mb list 2 | More list stuff from Mark Bickford. |
mb list 1 | Filter, initial-segment, list-member, interleaving, etc. Lemmas related to map, append, cons, select. |
mb nat | Material pertaining to natural numbers as opposed to integers generally. |
mb basic | Basic generally useful devices. |
sqequal 1 | |
list 1 | |
fun 1 | |
num thy 1 | Elementary divisibility theory over the integers. Gcd function and relation introduced. Chinese remainder theorem proven. |
rel 1 | Common properties of binary relations. |
union | Non canonical functions (isl, outl, outr) for union type. |
int 2 | |
bool 1 | |
int 1 | |
well fnd | |
core | Some basic concepts defined type-theoretically. |