WhoCites Definitions mb automata 3 Sections GenAutomata Doc

Who Cites term vars?
term_vars Def term_vars(t) == iterate(statevar v- > [v] statevar v'- > [v] funsymbol f- > nil freevar f- > nil trace(P)- > nil x(y)- > x @ y over t)
Thm* t:Term. term_vars(t) Label List
append Def as @ bs == Case of as; nil bs ; a.as' [a / (as' @ bs)] (recursive)
Thm* T:Type, as,bs:T List. (as @ bs) T List
term_types Def term_types(ds;da;de;t) == iterate(statevar x- > dec_lookup(ds;x) statevar x'- > dec_lookup(ds;x) funsymbol op- > < de.fun(op) > freevar x- > da trace(P)- > < lbl_pr( < Trace, P > ) > c1(c2)- > st_app(c1;c2) over t)
Thm* ds:Collection(dec()), da:Collection(SimpleType), de:sig(), t:Term. term_types(ds;da;de;t) Collection(SimpleType)
trace_consistent Def trace_consistent(rho;da;R;t) == g:Label. term_mentions_guard(g;t) subtype_rel(({a:([[da]] rho)| (R(g,kind(a))) } List); (rho(lbl_pr( < Trace, g > ))))
Thm* rho:Decl, t:Term, da:Collection(dec()), R:(LabelLabel). trace_consistent(rho;da;R;t) Prop
clbl Def $x == ptn_atom("$x")
col Def Collection(T) == TProp
Thm* T:Type{i'}. Collection{i}(T) Type{i'}
decls_mng Def [[ds]] rho == [[d]] rho for d {d:dec()| d ds }
Thm* ds:Collection(dec()), rho:Decl. [[ds]] rho Decl
st_app Def st_app(c1;c2) == (s2c2.(s1c1.st_app1(s1;s2)))
Thm* c1,c2:Collection(SimpleType). st_app(c1;c2) Collection(SimpleType)
sts_mng Def [[sts]] rho == x:{x:SimpleType| x sts }. [[x]] rho
Thm* sts:Collection(SimpleType), rho:Decl. [[sts]] rho Type
col_accum Def (xc.f(x))(y) == x:T. x c & y f(x)
Thm* T,T':Type, f:(TCollection(T')), c:Collection(T). (xc.f(x)) Collection(T')
dec_lookup Def dec_lookup(ds;x) == < d.typ | d < d ds | d.lbl = x > >
Thm* ds:Collection(dec()), x:Label. dec_lookup(ds;x) Collection(SimpleType)
col_filter Def < x c | P(x) > (x) == x c & P(x)
Thm* T:Type, c:Collection(T), Q:(TProp). < i c | Q(i) > Collection(T)
col_map Def < f(x) | x c > (y) == x:T. x c & y = f(x) T'
Thm* T,T':Type, f:(TT'), c:Collection(T). < f(x) | x c > Collection(T')
col_member Def x c == c(x)
Thm* T:Type, x:T, c:Collection(T). x c Prop
dec Def dec() == LabelSimpleType
Thm* dec() Type
decl Def Decl == LabelType
Thm* Decl{i} Type{i'}
l_member Def (x l) == i:. i < ||l|| & x = l[i] T
Thm* T:Type, x:T, l:T List. (x l) Prop
record Def {d} == l:Labeldecl_type(d;l)
Thm* d:Decl. {d} Type
sig Def sig() == (LabelSimpleType)(Label(SimpleType List))
Thm* sig() Type
st_app1 Def st_app1(s1;s2) == Case(s1) Case a;b = > if st_eq(a;s2) < b > else < > fi Default = > < >
Thm* s1,s2:SimpleType. st_app1(s1;s2) Collection(SimpleType)
st Def SimpleType == Tree(Label+Unit)
Thm* SimpleType Type
term Def Term == Tree(ts())
Thm* Term Type
trace_env Def trace_env(d) == ((d) List)(LabelLabel)
Thm* d:Decl. trace_env(d) Type
ts Def ts() == Label+Label+Label+Label+Label
Thm* ts() Type
sigma Def (d) == l:Labeldecl_type(d;l)
Thm* d:Decl. (d) Type
lbl Def Label == {p:Pattern| ground_ptn(p) }
Thm* Label Type
lbl_pair Def lbl_pr( < x, y > ) == ptn_pr( < x,y > )
Thm* x,y:Pattern. lbl_pr( < x, y > ) Pattern
Thm* x,y:Label. lbl_pr( < x, y > ) Label
sig_mng Def [[s]] rho == < op.[[s.fun(op)]] rho,R.[[s.rel(R)]] rho >
Thm* s:sig(), rho:Decl{i}. sig_mng{i:l}(s; rho) Decl{i}Decl{i'}
sig_fun Def t.fun == 1of(t)
Thm* t:sig(). t.fun LabelSimpleType
term_mng Def [[t]] e s a tr == iterate(statevar x- > s.x statevar x'- > s.x funsymbol f- > e.f freevar x- > a trace(P)- > tr.P x(y)- > x(y) over t)
tproj Def tre.P == tre.trace | tre.proj(P)
Thm* d:Decl, tre:trace_env(d), P:Label. tre.P (d) List
trace_env_trace Def t.trace == 1of(t)
Thm* d:Decl, t:trace_env(d). t.trace (d) List
trace_projection Def tr | P == filter(x.P(kind(x));tr)
Thm* d:Decl, tr:(d) List, P:(Label). tr | P (d) List
kind Def kind(a) == 1of(a)
Thm* d:Decl, a:(d). kind(a) Label
Thm* M:sm{i:l}(), a:M.action. kind(a) Label & kind(a) Pattern
dec_lbl Def t.lbl == 1of(t)
Thm* t:dec(). t.lbl Label
pi1 Def 1of(t) == t.1
Thm* A:Type, B:(AType), p:(a:AB(a)). 1of(p) A
r_select Def r.l == r(l)
Thm* d:Decl, r:{d}, l:Label. r.l d(l)
dec_mng Def [[d]] rho == Case(d) Case x : s = > x:[[s]] rho
Thm* rho:Decl, d:dec(). [[d]] rho Decl
st_list_mng Def [[l]] rho == reduce(s,m. [[s]] rhom;Prop;l)
Thm* l:SimpleType List, rho:Decl{i}. [[l]] rho{i} Type{i'}
st_mng Def [[s]] rho == t_iterate(st_lift(rho);x,y. xy;s)
Thm* rho:Decl, s:SimpleType. [[s]] rho Type
tapp Def t1 t2 == tree_node( < t1, t2 > )
Thm* t1,t2:Term. t1 t2 Term
trace_env_proj Def t.proj == 2of(t)
Thm* d:Decl, t:trace_env(d). t.proj LabelLabel
ttrace Def trace(l) == tree_leaf(ts_trace(l))
Thm* l:Label. trace(l) Term
typ Def t == tree_leaf(inl(t))
Thm* t:Label. t SimpleType
ptn_atom Def ptn_atom(x) == inl(x)
Thm* T:Type, x:Atom. ptn_atom(x) ptn_con(T)
Thm* x:Atom. ptn_atom(x) Pattern
Thm* x:Atom. ptn_atom(x) Label
dall Def D(i) for i I(x) == i:I. D(i)(x)
Thm* I:Type, D:(IDecl). D(i) for i I Decl
select Def l[i] == hd(nth_tl(i;l))
Thm* A:Type, l:A List, n:. 0n n < ||l|| l[n] A
length Def ||as|| == Case of as; nil 0 ; a.as' ||as'||+1 (recursive)
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. ||l||
Thm* ||nil||
nat Def == {i:| 0i }
Thm* Type
ground_ptn Def ground_ptn(p) == Case(p) Case ptn_var(v) = > false Case ptn_pr( < x, y > ) = > ground_ptn(x)ground_ptn(y) Default = > true (recursive)
Thm* p:Pattern. ground_ptn(p)
assert Def b == if b True else False fi
Thm* b:. b Prop
ptn Def Pattern == rec(T.ptn_con(T))
Thm* Pattern Type
ptn_pr Def ptn_pr(x) == inr(inr(inr(x)))
Thm* T:Type, x:(TT). ptn_pr(x) ptn_con(T)
Thm* x,y:Pattern. ptn_pr( < x,y > ) Pattern
decl_type Def decl_type(d;x) == d(x)
Thm* dec:Decl, x:Label. decl_type(dec;x) Type
sig_rel Def t.rel == 2of(t)
Thm* t:sig(). t.rel Label(SimpleType List)
tree Def Tree(E) == rec(T.tree_con(E;T))
Thm* E:Type. Tree(E) Type
st_lift Def st_lift(rho)(x) == InjCase(x; x'. rho(x'); a. Top)
Thm* rho:(LabelType). st_lift(rho) (Label+Unit)Type
term_iter Def iterate(statevar x- > v(x) statevar x''- > v'(x') funsymbol op- > opr(op) freevar f- > fvar(f) trace(tr)- > trace(tr) a(b)- > comb(a;b) over t) == term_iterate(x.v(x); x'.v'(x'); op.opr(op); f.fvar(f); tr.trace(tr); a,b. comb(a;b); t)
Thm* A:Type, v,v',opr,fvar,trace:(LabelA), comb:(AAA), t:Term. iterate(statevar x- > v(x) statevar x''- > v'(x') funsymbol op- > opr(op) freevar f- > fvar(f) trace(tr)- > trace(tr) a(b)- > comb(a,b) over t) A
term_mentions_guard Def term_mentions_guard(g;t) == term_iterate(x.false; x.false; x.false; x.false; x.x = g; x,y. x y; t)
Thm* t:Term, g:Label. term_mentions_guard(g;t)
term_iterate Def term_iterate(v; p; op; f; tr; a; t) == t_iterate(x.ts_case(x) var(a)= > v(a) var'(b)= > p(b) opr(c)= > op(c) fvar(d)= > f(d) trace(P)= > tr(P) end_ts_case ;a;t)
Thm* A:Type, v,op,f,p,tr:(LabelA), a:(AAA), t:Term. term_iterate(v;p;op;f;tr;a;t) A
t_iterate Def t_iterate(l;n;t) == Case(t) Case x;y = > n(t_iterate(l;n;x),t_iterate(l;n;y)) Case tree_leaf(x) = > l(x) Default = > True (recursive)
Thm* E,A:Type, l:(EA), n:(AAA), t:Tree(E). t_iterate(l;n;t) A
node Def tree_node( < x, y > ) == tree_node( < x,y > )
Thm* E:Type, x,y:Tree(E). tree_node( < x, y > ) Tree(E)
col_singleton Def < x > (y) == y = x T
Thm* T:Type, x:T. < x > Collection(T)
dec_typ Def t.typ == 2of(t)
Thm* t:dec(). t.typ SimpleType
pi2 Def 2of(t) == t.2
Thm* A:Type, B:(AType), p:(a:AB(a)). 2of(p) B(1of(p))
ts_trace Def ts_trace(x) == inr(inr(inr(inr(x))))
Thm* x:Label. ts_trace(x) ts()
tree_leaf Def tree_leaf(x) == inl(x)
Thm* E,T:Type, x:E. tree_leaf(x) tree_con(E;T)
Thm* E:Type, x:E. tree_leaf(x) Tree(E)
dbase Def x:y(a) == if a = x y else Top fi
Thm* x:Label, y:Type. x:y Decl
case_mk_dec Def Case lbl : typ = > body(lbl;typ)(x,z) == x/x2,x1. body(x2;x1)
st_eq Def st_eq(s1;s2) == Case(s1) Case a;b = > Case(s2) Case a';b' = > st_eq(a;a')st_eq(b;b') Default = > false Case tree_leaf(x) = > Case(s2) Case a';b' = > false Case tree_leaf(y) = > InjCase(x; x'. InjCase(y; y'. x' = y'; b. false); a. InjCase(y; y'. false; b. true)) Default = > false Default = > false (recursive)
Thm* s1,s2:SimpleType. st_eq(s1;s2)
eq_lbl Def l1 = l2 == Case(l1) Case ptn_atom(x) = > Case(l2) Case ptn_atom(y) = > x=yAtom Default = > false Case ptn_int(x) = > Case(l2) Case ptn_int(y) = > x=y Default = > false Case ptn_var(x) = > Case(l2) Case ptn_var(y) = > x=yAtom Default = > false Case ptn_pr( < x, y > ) = > Case(l2) Case ptn_pr( < u, v > ) = > x = uy = v Default = > false Default = > false (recursive)
Thm* l1,l2:Pattern. l1 = l2
ts_case Def ts_case(x) var(a)= > v(a) var'(b)= > p(b) opr(f)= > op(f) fvar(x)= > f(x) trace(P)= > t(P) end_ts_case == Case(x) Case ts_var(a) = > v(a) Case ts_pvar(b) = > p(b) Case ts_op(f) = > op(f) Case ts_fvar(x) = > f(x) Case ts_trace(P) = > t(P) Default = >
Thm* A:Type, v,op,f,p,t:(LabelA), x:ts(). ts_case(x)var(a)= > v(a)var'(b)= > p(b)opr(f)= > op(f)fvar(y)= > f(y)trace(P)= > t(P)end_ts_case A
case Def Case(value) body == body(value,value)
nth_tl Def nth_tl(n;as) == if n0 as else nth_tl(n-1;tl(as)) fi (recursive)
Thm* A:Type, as:A List, i:. nth_tl(i;as) A List
case_ptn_var Def Case ptn_var(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inl(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x1])
case_ptn_int Def Case ptn_int(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inl(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x1])
case_ts_trace Def Case ts_trace(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x1])
case_ts_fvar Def Case ts_fvar(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inl(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x1])
case_ts_op Def Case ts_op(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inl(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x1])
case_ts_pvar Def Case ts_pvar(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == (x1.inr(x2) = > (x1.inl(x2) = > body(hd([x2 / tl(x1)])) cont(hd(x1),z))([x2 / tl(x1)]) cont (hd(x1) ,z)) ([x1])
hd Def hd(l) == Case of l; nil "?" ; h.t h
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. ||l||1 hd(l) A
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. hd(l) A
le Def AB == B < A
Thm* i,j:. (ij) Prop
case_default Def Default = > body(value,value) == body
band Def pq == if p q else false fi
Thm* p,q:. (pq)
case_lbl_pair Def Case ptn_pr( < x, y > ) = > body(x;y) cont(x1,z) == InjCase(x1; _. cont(z,z); x2. InjCase(x2; _. cont(z,z); x2@0. InjCase(x2@0; _. cont(z,z); x2@1. x2@1/x3,x2@2. body(x3;x2@2))))
ptn_con Def ptn_con(T) == Atom++Atom+(TT)
Thm* T:Type. ptn_con(T) Type
filter Def filter(P;l) == reduce(a,v. if P(a) [a / v] else v fi;nil;l)
Thm* T:Type, P:(T), l:T List. filter(P;l) T List
reduce Def reduce(f;k;as) == Case of as; nil k ; a.as' f(a,reduce(f;k;as')) (recursive)
Thm* A,B:Type, f:(ABB), k:B, as:A List. reduce(f;k;as) B
tree_con Def tree_con(E;T) == E+(TT)
Thm* E,T:Type. tree_con(E;T) Type
col_none Def < > (x) == False
Thm* T:Type. < > Collection(T)
case_node Def Case x;y = > body(x;y) cont(x1,z) == InjCase(x1; _. cont(z,z); x2. x2/x3,x2@0. body(x3;x2@0))
top Def Top == Void given Void
Thm* Top Type
case_tree_leaf Def Case tree_leaf(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == InjCase(x1; x2. body(x2); _. cont(z,z))
tree_node Def tree_node(x) == inr(x)
Thm* E,T:Type, x:(TT). tree_node(x) tree_con(E;T)
Thm* E:Type, x,y:Tree(E). tree_node( < x,y > ) Tree(E)
bor Def p q == if p true else q fi
Thm* p,q:. (p q)
tl Def tl(l) == Case of l; nil nil ; h.t t
Thm* A:Type, l:A List. tl(l) A List
le_int Def ij == j < i
Thm* i,j:. (ij)
not Def A == A False
Thm* A:Prop. (A) Prop
case_inl Def inl(x) = > body(x) cont(value,contvalue) == InjCase(value; x. body(x); _. cont(contvalue,contvalue))
case_inr Def inr(x) = > body(x) cont(value,contvalue) == InjCase(value; _. cont(contvalue,contvalue); x. body(x))
eq_atom Def x=yAtom == if x=yAtomtrue; false fi
Thm* x,y:Atom. x=yAtom
eq_int Def i=j == if i=j true ; false fi
Thm* i,j:. (i=j)
case_ptn_atom Def Case ptn_atom(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == InjCase(x1; x2. body(x2); _. cont(z,z))
lt_int Def i < j == if i < j true ; false fi
Thm* i,j:. (i < j)
bnot Def b == if b false else true fi
Thm* b:. b
case_ts_var Def Case ts_var(x) = > body(x) cont(x1,z) == InjCase(x1; x2. body(x2); _. cont(z,z))


WhoCites Definitions mb automata 3 Sections GenAutomata Doc