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Fusion of Trace Properties

If the protocol associated with each label is guaranteeing some trace property P, and tr is a trace, then we will have m:Label. (P tr$\mid$). A switch protocol must guarantee some additional property I that is strong enough to guarantee that property P holds of the whole trace tr. If this is the case for I and P then we say that I is a fusion condition for P, and we define
\> \\
\> I fuses P ==\\
\> \mforall{}tr:Trace$_{\mbox{\small ...
\> {}\mRightarrow{} (I tr)\\
\> {}\mRightarrow{} (P tr))
We will be looking for properties I that are fusion conditions for whole classes of trace properties P. We will show that certain properties are fusion conditions for all properties P that satisfy certain meta-properties. We start this investigation with some simple lemmas about fusion.

\> \\
\> \mforall{}E:TaggedEventStruct. \mforall{}I,P,Q:TraceP...
...w{} (I fuses Q)\\
\> {}\mRightarrow{} (I fuses (P \mwedge{} Q)))


\> \\
\> \mforall{}E:TaggedEventStruct. \mforall{}I,J,P:TraceP...
... {}\mRightarrow{} (I fuses P)\\
\> {}\mRightarrow{} (J fuses P))

\begin{lemma}[fusion simplification]

\> \\
\> \mforall{}E:TaggedEventStruct. \mforall{}I,J,P:TraceP...
...}\mRightarrow{} (P $\rhd$\ J)\\
\> {}\mRightarrow{} (I fuses P))
The proofs of these lemmas are straightforward. We will also need a few lemmas about fusion conditions for the properties Causal $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$ and No-dup-deliver $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$.

\> \\
\> \mforall{}E:TaggedEventStruct. (P$_{\mbox{\small {True}}}$\ fuses Causal$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$)
proof: This lemma says that if m:Label. (Causal $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$ tr$\mid$) then Causal $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$ tr. To show this, let tr[j] be a member of tr. We must show that there is an i j such that tr[i] is the send event for tr[j]. Event tr[j] has some tag m and using the causal property on tr$\mid$, we find a send event x for tr[j] in tr$\mid$. Since tr$\mid$ is a sublist of tr, event x also precedes j in the trace tr.

\> \\
\> \mforall{}E:TaggedEventStruct. (Tag-by-msg$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ fuses No-dup-deliver$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$)
proof: If trace tr has a duplicate delivery of the message in event x, then trace tr$\mid$, where m = (tag $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$ x), also has a duplicate delivery because, if tr has the Tag-by-msg $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$ property, all the relevant events have the same tag, m.

\> \\
\> \mforall{}E:TaggedEventStruct. \mforall{}tr:\vert E\v...
...> {}\mRightarrow{} (Tag-by-msg$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ \\
\> tr))
proof: If x is an event in tr, it has tag m = (tag $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$ x) and since tr$\mid$ is causal, there is a send event for x with tag m. So any event x has a send event with the same tag. If tr has the No-dup-send $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$ property, then any two events with the same message must have the same send event and therefore the same tag.

\> \\
\> \mforall{}E:TaggedEventStruct. \mforall{}P,I:\vert E\...
... ((I\\
\> \mwedge{} No-dup-send$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$) fuses P))
proof: This follows easily from lemma 5.0.6.

\> \\
\> \mforall{}E:TaggedEventStruct. \mforall{}P,I:\vert E\...
... ((I\\
\> \mwedge{} No-dup-send$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$) fuses P))
proof: By lemma 5.0.7, it is enough to show that (I No-dup-send $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$ Tag-by-msg $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$) fuses P. Then using the fusion simplification lemma 5.0.3 with J = (Causal $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$ No-dup-deliver $_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$), it is enough to show that

\>(I \mwedge{} No-dup-send$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$\ \mwedge{} Tag...
...ox{\small {E}}}$\ \mwedge{} No-dup-deliver$_{\mbox{\small {E}}}$)
This follows from lemma 5.0.1, lemma 5.0.2, lemma 5.0.4, and lemma 5.0.5.

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Richard Eaton 2002-02-20