.


The advantages of the definition mechanism in Nuprl are obvious, and it should be utilized as frequently as possible. By layering definitions finely, i.e., by having the right-hand sides of the definitions of theory objects mention primarily other definitions and not Nuprl code, the meaning will be clear at all stages of a proof. However, unless some care is taken it is easy to build definitions whose denoted text is very large, and this can affect system performance. In practice it has happened on occasion that objects whose display form looked quite innocent caused the system performance to be rather seriously degraded. Fortunately this problem can be avoided.

First, avoid unnecessary formal parameter duplication. For example, the obvious way to define negation of a rational number (which we think of as a pair of integers) is

     -<x:Q> == < -fst(<x>), snd(<x>) >
where fst(<x>) and snd(<x>) are the appropriate selector functions defined in terms of spread. If we made all the definitions involved in rational arithmetic in this manner then the size of the expanded form of an arithmetic expression could be exponentially larger than the displayed form. To avoid this we make better use of spread:
     -<x:Q> == spread( <x>; u,v. <-u,v>).
Of course, tricks such as the above cannot always be done, and even without formal parameter duplication defined objects will eventually be very large. A general way to handle the size buildup involves defining an object to be an extraction term_of($t$), where $t$ is a theorem name, instead of a combination of other definitions and Nuprl code. Here are a few examples.

     THM Q_
     >> U1

     DEF Q
     Q == term_of(Q_)

     THM mult_
     >> Q -> Q -> Q

     DEF mult
     <x:Q>*<y:Q> == term_of(mult_)(<x>)(<y>)
Each of the two theorems would have an extraction which was the appropriate code. For example, the first step of the proof of mult_ might be
     explicit intro
     \x. \y. <fst(x)*fst(y), snd(x)*snd(y)>
where fst and snd are projections from pairs defined using spread.

This method of using extractions is workable because of the direct computation rules. When a variable is declared in a hypothesis list to be of a type which is really an extraction (such as the type Q above), then the actual (canonical) type must be obtained before an elimination of the variable can be done. An application of the direct computation rule will do this, and in fact it is easy to incorporate such computations into tactics so that the ``indirectness'' of the definitions can be made virtually invisible.

It might be useful to have an idea of when display forms can be maintained. It is rather dismaying to be proceeding smoothly through a proof and suddenly come upon an unreadable chunk of raw Nuprl code resulting from definitions being eliminated. This doesn't happen too often, but when it does it can make a proof very difficult. Because definitions are text macros (i.e., they are not tied to term structure), substitution can cause definitions to be lost, leaving only the actual text the definition references denote. When a term $u$ is substituted for a variable $x$ in a term $t$, two different kinds of replacement are done. First, the usual substitution is done on the term $t$. Then a textual replacement is done, with a result the same as would be obtained by a user manually replacing in a ted window all visible occurrences of $x$, whether free or bound. If the two resulting terms are not equal (or if the textual replacement did not even result in a term), then the definition is removed, leaving just the term which resulted from the usual substitution. For example, consider substituting x for y in all x:T. x<y (where all has the usual definition). The substitution requires $\alpha$-conversion; all x's in the term are renamed x@$i$, and the substitution results in x@$i$:T -> x@$i$<x. The replacement, on the other hand, results in all x:T. x<x; these two terms are not equal, so the definition all is not retained and the display form of the result is the former term.

We end this section with a word about debugging definitions. Many of the basic objects of a theory have a computational meaning and so can be executed. Before one starts proving properties of these objects it is a good idea to ``debug'' them, i.e., to use the Nuprl evaluator to test the objects in order to remove trivial errors. In this way one can avoid the frustrating experience of reaching the bottom of a proof and discovering that it cannot be completed because of a mistake in one of the definitions used.

Sets and Quotients

The quotient type provides a powerful abstraction mechanism and puts a user-defined equality into the theory so that the rules for reasoning about equality (the equality and substitution rules and all the intro rules for equality of noncanonical members) can be applied to it. The obverse of this is that if $x$ is declared in a hypothesis list to be in a quotient type then any type $T$ which appears as a later hypothesis or as the conclusion must be independent of the representation of $x$; that is, it must yield equal types when different but equal elements of the quotient type are substituted for $x$. For example, for $t$ in $T$ to be true under the assumption that $x$ is in some quotient type, it is required that both $t$ and $T$ be independent of the representative for $x$ (see the quotient-elim rule). Therefore, if we define the rational numbers to be the obvious quotient on pairs of integers whose second component is nonzero, then we will not be able to show that the following definition of less-than is a type:
     <x:Q> < <y:Q> in Q ==
        fst(<x>)*snd(<y>) < fst(<y>)*snd(<x>).
The difficulty here is that type equality in Nuprl is strong; two types are equal if they are structurally the same, and so there are types which have the same members but are not equal. In particular, two less-than types can be shown to be equal only if it can be shown that their corresponding components are equal as integers. Therefore, if we could show that the above were a type then for any pairs of integers <i,j>, <i',j'>, and <m,n> such that <i,j> and <i',j'> are equal as rational numbers, we would have
     ( i*n < m*j ) = ( i'*n < m*j' )  in U1
. In particular, we would have
     i*n = i'*n  in int,
which is not always true. Thus we cannot use the above definition of less-than over the quotient-type Q. However, we are only interested in the truth value of less-than, i.e., whether or not it is inhabited, and this property is independent of representatives. In this situation, we squash the type. Define
     ||<T:type>|| == {0 in int|<T>}.
This squashes a type in the sense that given a type $T$, it produces a type which has one element if $T$ is inhabited and is empty otherwise. For the less-than example, we define less-than to be the squash of what it was before, and the result is a type, since to show that two set types are equal involves showing the proposition parts are equivalent instead of equal. (See the rule for equality of set types.) More specifically, to prove ||$T$|| = ||$T'$|| in U$i$ , one only has to be able to prove $T$ => $T'$ and $T'$ => $T$. In general, this use of the squash operator will often be required when one wishes to create a type which deals with the representations of objects from a quotient type.

Note that squashing does away with any computational content that the type might have had (this will be discussed further later in this section). If you are interested in that content and you cannot reformulate so as to bring out from under the squash operator the part you are interested in, you cannot use the quotient type and must treat the equality you want as you would any other defined relation. More precisely, suppose that $Q$ is some quotient type and $P(x)$ is some property of members of $Q$ that one wishes to express in Nuprl. If, as above, one is interested only in the truth value of $P(x)$, i.e., whether or not its type representation is inhabited, and if the truth value respects the equality relation of $Q$, then the squash operator can be applied. Usually in this case the type resulting from a direct translation of $P(x)$ according to the propositions-as-types principle will have at most one member, and that member will be known in advance (e.g., axiom), so one would lose nothing by squashing. Often, however, $P$ will have some content of interest; for example, it might involve an assertion of the existence of some object, and one might wish to construct a function which takes a member $x$ of $Q$ satisfying $P(x)$ to the object whose existence is asserted, but this may not be possible if the property has been squashed. What one has to do in this case is to separate $P(x)$ into two pieces so that it can be expressed by a type $z$:$T$ # ||$T'$||, or equivalently, {$z$:$T$|$T'$}, where $T$ represents the computationally interesting part and $T'$ represents the part of which only the truth value is interesting. This requires that the type $T$ respect equality in $x$ and that for any two representatives chosen for $x$ the collection of computationally interesting objects be the same.

We illustrate the points raised above with an example. The usual formulation of the constructive real numbers is as a certain set of sequences of rational numbers with known convergence rates, where two such sequences are considered equal if they are the same in the limit. One crucial property of real numbers is that each one has a rational approximation to within any desired accuracy. Given a particular real number, obtaining such an approximation simply involves picking out an element suitably far along in the sequence, since the convergence rate is known. However, clearly one can have two different but equal real numbers for which this procedure gives two different answers, and in fact it is impossible constructively to come up with approximations in a way which respects equality. Since many computations over the real numbers involve approximations, one cannot bury the property of having a rational approximation under the squash operator. The upshot is that the constructive reals cannot be ``encapsulated'' as a quotient type; one must take the reals to be just the type of rational sequences and treat the equality relation separately. However, one can still use the quotient type to some extent in a situation such as this. For example, in the real number case one can still form the quotient type and use it to express the equality relation. Thus, although hypothetical real numbers will be members of the unquotiented version, one can express equality between reals as equality in the quotient type and so can use the equality rule, etc., to reason about it.

It should not be concluded from the preceding discussion that one should never represent anything with the quotient type. There is a wide class of domains for which the quotient as a device for complete abstraction with respect to equality is a safe choice. This class consists of those domains where the desired equality is such that canonical representatives exist, i.e., where one can prove the existence of a function from the quotient type to its base type which takes equal members of the quotient type to the same member of the equivalence class in the base type. This will allow one to express properties which do not respect equality by having them refer to the canonical representative. An example of a common domain with this property is the rational numbers, where the canonical representative for a fraction is the fraction reduced to lowest terms.

The squash operation defined earlier is just one particular use of the information-hiding capability of the set type. It can also be used to remove from the ``computational part'' of the theorem information whose computational content is uninteresting and which would otherwise reduce the efficiency of the extracted code or information which would make the theorem weaker than one desired. As an example of the first kind of information, we could define the type of integers which are perfect squares two different ways:

    n:int # Some m:int. (n=m*m in int)
    { n:int | Some m:int. (n=m*m in int) }.
Suppose we had some variable declared in a hypothesis to be in one of the perfect square types. In each case we could eliminate it to get an integer which we know to be a perfect square. In the first case we could do another elimination to get our hands on the integer whose square is the first integer, and we could use this square root freely in the proof of the conclusion. However, this will not be allowed in the second case. The system will ensure that the proof that the number is a square is not used in the term which is built as the proof of the conclusion. On the other hand, if one is interested only in the integer which is a perfect square, and only needs the perfect square property to prove something about a program which does not need the square root, then the second version can be used to get a more efficient extracted object.

As an example of the second kind of information hiding referred to above, consider the specification of a function which is to search an array of integers for a given integer and return an index, where it is known in advance that the integer occurs in the array. If integer arrays of length $n$ are represented as functions from {1..$n$} to the integers, where {1..$n$} is defined to be the appropriate subset of the integers, a naive translation of the requirements for the search program into the Nuprl logic might be the following:

    All n:N. All a:{1..n}->int. All k:int.
      Some i:{1..n}. a(i)=k in int
      => Some i:{1..n}. a(i)=k in int
This specifies a trivial function which requires as an argument the answer which it is to produce, and so it does not capture the meaning of the informal requirements. This problem is solved by use of the set type to ``hide'' the proof of the fact that k occurs in the array. If we make the Nuprl definition
    All <x>:<T> where <P>. <P'> ==
      <x>: {<x>:<T>|<P>} -> <P'>
then we can give the correct specification as
    All n:N. All a:{1..n}->int.
      All k:int where ( Some i:{1..n}. a(i)=k in int ) .
        Some i:{1..n}. a(i)=k in int
In a proof of this assertion, if one has done intro steps to remove the universal quantifiers and thus has n, a and k declared in the hypothesis list, then the type that k is in is a set type. The only way to get at the information about k (i.e., that it occurs in the array) is to use the elim rule on it. However, doing so will cause the desired information to be hidden (see the set elim rule), and it will not become unhidden until the proof has proceeded far enough so that the required function has been completely determined. Thus, the information can be used only to prove that the constructed function meets the specification, not to accomplish the construction itself.

The set type should be regarded primarily as an information-hiding construct. It cannot be used as a general device for collecting together all objects (from some type) with a certain property, as it would in conventional mathematics. One of the reasons has just been discussed: if the set type is used to represent a subtype of a given type then being given a member of the subtype does not involve being given a proof of its membership; that is, the proof that the member is a member will be hidden, and in the Nuprl theory this means that information is irretrievably lost. Another reason is that for $x$ a member of a type $A$ the property of being a member of {$x$:$A$|$B$} cannot be expressed unless it is always true. This is because the type $t$ in $T$ is really a short form for $t$=$t$ in $T$; it expresses an equality judgement and is well-formed only if $t$ is a member of $T$. The problem remains of how to form the type which represents the power set of a given type. Bishop [Bishop 67] defines a subset of a given set $S$ to be a set $A$ together with an injection $i$ from $A$ into $S$. If one takes this definition and does the obvious translation into Nuprl then it turns out that the collection of such subsets (within some fixed universe U$i$) of a given type $T$ is equivalent to the function type $T$->U$i$. This latter formulation, where we identify a subset with the predicate which ``identifies'' the members of the subset, is much simpler to deal with than Bishop's version. For example, the proposition that $x$ (for $x$ in $T$) is in a subset $P$ is expressed just by $P$($x$); the union of two subsets $P$ and $P'$ is just $\backslash$x.$P$(x)|$P'$(x). Notice that being given the fact that $x$ is in a subset includes being given the proof that it is. Of course, one can still use the set type in this context to hide information when desired.


In section 10.2 the use of extractions to keep the size of objects down was described; we now describe another important advantage of this scheme. The conclusion of the theorem from which an object is extracted gives a type for the object, and this type is used by a special tactic which proves the numerous ``membership'' subgoals (i.e., those of the form $H$»$t$ in $T$) that arise in virtually every proof. As briefly mentioned in chapter 9, this tactic works by repeatedly breaking down the conclusion using intro rules until the goals are trivial. Some of the intro rules require using terms as parameters, and these require types to be assigned to components of the conclusion of the goal; this task can be much easier when the extraction scheme is used, since it in effect supplies types for the important objects of the theory. When a theory is structured in this way, the membership tactic is able to prove most, and in some cases all (as in the theory of regular sets described in the next chapter), of the membership subgoals.

Proving such subgoals is tedious, and they arise often, so the use of extractions as previously described is almost a necessity for any serious user. Also, because a reference to an extraction contains the name of the theorem extracted from, tactics examining terms have ``hooks'' into the library available to them. Certain kinds of facts are naturally associated with defined objects. For example, a defined object which is a function may also be functional over a domain with a different equality. Using conventions for the naming or placement of such facts can allow tactics to locate required information for themselves without requiring the user to explicitly supply lemma names. The convention could be that such facts are named using a certain extension to the name of the theorem extracted from, or that such facts are located in the library close to that theorem. Obviously this is far from being a solution to the problem of knowledge management; in the design of the future versions of the Nuprl system this problem will receive considerable attention.

There are a few minor points to keep in mind when putting together a substantial theory. First, be careful with the ordering of library objects. Other objects which are referenced in a given object must precede the given object in the library. ML objects can be particularly troublesome: if you modify and recheck an ML function then the change will not be reflected in an ML function which references it. There will be nothing to indicate that the second object should be rechecked, and until it is it will continue to refer to the old version of the modified function. Another problem is that deleting an ML object from the library does not undo the bindings created therein. Thus you can check the entire library (using, say, check first-last) without an error but then have errors occur when the same library is loaded into a fresh Nuprl session. Currently, the only way to solve these problems is by being careful of organization and by keeping track of the dependencies yourself.


... subgoal.10.1
For example, doing intro's on a universally quantified formula generates as many subgoals of this form as there are quantified variables.
... nontrivial.10.2
Proving that a type of the form $t$ in $T$ is well-formed, for instance, requires proving that $t$ is a member of $T$, and this can be a Nuprl statement that a program meets its specifications.