In "fully constructive" versions of the normal algebraic structures 
the "points" (i.e. the elements) come from a SeparationSpace -- a type with a separation relation x # y.
Then the negation ⌜¬x # y⌝ -- which we write ⌜x ≡ y⌝ -- is an equivalence
relation on the elements. 
We could then form a quotient type ⌜x,x':Point(self)//x ≡ x'⌝ and use the 
normal defintion of algebraic structures with elements from the quotient type.
But, in general, we may not be able to define the needed operations on the
Instead, we state the "equations"
 (e.g.associativity, inverse, and identity, for groups) using
the equivalence realtion x ≡ x' instead of equality.
In addition, we add as axioms that the algebraic operations 
are "strongly extensional"⋅
Definition: Leibniz-type
Leibniz-type{i:l}(T) ==
  ∃sep:T ⟶ T ⟶ ℙ. ((∀x,y:T.  ((sep x y) 
⇒ (∀z:T. ((sep x z) ∨ (sep y z))))) ∧ (∀x,y:T.  (x = y ∈ T 
⇐⇒ ¬(sep x y))))
Lemma: Leibniz-type_wf
∀[T:𝕌']. (Leibniz-type{i:l}(T) ∈ 𝕌')
Lemma: decidable-equality-implies-Leibniz-type
∀T:Type. ((∀x,y:T.  Dec(x = y ∈ T)) 
⇒ Leibniz-type{i:l}(T))
Lemma: function-Leibniz-type
∀A:Type. ∀B:A ⟶ Type.  ((∀a:A. Leibniz-type{i:l}(B[a])) 
⇒ Leibniz-type{i:l}(a:A ⟶ B[a]))
Lemma: prod-Leibniz-type
∀A,B:Type.  (Leibniz-type{i:l}(A) 
⇒ Leibniz-type{i:l}(B) 
⇒ Leibniz-type{i:l}(A × B))
Lemma: union-Leibniz-type
∀A,B:Type.  (Leibniz-type{i:l}(A) 
⇒ Leibniz-type{i:l}(B) 
⇒ Leibniz-type{i:l}(A + B))
Lemma: product-Leibniz-type
∀A:Type. ∀B:A ⟶ Type.  ((∀x,y:A.  Dec(x = y ∈ A)) 
⇒ (∀a:A. Leibniz-type{i:l}(B[a])) 
⇒ Leibniz-type{i:l}(a:A × B[a]))
Lemma: set-Leibniz-type
∀A:Type. (Leibniz-type{i:l}(A) 
⇒ (∀B:A ⟶ ℙ. Leibniz-type{i:l}({a:A| B[a]} )))
Definition: separation-space
SeparationSpace ==
  "#":{s:self."Point" ⟶ self."Point" ⟶ ℙ| ∀x:self."Point". (¬(s x x))} 
  "#or":∀x,y,z:self."Point".  ((self."#" x y) 
⇒ ((self."#" x z) ∨ (self."#" y z)))
Lemma: separation-space_wf
SeparationSpace ∈ 𝕌'
Definition: ss-point
Point(ss) ==  ss."Point"
Lemma: ss-point_wf
∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. (Point(ss) ∈ Type)
Definition: ss-sep
x # y ==  ss."#" x y
Lemma: ss-sep_wf
∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. ∀[x,y:Point(ss)].  (x # y ∈ ℙ)
Lemma: ss-sep-irrefl
∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. ∀[x:Point(ss)].  (¬x # x)
Lemma: ss-sep-or
∀ss:SeparationSpace. ∀x,y,z:Point(ss).  (x # y 
⇒ (x # z ∨ y # z))
Lemma: ss-sep-symmetry
∀ss:SeparationSpace. ∀x,y:Point(ss).  (x # y 
⇒ y # x)
Definition: mk-ss
Point=P #=Sep cotrans=C ==  λx.x["Point" := P]["#" := Sep]["#or" := C]
Lemma: mk-ss_wf
∀[P:Type]. ∀[Sep:{s:P ⟶ P ⟶ ℙ| ∀x:P. (¬(s x x))} ]. ∀[C:∀x,y,z:P.  ((Sep x y) 
⇒ ((Sep x z) ∨ (Sep y z)))].
  (Point=P #=Sep cotrans=C ∈ SeparationSpace)
Definition: ss-map
ss-map(X;Y;f) ==  ∀x,x':Point(X).  (f x # f x' 
⇒ x # x')
Lemma: ss-map_wf
∀[X,Y:SeparationSpace]. ∀[f:Point(X) ⟶ Point(Y)].  (ss-map(X;Y;f) ∈ ℙ)
Definition: ss-eq
x ≡ y ==  ¬x # y
Lemma: ss-eq_wf
∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. ∀[x,y:Point(ss)].  (x ≡ y ∈ ℙ)
Lemma: stable__ss-eq
∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. ∀[x,y:Point(ss)].  Stable{x ≡ y}
Lemma: sq_stable__ss-eq
∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. ∀[x,y:Point(ss)].  SqStable(x ≡ y)
Lemma: ss-eq_weakening
∀ss:SeparationSpace. ∀x,y:Point(ss).  ((x = y ∈ Point(ss)) 
⇒ x ≡ y)
Lemma: ss-eq_inversion
∀ss:SeparationSpace. ∀x,y:Point(ss).  (x ≡ y 
⇒ y ≡ x)
Lemma: ss-eq_transitivity
∀ss:SeparationSpace. ∀x,y,z:Point(ss).  (x ≡ y 
⇒ y ≡ z 
⇒ x ≡ z)
Lemma: ss-eq_functionality
∀ss:SeparationSpace. ∀x1,x2,y1,y2:Point(ss).  (uiff(x1 ≡ y1;x2 ≡ y2)) supposing (y1 ≡ y2 and x1 ≡ x2)
Lemma: ss-sep_functionality
∀ss:SeparationSpace. ∀x,y,x',y':Point(ss).  (x ≡ x' 
⇒ y ≡ y' 
⇒ {x # y 
⇐⇒ x' # y'})
Lemma: ss-eq_test
∀ss:SeparationSpace. ∀x,y,z,w:Point(ss).  (y ≡ x 
⇒ y ≡ z 
⇒ w ≡ z 
⇒ x ≡ w)
Lemma: ss-sep_test
∀ss:SeparationSpace. ∀x,y,z,w,a:Point(ss).  (y ≡ x 
⇒ y ≡ z 
⇒ w ≡ z 
⇒ w # a 
⇒ x # a)
Definition: ss-function
ss-function(X;Y;f) ==  ∀x,x':Point(X).  (x ≡ x' 
⇒ f x ≡ f x')
Lemma: ss-function_wf
∀[X,Y:SeparationSpace]. ∀[f:Point(X) ⟶ Point(Y)].  (ss-function(X;Y;f) ∈ ℙ)
Lemma: stable__ss-function
∀[X,Y:SeparationSpace]. ∀[f:Point(X) ⟶ Point(Y)].  Stable{ss-function(X;Y;f)}
Definition: fun-sep
fun-sep(ss;A;f;g) ==  ∃a:A. f a # g a
Lemma: fun-sep_wf
∀[A:Type]. ∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. ∀[f,g:A ⟶ Point(ss)].  (fun-sep(ss;A;f;g) ∈ ℙ)
Lemma: fun-sep-symmetry
∀[A:Type]. ∀ss:SeparationSpace. ∀f,g:A ⟶ Point(ss).  (fun-sep(ss;A;f;g) 
⇒ fun-sep(ss;A;g;f))
Lemma: fun-sep-co-trans
∀[A:Type]. ∀ss:SeparationSpace. ∀f,g,h:A ⟶ Point(ss).  (fun-sep(ss;A;f;g) 
⇒ (fun-sep(ss;A;f;h) ∨ fun-sep(ss;A;g;h)))
Definition: fun-ss
A ⟶ ss ==
  Point=A ⟶ Point(ss) #=λf,g. fun-sep(ss;A;f;g) cotrans=λf,g,h,fsep. let a,sep = fsep 
                                                                  in case ss."#or" (f a) (g a) (h a) sep
                                                                      of inl(x) =>
                                                                      inl <a, x>
                                                                      | inr(y) =>
                                                                      inr <a, y> 
Lemma: fun-ss_wf
∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. ∀[A:Type].  (A ⟶ ss ∈ SeparationSpace)
Lemma: fun-ss-point
∀[ss,A:Top].  (Point(A ⟶ ss) ~ A ⟶ Point(ss))
Lemma: fun-ss-sep
∀[ss,A,f,g:Top].  (f # g ~ ∃a:A. f a # g a)
Lemma: fun-ss-eq
∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. ∀[A:Type]. ∀[f,g:A ⟶ Point(ss)].  uiff(f ≡ g;∀a:A. f a ≡ g a)
Definition: prod-ss
ss1 × ss2 ==
  Point=Point(ss1) × Point(ss2) #=λp,q. (fst(p) # fst(q) ∨ snd(p) # snd(q)) cotrans=λx,y,z,d. case d
                                                                                          of inl(a) =>
                                                                                          case ss1."#or" (fst(x)) 
                                                                                           of inl(u) =>
                                                                                           inl inl u
                                                                                           | inr(u) =>
                                                                                           inr (inl u) 
                                                                                          | inr(b) =>
                                                                                          case ss2."#or" (snd(x)) 
                                                                                           of inl(u) =>
                                                                                           inl (inr u )
                                                                                           | inr(u) =>
                                                                                           inr inr u  
Lemma: prod-ss_wf
∀[ss1,ss2:SeparationSpace].  (ss1 × ss2 ∈ SeparationSpace)
Lemma: prod-ss-point
∀[ss1,ss2:Top].  (Point(ss1 × ss2) ~ Point(ss1) × Point(ss2))
Lemma: prod-ss-sep
∀[ss1,ss2,x,y:Top].  (x # y ~ fst(x) # fst(y) ∨ snd(x) # snd(y))
Lemma: prod-ss-eq
∀[ss1,ss2:SeparationSpace]. ∀[x,y:Point(ss1 × ss2)].  uiff(x ≡ y;fst(x) ≡ fst(y) ∧ snd(x) ≡ snd(y))
Definition: set-ss
{x:ss | P[x]} ==  Point={x:Point(ss)| P[x]}  #=λx,y. x # y cotrans=ss."#or"
Lemma: set-ss_wf
∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. ∀[P:Point(ss) ⟶ ℙ].  ({x:ss | P[x]} ∈ SeparationSpace)
Lemma: set-ss-point
∀[ss,P:Top].  (Point({x:ss | P[x]}) ~ {x:Point(ss)| P[x]} )
Lemma: set-ss-sep
∀[ss,P,x,y:Top].  (x # y ~ x # y)
Lemma: set-ss-eq
∀[ss,P,x,y:Top].  (x ≡ y ~ x ≡ y)
Definition: union-sep
union-sep(ss1;ss2;p;q) ==
  case p
   of inl(a) =>
   case q of inl(a') => a # a' | inr(b') => True
   | inr(b) =>
   case q of inl(a') => True | inr(b') => b # b'
Lemma: union-sep_wf
∀[ss1,ss2:SeparationSpace]. ∀[p,q:Point(ss1) + Point(ss2)].  (union-sep(ss1;ss2;p;q) ∈ ℙ)
Definition: union-ss
ss1 + ss2 ==
  Point=Point(ss1) + Point(ss2) #=λp,q. union-sep(ss1;ss2;p;q) cotrans=λx,y,z,sep. case x
                                                                               of inl(a) =>
                                                                               case y
                                                                                of inl(a') =>
                                                                                case z
                                                                                 of inl(a'') =>
                                                                                 ss1."#or" a a' a'' sep
                                                                                 | inr(_) =>
                                                                                 inl Ax
                                                                                | inr(b') =>
                                                                                case z
                                                                                 of inl(_) =>
                                                                                 inr Ax 
                                                                                 | inr(_) =>
                                                                                 inl Ax
                                                                               | inr(b) =>
                                                                               case y
                                                                                of inl(a') =>
                                                                                case z
                                                                                 of inl(_) =>
                                                                                 inl Ax
                                                                                 | inr(_) =>
                                                                                 inr Ax 
                                                                                | inr(b') =>
                                                                                case z
                                                                                 of inl(_) =>
                                                                                 inl Ax
                                                                                 | inr(b'') =>
                                                                                 ss2."#or" b b' b'' sep
Lemma: union-ss_wf
∀[ss1,ss2:SeparationSpace].  (ss1 + ss2 ∈ SeparationSpace)
Definition: list-ss
list(ss) ==
  Point=Point(ss) List #=λp,q. if ||p||=||q|| then ∃i:ℕ||p||. p[i] # q[i] else True
  cotrans=λp,q,r,sep. if ||p||=||q||
                      then if ||q||=||r||
                           then let i,x = sep 
                                in case ss."#or" p[i] q[i] r[i] x of inl(a) => inl <i, a> | inr(a) => inr <i, a> 
                           else (inr Ax )
                      else if ||q||=||r|| then inl Ax else (inr Ax )
Lemma: list-ss_wf
∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. (list(ss) ∈ SeparationSpace)
Definition: real-ss
ℝ ==  Point=ℝ #=λx,y. x ≠ y cotrans=TERMOF{rneq-cotrans:o, 1:l}
Lemma: real-ss_wf
ℝ ∈ SeparationSpace
Lemma: real-ss-point
Point(ℝ) ~ ℝ
Lemma: real-ss-eq
∀[x,y:ℝ].  uiff(x ≡ y;x = y)
Definition: unit-ss
𝕀 ==  {x:ℝ | x ∈ [r0, r1]}
Lemma: unit-ss_wf
𝕀 ∈ SeparationSpace
Lemma: unit_ss_point_lemma
Point(𝕀) ~ {x:ℝ| (r0 ≤ x) ∧ (x ≤ r1)} 
Definition: interval-ss
interval-ss(I) ==  {x:ℝ | x ∈ I}
Lemma: interval-ss_wf
∀[I:Interval]. (interval-ss(I) ∈ SeparationSpace)
Definition: ss-fun
X ⟶ Y ==  {f:Point(X) ⟶ Y | ss-function(X;Y;f)}
Lemma: ss-fun_wf
∀[X,Y:SeparationSpace].  (X ⟶ Y ∈ SeparationSpace)
Lemma: ss-fun-point
∀[X,Y:Top].  (Point(X ⟶ Y) ~ {f:Point(X) ⟶ Point(Y)| ss-function(X;Y;f)} )
Lemma: ss-fun-sep
∀[X,Y,f,g:Top].  (f # g ~ ∃a:Point(X). f a # g a)
Definition: ss-ap
f(x) ==  f x
Lemma: ss-ap_wf
∀[X,Y:SeparationSpace]. ∀[f:Point(X ⟶ Y)]. ∀[x:Point(X)].  (f(x) ∈ Point(Y))
Lemma: ss-fun-eq
∀[X,Y:SeparationSpace]. ∀[f,g:Point(X ⟶ Y)].  uiff(f ≡ g;∀a:Point(X). f(a) ≡ g(a))
Lemma: ss-ap_functionality
∀[X,Y:SeparationSpace]. ∀[f,g:Point(X ⟶ Y)]. ∀[x,x':Point(X)].  (f(x) ≡ g(x')) supposing (x ≡ x' and f ≡ g)
Definition: ss-id
ss-id() ==  λx.x
Lemma: ss-id_wf
∀[X:SeparationSpace]. (ss-id() ∈ Point(X ⟶ X))
Lemma: ss_ap_id_lemma
∀x:Top. (ss-id()(x) ~ x)
Definition: ss-comp
ss-comp(f;g) ==  f o g
Lemma: ss-comp_wf
∀[X,Y,Z:SeparationSpace]. ∀[f:Point(Y ⟶ Z)]. ∀[g:Point(X ⟶ Y)].  (ss-comp(f;g) ∈ Point(X ⟶ Z))
Definition: ss-const
ss-const(c) ==  λx.c
Lemma: ss-const_wf
∀[X,Y:SeparationSpace]. ∀[c:Point(Y)].  (ss-const(c) ∈ Point(X ⟶ Y))
Definition: ss-cat
ss-cat{i:l}() ==  Cat(ob = SeparationSpace;arrow(X,Y) = {f:Point(X) ⟶ Point(Y)| ss-map(X;Y;f)} id(X) = λp.p;comp(X,Y,Z\000C,f,g) = g o f)
Lemma: ss-cat_wf
ss-cat{i:l}() ∈ SmallCategory'
Definition: full-ss-cat
full-ss-cat{i:l}() ==  Cat(ob = SeparationSpace;arrow(X,Y) = {f:Point(X) ⟶ Point(Y)| ss-function(X;Y;f)} id(X) = λp.p;\000Ccomp(X,Y,Z,f,g) = g o f)
Lemma: full-ss-cat_wf
full-ss-cat{i:l}() ∈ SmallCategory'
Definition: sg-id
1 ==  sg."id"
Definition: sg-inv
x^-1 ==  sg."inv" x
Definition: sg-op
(x y) ==  sg."op" x y
Definition: s-group-structure
s-GroupStructure ==
  "inv":Point(self) ⟶ Point(self)
  "op":Point(self) ⟶ Point(self) ⟶ Point(self)
  "opsep":∀x,x',y,y':Point(self).  (self."op" x y # self."op" x' y' 
⇒ (x # x' ∨ y # y'))
  "invsep":∀x,y:Point(self).  (self."inv" x # self."inv" y 
⇒ x # y)
Lemma: s-group-structure_wf
s-GroupStructure ∈ 𝕌'
Lemma: s-group-structure_subtype1
s-GroupStructure ⊆r SeparationSpace
Lemma: sg-id_wf
∀[sg:s-GroupStructure]. (1 ∈ Point(sg))
Lemma: sg-inv_wf
∀[sg:s-GroupStructure]. ∀[x:Point(sg)].  (x^-1 ∈ Point(sg))
Lemma: sg-op_wf
∀[sg:s-GroupStructure]. ∀[x,y:Point(sg)].  ((x y) ∈ Point(sg))
Lemma: sg-inv-sep
∀sg:s-GroupStructure. ∀x1,x2:Point(sg).  (x1^-1 # x2^-1 
⇒ x1 # x2)
Lemma: sg-op-sep
∀sg:s-GroupStructure. ∀x1,y1,x2,y2:Point(sg).  ((x1 y1) # (x2 y2) 
⇒ (x1 # x2 ∨ y1 # y2))
Lemma: sg-inv_functionality
∀[sg:s-GroupStructure]. ∀[x1,x2:Point(sg)].  x1^-1 ≡ x2^-1 supposing x1 ≡ x2
Lemma: sg-op_functionality
∀[sg:s-GroupStructure]. ∀[x1,y1,x2,y2:Point(sg)].  ((x1 y1) ≡ (x2 y2)) supposing (x1 ≡ x2 and y1 ≡ y2)
Definition: s-group-axioms
s-group-axioms(sg) ==
  (∀[x,y,z:Point(sg)].  (x (y z)) ≡ ((x y) z)) ∧ (∀[x:Point(sg)]. (x 1) ≡ x) ∧ (∀[x:Point(sg)]. (x x^-1) ≡ 1)
Lemma: s-group-axioms_wf
∀[sg:s-GroupStructure]. (s-group-axioms(sg) ∈ ℙ)
Lemma: sq_stable__s-group-axioms
∀[sg:s-GroupStructure]. SqStable(s-group-axioms(sg))
Definition: s-group
This is a "fully constructive" version of the normal 
algebraic concept of a group. 
The difference is that the "points" (i.e. the elements) of the group
come from a SeparationSpace -- a type with a separation relation x # x'.
Then the negation ⌜¬x # x'⌝ -- which we write ⌜x ≡ x'⌝ -- is an equivalence
relation on the elements. 
We could then form a quotient type ⌜x,x':Point(self)//x ≡ x'⌝ and use the 
normal defintion of a group with elements from the quotient type.
But, in general, we may not be able to define the needed operations on the
Instead, we state the "equations" (associativity, inverse, and identity) using
the equivalence realtion x ≡ x' instead of equality.
In addition, we add as axioms that the group operations 
are "strongly extensional"⋅
s-Group ==  {sg:s-GroupStructure| s-group-axioms(sg)} 
Lemma: s-group_wf
s-Group ∈ 𝕌'
Lemma: s-group_subtype1
s-Group ⊆r s-GroupStructure
Lemma: sg-assoc
∀[sg:s-Group]. ∀[x,y,z:Point(sg)].  (x (y z)) ≡ ((x y) z)
Lemma: sg-op-id
∀[sg:s-Group]. ∀[x:Point(sg)].  (x 1) ≡ x
Lemma: sg-op-inv
∀[sg:s-Group]. ∀[x:Point(sg)].  (x x^-1) ≡ 1
Lemma: sg-id-op
∀[sg:s-Group]. ∀[x:Point(sg)].  (1 x) ≡ x
Lemma: sg-inv-op
∀[sg:s-Group]. ∀[x:Point(sg)].  (x^-1 x) ≡ 1
Lemma: sg-inv-unique
∀[sg:s-Group]. ∀[x,y:Point(sg)].  x^-1 ≡ y supposing (x y) ≡ 1
Lemma: sg-inv-inv
∀[sg:s-Group]. ∀[x:Point(sg)].  x^-1^-1 ≡ x
Lemma: sg-inv-id
∀[sg:s-Group]. 1^-1 ≡ 1
Lemma: sg-inv-of-op
∀[sg:s-Group]. ∀[x,y:Point(sg)].  (x y)^-1 ≡ (y^-1 x^-1)
Definition: mk-s-group
mk-s-group(ss; e; i; o; sep; invsep) ==  ss["id" := e]["inv" := i]["op" := o]["opsep" := sep]["invsep" := invsep]
Lemma: mk-s-group_wf
∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. ∀[e:Point(ss)]. ∀[i:Point(ss) ⟶ Point(ss)]. ∀[o:{f:Point(ss) ⟶ Point(ss) ⟶ Point(ss)| 
                                                                         (∀x,y,z:Point(ss).  f x (f y z) ≡ f (f x y) z)
                                                                         ∧ (∀x:Point(ss). f x e ≡ x)
                                                                         ∧ (∀x:Point(ss). f x (i x) ≡ e)} ].
∀[sep:∀x,x',y,y':Point(ss).  (o x y # o x' y' 
⇒ (x # x' ∨ y # y'))]. ∀[invsep:∀x,y:Point(ss).  (i x # i y 
⇒ x # y)].
  (mk-s-group(ss; e; i; o; sep; invsep) ∈ s-Group)
Definition: sg-subgroup
sg-subgroup(sg;x.P[x]) ==  P[1] ∧ (∀x:Point(sg). (P[x] 
⇒ P[x^-1])) ∧ (∀x,y:Point(sg).  (P[x] 
⇒ P[y] 
⇒ P[(x y)]))
Lemma: sg-subgroup_wf
∀[sg:s-Group]. ∀[P:Point(sg) ⟶ ℙ].  (sg-subgroup(sg;x.P[x]) ∈ ℙ)
Definition: mk-s-subgroup
mk-s-subgroup(sg;x.P[x]) ==  mk-s-group({x:sg | P[x]}; 1; λx.x^-1; λx,y. (x y); sg."opsep"; sg."invsep")
Lemma: mk-s-subgroup_wf
∀[sg:s-Group]. ∀[P:Point(sg) ⟶ ℙ].  mk-s-subgroup(sg;x.P[x]) ∈ s-Group supposing sg-subgroup(sg;x.P[x])
Definition: permutation-ss
permutation-ss(ss) ==
  {fg:Point(ss) ⟶ ss × Point(ss) ⟶ ss | let f,g = fg 
                                          in (∀x:Point(ss). f (g x) ≡ x)
                                             ∧ (∀x:Point(ss). g (f x) ≡ x)
                                             ∧ (∀x,y:Point(ss).  (f x # f y 
⇒ x # y))
                                             ∧ (∀x,y:Point(ss).  (g x # g y 
⇒ x # y))}
Lemma: permutation-ss_wf
∀[ss:SeparationSpace]. (permutation-ss(ss) ∈ SeparationSpace)
Lemma: permutation-ss-point
  (Point(permutation-ss(rv)) ~ {fg:Point(rv) ⟶ Point(rv) × (Point(rv) ⟶ Point(rv))| 
                                let f,g = fg 
                                in (∀x:Point(rv). f (g x) ≡ x)
                                   ∧ (∀x:Point(rv). g (f x) ≡ x)
                                   ∧ (∀x,y:Point(rv).  (f x # f y 
⇒ x # y))
                                   ∧ (∀x,y:Point(rv).  (g x # g y 
⇒ x # y))} )
Lemma: permutation-ss-sep
∀[rv,f,g,f',g':Top].  (<f, g> # <f', g'> ~ fun-sep(rv;Point(rv);f;f') ∨ fun-sep(rv;Point(rv);g;g'))
Lemma: permutation-ss-eq
∀[rv,f,g,f',g':Top].  (<f, g> ≡ <f', g'> ~ ¬(fun-sep(rv;Point(rv);f;f') ∨ fun-sep(rv;Point(rv);g;g')))
Lemma: permutation-ss-eq-iff
∀[rv:SeparationSpace]. ∀[f,g,f',g':Point(rv) ⟶ Point(rv)].
  uiff(<f, g> ≡ <f', g'>(∀x:Point(rv). f x ≡ f' x) ∧ (∀x:Point(rv). g x ≡ g' x))
Lemma: permutation-s-group-sep-or
∀rv:SeparationSpace. ∀sepw:x:Point(rv) ⟶ y:{y:Point(rv)| x # y}  ⟶ x # y. ∀x,x',y,y':Point(permutation-ss(rv)).
  (let f,g = x 
   in let f',g' = y 
      in <f o f', g' o g> # let f,g = x' 
                            in let f',g' = y' 
                               in <f o f', g' o g>
⇒ (x # x' ∨ y # y'))
Definition: permutation-s-group
Perm(rv) ==
             <λx.x, λx.x>
             λfg.let f,g = fg 
                 in <g, f>
             λfg,fg'. let f,g = fg in let f',g' = fg' in <f o f', g' o g>
             TERMOF{permutation-s-group-sep-or:o, 1:l, 1:l} rv sepw;
             λx,y,d. case d of inl(asep) => inr asep  | inr(asep) => inl asep)
Lemma: permutation-s-group_wf
∀[rv:SeparationSpace]. ∀[sepw:∀x:Point(rv). ∀y:{y:Point(rv)| x # y} .  x # y].  (Perm(rv) ∈ s-Group)
Definition: generated-s-subgroup
generated-s-subgroup(sg;f.P[f]) ==  mk-s-subgroup(sg;g.∃L:Point(sg) List. ((∀f∈L.P[f]) ∧ g ≡ reduce(λx,y. (x y);1;L)))
Lemma: generated-s-subgroup_wf
∀[sg:s-Group]. ∀[P:Point(sg) ⟶ ℙ].  generated-s-subgroup(sg;f.P[f]) ∈ s-Group supposing ∀f:Point(sg). (P[f] 
⇒ P[f^-1])
Definition: sg-action
sg-action(g;n) ==
  {a:Point(g) ⟶ Point(n) ⟶ Point(n)| 
   (∀x:Point(n). ∀f,h:Point(g).  a f (a h x) ≡ a (f h) x) ∧ (∀x:Point(n). a 1 x ≡ x)} 
Lemma: sg-action_wf
∀[g:s-Group]. ∀[n:SeparationSpace].  (sg-action(g;n) ∈ Type)
Definition: ap-action
h(x) ==  a h x
Lemma: ap-action_wf
∀[g:s-Group]. ∀[n:SeparationSpace]. ∀[a:sg-action(g;n)]. ∀[h:Point(g)]. ∀[x:Point(n)].  (h(x) ∈ Point(n))
Lemma: ap-action-1
∀[g:s-Group]. ∀[n:SeparationSpace]. ∀[a:sg-action(g;n)]. ∀[x:Point(n)].  1(x) ≡ x
Lemma: ap-action-op
∀[g:s-Group]. ∀[n:SeparationSpace]. ∀[a:sg-action(g;n)]. ∀[f,h:Point(g)]. ∀[x:Point(n)].  f(h(x)) ≡ (f h)(x)